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Edward didn't hate going to the doctors, but he didn't enjoy it either. For starters, he was never sick. Ed was always healthy. As someone who ran five miles a day and kept up a pretty rigorous lifting routine, he was the type of person that would be on the front of the brochure that said "5 Steps to a Healthier You."

Today was a regular check-up. When checking in, the receptionist at the front had him sign his name then handed him a water bottle. "You're going to have to take a urine test, so make sure you drink this."

Robert nodded, accepting the bottle and casually chugging it while his insurance card was scanned and logged. After the receptionist mentioned the doctor was behind a little bit, Robert settled in for the long haul. The doctor's office only had two people in the waiting room, something about COVID restrictions, and to make matters worse, it appeared like the office was bustling that day. The receptionist kept picking up the phone and putting it back down, over and over. The words, "Dr. Vickers office, can you please hold," was starting to get awfully dizzying after a bit.

After about 45 minutes, Ed decided to head back to the reception desk and see what the hold up was.

"You're actually next," She responded, glancing at her computer. She handed him another bottle of water. "I am so sorry you have to wait. But there are a ton of COVID cases spiking and as you can imagine…"

"Yeah." Ed thanked her for the water bottle and went back to his seat. He swished some water around in his mouth and swallowed. He hated the pee tests at the doctor. Surely he couldn't be the only one who had a hard time peeing on command. It's like you're peeing with someone watching. Who can do that?

"Ed?" The nurse practitioner, Kristen, poked her head into the reception area.

Ed stood up and walked behind her to the back area where the offices were. Doctor's offices always smelled like band-aids and latex gloves. It was like someone sprayed "latex fresh" all over the place. Tongue depressors that tasted like sterile wood and giant cotton balls were customary stables sitting on the hygienic countertops. The hint of hand sanitizer smashed into his nose at every turn.

The nurse practitioner was probably the best part of visiting Dr. Vicker. Ed always noticed her full breasts that peaked ever so slightly from under her scrubs that were slightly low cut. He could never quite tell, but he was pretty sure she had an ass to match, but her lab coat always blocked that view. Ed was pretty sure everyone in the waiting room could agree with that sentiment… even some of the women. But the nurse practitioner was simply gorgeous, and she was pretty much a doctor, which meant she was smarter than he was too.

After stepping onto the scale and answering a few initial questions, Kristen let him know that she'd be back in a moment with a cup for him to pee in - cause he was probably ready to go at this point. Snapping out of his trance, Ed nodded. He did have that telltale twinge in his bladder and had to go.

"I'll go get the cup, and the doctor will be in in just a moment," Kristen said before leaving the room.

But she didn't return. In fact, Ed just sat there squirming in his jeans and tee-shirt, wondering where she'd gotten off to. Ed stood up, felt the twinge in his bladder, and peaked into the hallway.

He heard a lot of noise coming from the office down the hall. Judging by the commotion, the doctors seemed preoccupied at the moment. And yet Ed still had to pee. He looked around and noticed the bathroom was out of order. Worried he'd miss the return of Kristen and the cup, Ed limped his way back to the office.

Ed decided he was going to stand instead and try and focus on his breathing. That seemed to be the right thing to do right now before he just peed all over the floor. But that walking turned into pacing and the pacing turned into jumping up and down.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, Kirsten returned.

"I am so sorry," she said. "We had a patient on telehealth who we needed to admit to the hospital. She was so reluctant to go because… well... you know, the virus. But hospitals are perfectly safe. They test everyone that comes in, the doctors are tested…" Kirsten kept talking while Ed danced back and forth.

Finally, Ed couldn't take it anymore. "Nurse Kirsten. I'm sorry, but I really have to pee. Can I get that cup, please?"

"Omg, of course!" Kirsten sounded shocked. "I am sorry." She reached into the cabinet and pulled out a cup. But before she could hand it to Ed, Dr. Vicker walked in.

The man was 6' 4 on a bad day and looked like he could bench press anything that was in his way. As one of the top general practitioners in the area, wherever he went, he turned heads.

"Edward." His loud booming voice echoed in the room. "Welcome back to the office." He squirted some hand sanitizer into his hand just in time to see Ed lose his battle with his bladder.

The urine started slowly then made its way down the leg of his pants. His entire crotch was unnaturally warm as the urine began to run down his leg and then pool where his socks and shoes met. The worst part was the noise. To everyone in the room, it was obvious what had happened.

"Um..." Dr. Vicker just stared.

"Oh my goodness," Kirsten said quickly, running to the cabinet. "Don't worry, I didn't know you were…" her voice trailed off as she shuffled in the cabinets.

But Dr. Vicker just started at Ed, his dark eyes drilling into him. Ed suddenly felt small.

