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Ricky had been relegated to the crib after his escape attempt. The woman has simply put him in the crib, wrapped him like a burrito in a bunch of blankets and then walked away. His headphones kept him perpetual silence. The blankets kept him from moving and the tube connected to his pacifier kept him drinking.

Yes, she had connected a large tube to his mouth that slowly pumped some sort of liquid into him, requiring him to keep sucking as he had been for the past hour. Each time he stopped, the liquid continued to push its way into his mouth and then spilled over the edges causing him to perpetually drool, making him feel like a fool.

Ricky had never felt so helpless in his life.

Above him, the mobile filled with cartoon animals spun slowly. If there was music playing, he had no way of knowing, there was just silence.

Ricky was doing his best to control the twinge that had been seriously been building in his bladder over the past time frame. An hour of drinking the liquid non-stop meant that he really had to go. Any moment he was going to flood his diaper.

Ricky’s resolve to fight this meant he could not wet at any costs. Fighting meant he would completely deny this woman the satisfaction that she had evidently paid for. That idea that he was paid for made him sick, like he was some plaything. But he was losing this battle. His bladder was aching and the fact that he was on his back in the silence meant he couldn’t even distract himself, all he could do was focus on his bladder.

Finally, he gave in. He felt orgasmic relief as his diaper grew extremely warm. Because of his immobility the urine spread to the back of his diaper first, an unusual feeling for him for sure. Usually when he wet, it was the front of the diaper that filled up first, but now he was wetting his diaper in the most helpless way he could think of and feel. The diaper was clearly thirsty, pushing his legs out as it took in his pee. Well, pushing his legs out as much as possible considering the burrito configuration he was in. He ended up feeling the softness of the diaper but couldn’t adjust his legs accordingly.

While Ricky was no stranger to wetting, as time went forward the warmth instantly began to cool. This didn’t feel good anymore. So he did the only thing he could do, he wet some more. Thus started the perpetual cycle of wetting, letting his diaper cool and then wetting again.

He didn’t like this.

He tried to yell out, but the liquid kept pouring into his mouth meaning he just had to keep drinking.

He felt helpless because he was helpless..

Ricky couldn’t help but feel incredibly small. But that was the point wasn’t it? The woman with the green eyes had gotten him.


What seemed like hours of zoning out, the woman returned, leaned over and took off the headphones. Ricky shook his head a bit trying to regain some awareness in his body.

Suddenly he heard the woman above him.

“Oh, is Baby awake?”

Ricky tried to answer, but his mouth was still gagged from earlier. So he simply looked up and nodded.

“Good, because it’s time for you to eat some dinner. But before I let you up, I’m going to need you to promise me that you’re not going to try to escape. Hopefully the baby has gotten it out of his system?” She patted Ricky on the chest in a condescending way.

Ricky glared at her as she continued to speak to him as if he were a child. But all he could do was nodd. Accepting his contrition, she pulled the tube from his mouth and unwrapped him from the burrito.

Ricky stretched his legs, the diaper crinkling as he moved. He realized that he was cold but decided to keep quiet.

The women let down the side of the crib and helped him out. Ricky stood to his feet. But the woman put an arm on his shoulder and told him he was going to crawl. “Baby crawls after all.”

So Ricky crawled after her, his impossibly thick diaper crinkling and pushing his legs out behind him as he crawled on the soft carpet. He was thankful that the house was carpeted on this level, which made things easier on his knees as he followed her to the stairs, where she had him slide on his butt down each stair like a toddler.

Ricky was not enjoying this in the least bit and wanted to cry.

Once they reached the kitchen, Ricky’s heart skipped a beat. There, standing in all its glory was the high chair. Helping him up, the women sat him in the chair. Then she began to strap him in. She tightened the straps over his arms so he couldn’t move his hands, not like he could do anything with them anyway, the thick mittens meant his fingers were not going to move if he wanted them too. While the women vanished into the kitchen, he gave his bonds a quick test. He wasn’t moving anywhere.

She returned with a few items, steak, mashed potatoes and green beans. She sat down next to him and began to eat. For the first time, smelling all of that food made him hungry.

She sliced into the steak and chewed slowly as she browsed through her phone. It was then that Ricky realized that he missed the outside world and even though he’d only been in captivity for what seemed to have been a few hours, he felt infantile because he had no grasp on any of the events that were happening while he sat in this plush house on the hill, miles away from home.

