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Ricky’s eyes flew open at the sound of a knock at the door. He glanced over to where Ally was seemingly moments earlier to see Ally wasn’t there.

“Ricky,” she said gently from the other side of the room. She had been looking out the window into the darkness.

Squinting, Ricky reached for his glasses. “What time is it?”

“5 am.” She said gently. “It’s time.”

Ricky frowned. Then it hit him. The contract from yesterday. “I don’t want to do this.” He said. Then, “Please.”

Ally sighed and sat on the bed next to Ricky. “I know, but we don’t have a choice.”

Ricky was silent.

“We need those photos to go away. And if thirty days of this can make that happen, everything can go back to normal.”

“But what about my job, my friends? How are you going to explain to them that I’m gone?”

“You have PTO saved up.” Ally said. “And you don’t need to worry about your friends, quarantine means they don’t see you anyway.”

“Point taken.” Ricky grumbled as the knock came again from downstairs.

“Well, it’s time.” Ally said.

Then she vanished downstairs.


Terri and the woman with the green eyes sat in the living room as Ricky dragged his feet coming down the stairs. The contract had been clear, he wasn’t to bring anything with him for this thirty day stay with those two. He couldn’t even bring his cellphone.

What was strange however was when Terri demanded that he leave his glasses at home too.

“But I need them to see.” Ricky protested. “How can I see without my glasses?”

“You’ll need to rely on your mommy to see for you.” The woman said sweetly. The sweetness was sticky. Almost as if it was done on command and made with artificial sweeteners.

Ricky was not happy at this news, but when Terri handed Ally a flash drive filled with photos, he resolved to do what was necessary.

“Time to go.” Terri said.

So Ricky kissed Ally goodbye and suddenly felt this surging clingy-ness build inside his chest. He didn’t want to leave her any more than she wanted him to leave her. But he trusted her. If this was the only way they could get this done, then he’d figure it out.

But in back of his mind Ricky thought over the contact. Nothing said he had to be a cooperative baby. He didn’t have to make them like it. If anything, they’d grow tired of him if he didn’t cooperate.

Ricky was shaken from his thoughts when a pacifier was shoved in his mouth. As if on autopilot, he started sucking.

Ricky was led to the car, holding the woman’s hand and to his surprise, when she opened the back door, there was an adult sized car seat back there.

Ricky was too shocked to do anything other than cooperate.

He climbed in and the woman bucked him in, the double seatbelt clasping between his legs. Ricky didn’t like the feeling. The seat was causing his basketball shorts to ride up.

The woman then pulled a pair of headphones from her purse and all the sound in the world vanished. Ricky shook his head. He couldn’t hear a thing. He reached up, but the woman grabbed both of his hands and Terri put thick mittens on his hands. The mittens forced his hands into a fist, rendering them useless.

The woman tapped her headphones and suddenly Ricky could hear her calm voice in his headset. It was soft, sweet and so very calming.

“It’s okay baby, these are just temporary, they’ll come off when we get home.”

Eric just stared at her hazy portrait in front of her as she closed the door and climbed into the front seat and the car started moving.

Ricky was nervous. This was a bit… much.

He tried his best to remember where they turned, in case he could manage to claw his way out, but his myopia meant he couldn’t quite tell where they were. And as the time moved slowly across his mind, he realized they had to have been driving for at least an hour. There was no way he was hitchhiking back home. Ricky wondered if you could call an Uber from pay phone…

But alas they reached the house, and Ricky was jolted from his thoughts. Ricky made a mental note that he should probably stop spacing out and start paying attention a bit more. Ricky wasn’t a space cadet by any means, but the silence, it was damming. And the fact that he coudln’t see made things worse.

Ricky was startled when the door next to him swung open and he was unfastened. The woman helped him walk to the front door of the house and led him up a flight of stairs. And then he saw it. At the end of the hall was a room marked “Nursery.” And for the first time, those words scared him.

On one hand, this was never his fantasy. He’d never dreamed of being treated like a baby. He just liked wearing diapers because it was fun. But now, this woman and Terri were going to treat him like a baby for thirty days.

Hell no.

Ricky decided then and there that he was going to bide his time and then in three days time escape.

“Welcome to your new room.” The woman said opening the door.

Inside the room was what you’d expect from a couple that enjoys blackmailing people and forcing them to babyhood. A large crib sat in the corner of the room under a large set of floor to ceiling windows that overlooked the street. The carpeting was plush and soft and a fan was softly circling overhead. There was a huge shelf filled with diapers of all colors, patterns and designs. Soft toys littered the floor and on the wall were babyish designs and pattern.

This was clearly a baby’s room.

“Come on.” The woman said patting the changing table that sat to the right of the door. “Hop on up.”