"Well, you need to take those off," the doctor said, gesturing to Ed's wet pants that were quickly becoming cold.

"Um, yes, I guess, sure.." Ed shivered slightly. But he didn't move.

Kirsten continued rustling through the cabinets and finally came up for air. She put a package on the table then turned to Ed. "What are you waiting for? They need to come off."

Ed didn't budge. He was feeling pretty foolish at that moment, standing in his own urine.

So Kristen did the work for him. She kneeled down and started unbuckling his pants. Pausing for a moment, Kirsten then pointed to his shoes.

"Those have to come off," she said matter a factly.

Ed kicked off his shoes and then reached down to pull off his now soaked socks. Ed was actually grateful for the masks they were all wearing; he hoped he didn't smell too bad.

Kirsten began the process of removing his pants. Without thinking, Ed placed one arm on her shoulder to steady himself as she removed each leg hole, one at a time.

He looked like a toddler.

A shiver went through his spine as she reached for his underwear and yanked it down so fast. The air conditioning was causing him to feel chilly in a spot where breezes usually don't blow.

"Come on." Kirsten snapped, smacking the side of his thigh. "Let's go." She motioned towards the underwear that was now stuck at his knees.

Ed, feeling smaller by the moment, stepped out of that humiliating garment as well.

It was now apparent that Ed was standing naked from the waist down while Dr. Vicker gave him a piercing stare. He could tell that he was slightly disappointed. His lip curled in some sort of sneer.

Kirsten then grabbed the bottom of Ed's shirt. "Come in, baby. Let's go." She said.

"Wait why..?" But he was muffled by both his mask and shirt that were muffling his voice. Ed raised his arms and the shirt was pulled off him on instinct from a time long before he was potty trained.

His mask slipped off, and on instinct, he bent over to pick it. But it had fallen too far, slipping under the examination table. Ed bent down, getting on the cold floor to retrieve the mask. The floor was cold under his knees. Ed reached out and grabbed the mask and then, remembering he was naked, stood back up quickly.

He put back on the mask as the doctor pulled out his clipboard and could see out of the corner of his eye that Kirsten was fumbling with a few packages she'd pulled from the cabinet.

"Do you usually have trouble with continence?" Dr. Vicker asked condescendingly as Ed tried to cover up his privates with his hands.

"Excuse me?"

"Do you usually have trouble holding your urine and bowels?"

Ed blushed. "I don't have trouble holding my pee."

"It appears that you do. Look at the state of this floor. I'll need to do a more intensive examination than I planned." The doctor scowled. "I can't believe someone at your age is having these issues."

"But I'm not…"

The doctor held up his hand. "You're pathetic with these excuses, Edward."

Ed fell silent. He had never heard the doctor speak to him this way before and figured it was best to comply to get this over with and hopefully gain this man's respect back.

The doctor grabbed a few tongue depressors and began checking his hand. Then instructed Ed to open his mouth and checked around. Ed began dancing around a little again. He had to pee again. Generally, when he drank too much water, he found himself peeing too much.

But the doctor took his time. But the time he reached his groin area, Ed was mortified. The doctor cupped his hands around Ed's testicles and then squeezed slightly.

"Smaller than usual." The doctor said disappointedly to Kirsten, who had been taking notes on a clipboard. "We should do the longer exam to be safe."

The nurse practitioner looked at Ed and sighed as if Ed was the source of a great inconvenience. "If we have to."

The doctor looked over at her and said sharply, "He's peeing himself like a toddler. Of course, we have to."

The loudspeaker crackled to life, calling the doctor out of the room. "I'll be back." He said. "Collect a sperm sample and check his bowels for me. Then make sure he's protected."

"Wait a second…" Ed stammered. This examination was getting too intense for his liking.

The nurse nodded, and Ed felt colder than he had all day as he tried to cover up what was left of his dignity in front of this beautiful woman. But Ed noticed a change in her. As soon as the doctor left, she got this devilish look in her eyes and smiled. Something about that look scared Ed.

"Sit back on the table, please." She said quietly.

Ed did so quickly so he could get this over with.

She stood in front of Ed and looked him up and down greedily. Then she grabbed the package that she'd taken out of the cabinet earlier and pulled out a thick white square, and placed it between his legs.

"Lift up for me, please."

Ed paused for a moment.

"Lift. Up." Kirsten said it with such firmness, Ed had no choice but to comply.

She placed the plastic padding beneath him, and he put his but back down. Ed couldn't help but feel vulnerable in this very intimate moment at the doctor's office.

Next, the nurse grabbed a bottle of gel and squeezed it on her hands. "This will be better if you relax," And before he knew it, she had shoved her fingers up his asshole.

