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When the college kids came back they all got summer jobs. Most of them spent time outdoors mowing lawns, sweat dripping down their bodies as they tended to the yards of everyone in the neighborhood.

But there was one family that paid better than all the rest. Lauren had graduated the year before and would sit in the shade in the front yard of her parents mansion sipping lemonade and checking out the latest sports scores on her iPad. 

All the young men in the neighborhood wanted to mow her parents yard just so they could see her out there tanning. 

But the best part was, her parents were always away for the summer, which meant Lauren was in charge of the property. It also meant the summer special was completely active. 

Lauren had a deal, for ten dollars a stroke, she’d get you off. Most of the men worked hard all summer to be able to afford the deal. Saving all their cash for one chance to have her silky smooth fingers all over their ridged cocks. 

But Derrick didn’t know the deal. So when he had cum and handed over $10, she giggled. 

“Oh baby, it’s gonna cost you $300.”

Derrick was confused. 

“Oh… sweet thing… It’s $10 a stroke.” Lauren smiled sweetly. 

“Oh.” Derrick checked his pockets. “I only have five more dollars.”

Lauren felt sorry for the young man. He was absolutely adorable, standing there stuttering, fumbling with his hands. 

“How would you like to work it off?” 

Derrick figured he could do that. After all, he could mow lawns or trim the hedges. “I can mow the lawn if you’d like.”

Lauren laughed. “I already have people doing that for me. Instead you can be my little helper inside the house.”

Derrick nodded. 

He expected he’d be getting drinks, serving her food. Maybe a little cooking. But he found himself in the back room tied to the bed in thick diapers in what appeared to be a nursery. 

It turns out Lauren wanted a baby, but couldn’t find the right guy yet. So Derrick would have to do. Derrick, tied down with baby mittens on his hands and a tube in his mouth where a thick sludge dripped into the back of his throat forcing him to swallow. A magic wand was tied to the front of his diaper buzzing him on the edge of orgasm. 

Lauren opened the door and peered inside. 

“Did you think I was stupid?” she said sharply. “You know the deal like everyone else in this neighborhood. You wanted to be a big baby and try not to pay, that’s up to you. But you’re gonna be here all summer until you learn your lesson.”

Derrick tried to speak but the hose was gagging him. All he could do was continue to let pee trickle into his diaper. He could feel pressure building up in his bowels as the substance entering him started to work its magic. 

Derrick tried to hold it. But that was quickly becoming a failure. Derrick grunted slightly and pushed the mess into his diaper, filling it completely as the magic wand vibrated away in front of him. 

“Now you stay in here.” Lauren said turning off the light. “I have some more customers. Try not to be too loud. You’re in for a long summer as you work off the $300.”

Lauren shut the door behind her.


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