He was also hungry, which was surprising considering all the water he had just had. He assumed that most of the water was probably already making its way into his diaper, so considering that you can’t just survive on water alone, logic said he needed food.

Watching her eat her food while he just sat there wiggling in the chair was making him mad.

“Excuse me…” He said tentatively.

The woman looked up. “You can call me mommy.

“I am hungry.” Ricky ignored her.

“I’m sorry,” the women responded. “I am not sure if you heard me, but you can call me mommy.”

Ricky blinked. There was no way in hell he was calling her mommy. “I’m hungry.”

The woman wiped her mouth then stood up. She reached into her pocket and pulled out a pacifier.

“No wait!” Ricky yelled. “I’m sorry…” then tentatively, “Mommy.”

“That’s better,” Mommy put the pacifier back in her pocket.

“Mommy,” Ricky strained. “I’m hungry.”

“Of course you are Baby. Let’s get some food in you.” Mommy stood up and went back into the kitchen. Ricky craned his neck to see where she went. The chair held firm, even as he leaned as far as he could go.

Mommy returned with another plate with steak, veggies and mashed potatoes. The plate was a plastic one with giant spaces in it. As she got closer, Ricky grimaced. The steak had been cut up into very tiny chunks. She placed the plate in front of Ricky and placed a comically large spoon in front of Ricky. Mommy instantly began spooning food into his mouth, forcing Ricky to keep up.

Ricky was eating as fast as he could, chewing as fast as he could. But because of the size of the spoon, combined with the size of the food and the speed at which Mommy was scooping the food, much of the food was ending up on Ricky’s face and chest. To make matters worse, Mommy kept chuckling to herself.

“You are such a messy baby.” Mommy said quietly, her voice carrying an edge that Ricky hadn’t quite heard before.

Ricky stopped which had the effect of allowing the spoon to collide into the side of his face. The mashed potatoes joined the other gambit of foods that were currently coating his mouth, chest and chin. Like the permafrost, no matter how much wiggling was going to get him free.

“I’m not a baby.” Ricky growled.

Mommy smiled. “No?” She taunted. “You’re not?”

Ricky shook his head. “You kidnapped me and have locked me in this house.”

“But you’re the one sitting in a high chair being fed.” Mommy mocked. Ricky felt her run her hand and squeeze the front of his diaper. “And it feels like this diaper you’re wearing is slightly wet already.”

Ricky frowned and trying to look menacing. But the only effect it had was to cause Mommy to laugh. “Look at my little man trying to act all tough.” She pinched his cheek while Ricky tried to shake his head. “When he’s just a little baby.”

Mommy scooped some more of the food into the mixture. “Are you ready to eat?”

“Please?” Ricky pleaded. “I want to go home.”

Mommy gave Ricky a knowing look, “You’re mine for another few weeks baby. You took the money. Now please remember, babies can’t talk so I’d be quiet before I take that mouth away from you.”

Ricky frowned. What the fuck was she talking about? She could take his hearing with the headphones and limit his eyesight because of his glasses. Maybe she was going to gag him. It wouldn't be the worst thing to happen to him, but he had to be careful. She could make the next thirty days very dangerous for him. Ricky didn’t fancy spending the rest of his time lying in a crib. That would be humiliatingly boring.

So Ricky complied, for now. He chewed his food like a good boy, while Mommy made airplane noises with her mouth while guiding the food into his mouth. Soon, she was scraping the bottom of the plate and meal time was over.

Ricky never felt more relief than he did now. That had been embarrassing. Ally didn’t even do that with him. He had made it clear to her, when he first revealed that he had a diaper fetish that this was simply a diaper thing. It had nothing to do with wanting to regress or take back his childhood. Those were all stupid ideas that other people wanted. Not him.

But in the back of his mind, he couldn’t help but realize that it wasn’t that bad. If this woman… if mommy wanted to feed him steak and mashed potatoes and veggies in a way that was demeaning, if this was the worst that it was going to get, then he didn’t have anything to worry about.

Even as Mommy came over with a bottle and instructed him to suck it with both hands, Ricky’s mind was moving. What had he learned so far. First it seemed that mommy could control what he heard, with the headphones. And if he ran away too far, the headphones could debilitate him to the point where he couldn’t move. So the key was to escape without the headphones on. He’d have to just find his clothes and then he could try to catch a local bus. Or… he could find a phone and call Ally.