Ricky didn’t move. He wasn’t cooperating with this.

But the woman decided she was not going to be ignored. She dragged Ricky to the table and with his arms flailing (and Terri’s help) lifted him onto the table. She then grabbed the restraints and fastened the kicking and screaming Ricky onto the table.

This was humiliating. She cut off his clothes and told him that he was going to be their baby for 30 days rather he liked it or not, so he’d better enjoy it. After all, the photos proved he wanted it.

Ricky was appalled, but couldn’t bring himself to speak. He was scared. He wanted to go home. Besides, speaking wasn’t going to do him any good anyway… Terri had tied the pacifier around his mouth meaning his words would have been muffled anyway.

The woman looked at his body up and down as if she were examining a painting in a fine arts museum. She ticked his public area and said something to Terri. It seemed like her words were not coming through the headphones.

Terri nodded and left the room, returning with some cream that she then began slathering all over his balls. The cream didn’t hurt or anything so Ricky just lay there, trying to see what was happening. It was proving impossible because the restraints din’t allow him to even prop himself up on his elbows and his head was getting tired from looking down at them.

Finally after a moment, the woman pulled out a towel and wiped his genital area again and he could hear her: “No more of that nasty hair on those baby balls.” She said smiling warmly.

“Mhmmpph!” Ricky yelled in surprise. He was upset. They’d taken away his hair. This was ridiculous. How the hell could they do this.

“Babies don’t have hair down there, and neitther shall you.” The woman smiled and fondled his balls a little bit more. Her hands, slightly warm, was giving Ricky some pleasure. Even though he was tied up, he had to admit the soft caressing felt good.

“Oh, no. Is baby getting an erection?” The woman asked, her voice softly playing over the headphones.

Ricky tried to ignore and will himself to get soft. This was not what he wanted.

“We’ll just have to deal with that later.” She continued as she began to caress and lather lotion on his penis, paying close attention to the head. Ricky felt that even in this moment a soft spark in his loins. It had been a while since he’d cum and his body wanted it more than ever.

He strained and then slowly began to move his hips a little bit, trying to match the pattern of her strokes.

But then he felt a sharp slap on his leg.

“Naughty baby.” She said. “Babies shouldn’t be doing that.”

Ricky froze.

“If I catch you doing that again, you are going to be punished.”

Ricky nodded as he took a deep breath drooling around his pacifier. He had a sneaking suspicion that the next 30 days were going to be frustrating.


The woman pulled a diaper from under the table and then fluffed it out. The diaper, pure white crinkled as she moved the plastic between her fingers to get the diaper ready to wrap around his body. She lifted up Ricky’s legs leaving his bottom exposed as she sprinkled baby oil over his crotch.

The woman slid a stuffer inside the diaper and then put his legs back down. Next came the powder. She gave him a heavy dusting, smiling as she did so. Ricky breathed in a little smelling the powder. The scent of pure happiness made him smile grimly just a little. Then she folded the diaper up and taped it shut.

This diaper felt awfully thick, thicker than anything he had ever worn before.

The change was over.

And Ricky saw his chance.

Right when she was undoing the restraints, Ricky bolted for the door. The moment his feet touched the floor however, he realized something was different. The diaper was like a giant pillow between his legs. He couldn’t even put them together in an effective way, which meant he was bow leggedly waddling to the door. He couldn’t take off the headphones either because of the mittens, which caused things to be more complicated because he couldn’t tell if the woman was going to come after him or not.

Ricky reached the door and tried to turn the knob, his legs bowing out slightly as the mass of diaper just kept him from being effective. But the mittens kept him frustratingly stuck.

But then he managed to turn the knob and waddled his way down the hallway. He couldn’t hear his footsteps, nor the loud crinkling of the diaper, because the headphones just wouldn’t budge. But as he reached the stairs, he felt this crippling noise cut through his ears.

The white noise was like the sound of loud silence that slowly got louder and louder in his ears. It scrambled his thoughts, caused him to feel loopy. The noise made his eyes hurt, his body was not happy. Ricky clawed at the headphones with his mittens trying to take them off, but the mittens made it so he couldn’t get a grip.

Then silently, he heard the words, “Baby… come back.”

Ricky screwed his eyes shut, trying to take another step, but the noise was so loud that it was hindering his movement. He was paralyzed… the noise was defending.

“Baby?” Her words came through again, crystal clear. “Come back.”

Ricky fell to his knees, feeling the diaper cushion like a plastic pillow underneath him. He realized as he felt soft arms wrap themselves around his body and pull him back to the nursery he was trapped. He needed to figure out how to get rid of the headphones, then he’d be able to set himself free.


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