"Try and squeeze down for me." Kirsten said simply.

Shocked, Ed did the best he could while feeling her invading his insides. She stared at him, deep into his eyes, while she probed him.

"Can you try and clench?" She asked again?

Ed tried, but his shock kept him from moving.

She sighed and shook her head. "Fucking baby."

"Hey, I'm not…"

But Ed was clearly being ignored. Next, she removed her gloves and then put on another pair. This time she lathered more gel on her hands and fondled his balls, squeezing slightly and rubbing the gel in his most intimate crevices.

Ed, at this point, was lying back, unable to stop himself from shivering inside. Admit it or not; this felt… pretty good. It might be worth the humiliation of the rest of the day just so he could endure this. He'd always liked Kirsten. She was beautiful. Her round breasts, her cute nose, everything about her screamed at his inner monster.

He grew hard at her touch, and soon he was trying to match his hips to the rhythm of her movements. Fire boiled up inside his loins as she continued to stroke. Ed was getting close, and his breathing quickened. Had he given this movement any more thought, he might have fallen soft. Considering he was lying on an exam table with his legs open and getting a very medical handjob at the moment while being treated like an infant, this wasn't the worst thing that could happen.

But right when he was about to cum, Kirsten stopped and took her gloves off. "That's enough of that." She said.

"Wait, aren't you gonna?"

"Gonna what?" She shot him a dirty look while instructing him to lay his head back on the take and start following directions.

Ed was nervous. He had clearly misread the situation and gotten himself in trouble. He closed his eyes for a second as he lay back on the mat. He felt Kirsten tugging something soft and padded around his member and then felt it being taped up.

"What are???" Ed's eyes shot open as he looked down. That white plastic square was a diaper. Was she kidding? He didn't need diapers.

She glared at him. "You've proven, by wetting your pants, that you cannot be trusted to be fully continent. And," she raised her voice at Ed protests. "If you continue to fight back, I am going to have to call security. I doubt you'll want them to see you in your cute diapers. Now we have one more test, and that's to test to see how you take fluids."

Ed stayed quiet because she, at the mention of "cute diapers," had patted him on the front of the diaper, driving him closer to the end of an orgasm.

Kirsten shocked him by taking off her shirt and then leaning over the table and teasing her nipple in front of his face.

"Suck baby."

So he did, greedily. He sucked as much as he could. Enjoying the moment as he wiggled on the table. Ed figured that if he was going to have to suffer, he might as well enjoy himself. But as he sucked, she kept talking. Saying things like, "Good baby," and "that's my little boy." Ed tried his best to ignore her, but each time he'd hear her voice, his erection would get harder and harder until…

Ed felt himself spurting in his diaper.

He froze as the orgasm washed over him, causing him to feel extremely lightheaded and dizzy. His head jerked up over and over as his penis splashed cum onto the inside of his plastic padding. Then Ed fell backward and sighed.

That was not satisfying at all. In fact, now that he finished spurting into his infantile padding, he felt a deep humiliation burning from within.

In his haze, he hadn't realized that Kristen had stood back up and was now on the other side of the room taking notes on a clipboard, looking quite disappointed.

Then a man's voice shattered the moment.

"Looks like you will need these diapers after all." Dr. Vicker was back.

Panic shot through Ed's brain as he condescendingly stepped to the table and looked at Ed, who at the moment had a full stomach and was sitting in a cum soaked diaper.

"Nurse, let's make sure we get you a prescription for these." The doctor continued. "I think thick diapers for six months should do the trick. We can have them delivered to your house."

"But I don't need them," Ed said stupidly.

But the doctor just stared at him and squeezed his diaper.

"It feels like you do to me." He then turned to the nurse. "And it looks like we need an enforcement mechanism. Sign him up for the diaper delivery service and write that the patient is reluctant to participate, they have ways of ensuring compliance." The doctor looked at Ed. "It would be in your best interest to participate and to do so as instructed. These people are serious. I've seen some boys like you never have their bladder and bowel control restored."

"But I don't have issues…" Ed sputtered, moving to the edge of the table, fully aware of the slight squish that precluded that movement.

"Keep that up, and you'll be punished." The doctor put down his iPad. "They'll make you eat baby food or replace all the furniture in your home with baby furniture. We had one guy come in here who hasn't cum in six months. That was…. scary. He just couldn't like most babies. Follow the program and you'll be fine, okay?"

Ed just sat there as the doctor left the room. Nurse Kirsten handed him back his pants and gave his diaper a squeeze. "See you tomorrow at your place baby."

She giggled and left the room.

Ed swallowed hard. How was he going to get out of this one?


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