A pain in his gut (not just from the fullness he was feeling) crept into his mind. He missed Ally. She had a plan, he just knew that she did… and he trusted her.


Mommy took Ricky and put him in front of the television for the rest of the night. She looked at Ricky and asked him if he planned to be good for now on and not try to run away like last time. Ricky had nodded and sat on the floor while Mommy vanished into the house someplace.

She had turned on some cartoons that were awful. Ricky decided to try and change the channel. But when he reached for the remote, he came to the realization that because his hands were in mittens, he wasn’t going to accomplish anything anytime soon. Then Ricky realized he still had his toes.

Ricky laughed a little moving his feet in front of him, the diaper that was now completely soaked crinkling and squishing with each movement. This was absurd. But he also felt a deep cleverness brewing from within. He had beat the system…

Ricky changed the channel to HBO and saw an action movie was playing. Ricky, finally getting some stimulation after a very dumb feeling day, found himself at peace for a bit.

But his stomach kept growling. Ever since he’d had dinner his stomach had been punishing him for eating all of that food. Ricky held his stomach for a moment and then tried to focus on the explosions on the screen, while in the back of his mind desperately trying not to make messy explosions in his diaper.

Ricky started sweating as another cramp rocked through his body. Finally when he couldn't focus anymore, he got up and decided he was going to find a bathroom and do what he could to get this dumb diaper off.

Ricky started padding his way through the house. The place was massive and seemed so large that Ricky was unsure if he’d be able to find his way back to the television room without the woman’s help. But eventually, he found the bathroom. Closing the door with his foot, Ricky stared at the toilet and then his diaper.

Ricky bent his leg all the way up, causing one of the tapes to pop. Victory! Then after leaning against the wall, he got the tape to stick and gravity forced the diaper to fall to the ground with a plop.

He was free.

Ricky pushed up the toilet bowl and sat on it, releasing his bowels instantly.

The relief he felt was orgasmic. It felt like heaven. It was the most adult moment he’d had in 24 hours.

Ricky sighed with contentment and then froze. He realized he had a problem. There was no way he could put the diaper back on, let alone wipe himself. The mittens were just in the way.

Ricky looked around the large bathroom for a solution. His eyes rested on the giant tub that was sitting in the middle of the room. Then it hit him, he could just tell Mommy… no, the woman, he needed to take a bath. That had to be reasonable considering he had been sitting in a gross diaper all day. If anything, she’d thank him.

Ricky laughed to himself. She’d probably say some shit like, Glad I didn’t have to clean my stinky baby. Ricky maneuvered his mittens so he could turn on the water. After a few moments, the tub was filled.

Ricky carefully got into the tub, keeping the mittens above the water the whole time. It felt good to soak his body in the moment. The hot water felt so good and blissful. He slowly let himself sink down into the tub with his arms over the edge of the tub and drifted to sleep.

Just for a few moments, he thought to himself. Then I can figure out how to get out of here.


“What the hell are you doing?”

Ricky’s eyes jerked open as the light assaulted all his senses all at once. The woman was standing over him as he lay in the tub, whose water had gotten cold.


“What the hell are you doing baby?” She said the world “baby” with such disdain in her voice that it caused Ricky to for the first time, to feel fear.

In one swift motion the woman pushed the drain on the tub as just glared at RIcky as the water slowly trickled out. Soon Ricky just sat there shivering, naked in the cold tub.

“Get out of the tub. Now.” The woman marched over to the toilet and made a noise. “You used the toilet too I see.” She said with a sneer. “And you couldn’t even flush when you finished. You left your diaper on the floor. What is wrong with you?”

Ricky flinched as he stood up from the tub. He felt very small in this moment. The stare Mommy gave him. The fact that his soaked diaper was still lying on the floor. The fact that in this very moment he was completely powerless.

Ricky decided right then and there that he’d follow instructions tonight so he could make it to tomorrow.

The woman instructed him to crawl behind her and they made their way through the house back the nursery. This felt weird because he was completely naked and cold, save the mittens. Ricky sneezed.

Soon they were back in the nursery where she demanded that Ricky get  into the crib. Odd, Ricky thought, doesn’t she want to get me into a new diaper?

But Mommy must have had other ideas. She tied Ricky’s arms and legs to the edges of the crib. She then reached under the crib and pulled out a pair of latex gloves. Mommy then pulled a box from under one the side tables.

Her silence was frightening.

Mommy came back over to the bed with a syringe.

Ricky started struggling.

“If you keep moving you’re going to get hurt.” Mommy said in a stern voice.

Ricky took her seriously and froze.

She took his penis and squeezed it, then plunged the syringe into the area right between his balls. Ricky screamed in pain as she withdrew the needle.

“Maybe now you’ll learn that you are a baby and nothing more,” she sneered.

“WHAT DID YOU DO?” Ricky yelled thrashing, looking down at his groin trying to see what happened. He didn’t feel any different, but he noticed the woman had simply left the room. Ricky tried to stabilize his breathing as he began to panic. But the longer she was gone, the more time he had to think up what had happened.

Maybe it was a sleeping agent, designed to get him to fall asleep tonight so he wouldn’t try anything else. But why didn’t she just put it into an arm. But after what seemed like a half hour, he didn’t feel any different. He wasn’t tired. Instead the woman returned with a plastic bag and told him to lift up.

He complied as much as he could while tied to a bed. Luckily there was some room for him to move because she loosened the straps. Ricky put his butt back down, but he felt something cold mush up against his bottom, instead of the nice calm embrace of the diaper.

Wait what? His brain kept searching for why this was happening or some logical reason why his butt was now squishing- wait. NO NO NO!

Ricky got upset as Mommy tapped him up. “Since you didn’t want to mess your diaper, earlier, you can wear your mess right now.”

This was gross. Every time Ricky moved even slightly, the mess pushed against his bottom, reminding him that it was there. This was his mess after all, the mess that only hours earlier had been free. He should have flushed, he thought bitterly. He wasn’t thinking. This was him getting sloppy.

He slowly started to cry as Mommy put a gravity blanket on top of him, pushing him closer onto the bed. She strapped the feeding tube back on his mouth and told him to enjoy himself.

Ricky sobbed as he began drinking the liquid and settled in for the long night.


The next morning, Ricky woke up with a full diaper and instantly realized that he’d wet himself in his sleep. He had never done that before. Ricky’s diaper, bulging and full looked comical as he lay flat on his back. It appeared that overnight, the woman had removed his cuffs so he was free to move.

Ricky had a renewed sense of strength this morning. Overnight as he slept his mind had gone through a few ways that he could escape. Right now he had decided he was in a holding pattern. He needed to get this woman…. er… mommy… to trust him and after last night that wasn’t going to happen.

But right now, Ricky had this odd stirring in his loins. As a diaper lover, he was completely horny. The squish of this diaper. The way it clung to his body, he lived for these moments. But he was too nervous to try anything, especially with Mommy on the warpath.

Speaking of mommy, she had walked in while he was deep in thought. She smiled broadly at him and said a few degrading things. Stuff like, “How is mommy’s big man this morning?”

Ricky forced a grin so he could look docile and complacent.

“Looks like baby wet overnight.” She continued squeezing his squishy wet diaper and sending a shiver through his body. “And messy.” Then she said, “Let’s get you changed. We have a busy day today.”

She untapped him, and freed him from the diaper. At the hint of fresh air, his cock sprang to attention. But something else happened, a small but of urine leaked out of his penis and landed on his stomach.

“Whoops!” Mommy giggled. “Looks like baby can’t hold his pee.”

Fear crept up inside of Ricky. How had he not realized he’d peed just then. He chalked it up to just being tired. Mommy rested the diaper back on his penis for the time being as she carefully wiped around his private parts.

“Whoops, there’s some more. Better get you into your diapers as soon as possible.” Mommy said pulling out a new diaper and in a quick motion sliding it under him and after a liberal dosing of power and oil that caused his penis to jump again, tucked Ricky safely in his diapers.

Ricky instantly felt his diaper grow warm in the front. His heart started beating a little faster. How was he not realizing that he had peed? This was terrifying.

But the woman with the green eyes just stared at him, unblinking, waiting for him to figure it out.

Ricky’s brain put the pieces together, the injection from last night, the wet diaper this morning, the warmth in his diaper right now.

“How did you?” Ricky gasped.

Mommy giggled. “You decided to try and not be a baby last night, so I just reminded you why you need diapers. You can’t hold your pee.”

Ricky’s mouth dropped open. She had rendered him incontinent.

He felt his diaper grow warmer.

Another shiver went up his spine as his stomach started hurting.

This was bad.

Really bad.


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