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Ricky lay on his back as his girlfriend prepared all of the materials. 

This was the jackpot in his mind. He had told his girlfriend about ABDL and at first, she has squinted her eyes and gotten really quiet. 

“What?” she has asked, shrinking back on the couch. “ABDL?” 

Ricky explained the best he could, stumbling over his words in the process. This was supposed to be an easy task, but for some reason, that fucking podcast by that “mommy” in California made it sound way too easy. 

But she accepted him, and the fun started. After all, she was in love with him. They’d do anything for each other. 

This is why he was now on the floor as her girlfriend prepared the changing supplies. She powered his bottom, dusting him thoroughly. This came only after she’d given an extreme helping of baby oil, making sure to get all of his parts down there. 

Next, she brought up the diaper, crisp and white, between his legs and taped him shut. Ricky loved hearing the crinkle of the plastic as it closed over his tummy. But what he liked the most was when his girlfriend patted him on the front of his diaper after a successful diapering. 

“Are you ready?” his girlfriend asked as she backed up just a little bit. 

Ricky nodded. 

Ally then took a pacifier and put it in her mouth. Then leaned over and grabbed her cellphone, snapping photos of his diaper. 

“Put your hand on the front.” she insisted on directing him. 

He complied. 

“Lie flat,” she demanded, that menacing twinkle in her voice. 

Ricky complied. 

You see, she had gotten really into his fetish because the domineering personality inside of her could finally come out. Once he had told her about the fetish, she was more than happy to comply. Publicly humiliating her boyfriend without actually ruining his career was appealing to her. 

They’d take photos every time his diaper was changed and then post them online. Oh, how she loved the comments that flooded in. Of course, his face was never in the photos, just hits of it. They were professionals after all. 

As the day went on, Ricky would go about his business, meal prepping for the week, doing a few household chores, and watching rugby on television. By the middle of the day, his diaper was fully saturated. Ricky liked it when it got to this point. He’d open and close his legs, rest his hands on his diaper and start making eyes at his girlfriend. 

“Ally?” he asked tentatively to his girlfriend, who was engrossed with the match on television. 

She looked over, keeping one eye on the television. 

He gestured to his diaper. “I was going to go change.”

She grinned. “Hold on.” Ally ran and grabbed her camera. “This is adorable.”

Indeed. In his rugby jersey and extremely thick diaper, he looked ridiculous. Ally placed the pacifier back in his mouth and insisted on taking several photos. 

After she went to the computer and uploaded them. 

“Baby pretending to be a man watching Rugby.” she captioned one of them. After checking to make sure his face wasn’t visible (that hat was obscuring it), she clicked upload and went about her day. 

“Oh, wait.” Ally giggled. “Boy needs a change.”

So Ricky got a change. She laid him on his back, squishing his diaper with her hand and giving him a raging boner. To make matters even better for him, the game was on in the background, making him feel absolutely hopeless. Imagine having sports playing while your girlfriend puts you in a diaper. 

She rubbed lotion on his dick and slowly began bringing him to the edge. He moaned slightly as she laughed a bit. She stopped and then diapered him up, patted his butt and sent him on his way.


The next day while sitting on the couch trying to reach a deadline for work, Ally noticed a phone notification. That morning she had cleared all the notifications. She had, after all been very anal about notifications over the course of her life. Ally hated seeing those little red numbers pop up on her phone. 

After reaching a good stopping point, she clicked the notification. 

Then gasped. 

The notification, staring her in the face said: “Tell Ricky if he wants his secret to stay safe, he should call me.”

The ice ran through her veins. 

But this was probably a bluff. Ricky was a common name after all, she reasoned. She’d ignore him. But she needed to tell Ricky. 

Ally texted him and then continued her work soon forgetting about the daunting revelation. But over dinner, Ricky looked down at his phone, which had been sitting on his lap. At this moment, he wasn’t diapered, having lost the urge after the scare earlier in the day. His face went white. 

An unknown number had messaged him as well. It had his first and last name and a photo of him that looked pretty recent, along with one of the baby photos with his face in it. “Don’t ignore me baby,” it said. 

Ricky dropped his fork. Generally a strong guy, with envious pecs, he looked as white as a ghost. He was rattled.

“How did this person get a photo of my face?” Ricky flipped the phone over and showed it to Ally, who, in turn, grabbed the phone. 

Sure enough, there it was, as clear as day. Ricky’s face was in this photo. But she had cropped it out. There was no way his face could have been in the photo. Grabbing her computer, Ally confirmed it. His face wasn’t in the photo. 

But sure enough, as clear as day, in this new photo, it was there. 

“Ally.” Ricky said dryly. “They said we have 10 mins to call them. Or the photo gets posted.”

“Stay calm.” Ally said, her voice shaking. “Just call them up and say there’s some mistake. Say you don’t know who they are.

Ricky nodded and texted back. 

Almost instantly, another text came through. “I said to call. But you do you. I know who you and Ally are. And have the photos of you.”

Ally was now leaning over Ricky’s shoulder, watching this unfold. 

Picture after picture flooded in, each with the name of one of Ricky’s closest friends. 

Finally, “Unless you want everyone to know about your perverted desire to be a baby, then you’ll meet me this Friday.” Then, “I’ll send a location.”

Ricky looked up at his girlfriend. “Do we need to call the police?”

“No,” Ally said. “We’ll talk to them and reason with them. No need to get ahead of ourselves.”

So they waited and Ricky stopped wearing his diapers. It was like every time he saw them he felt sick. But the day of the meeting, ten minutes before they were supposed to leave another text came in. 

This time to Ally’s phone. 

“Make sure baby is wearing his diaper and shorts.” It read. Then another photo came in of Ricky with a pacifier in his mouth. “And has his pacifier in his mouth.”

“Fuck no,” Ricky said, throwing his hand up in the air. “I’m not doing that.”

Ally patted Ricky on the shoulder. “In twenty minutes, this will all be over.” 

Ricky was not happy when Ally pulled out the diaper and laid it on the floor. This time the plastic crinkling felt humiliating. Just being on his back felt humiliating. Ricky closed his eyes as Ally quickly powered him and pulled up what felt like a plastic prison at this point. The tapes felt… like a prison sentence.

Ricky pulled on a pair of jeans and a tee-shirt. 

“Baby?” Ally said unintentionally, “You forgot this.” In her hand, she held out the pacifier. 

Ricky sulked and grabbed it from her. 


They were silent as they pulled into the parking lot of the shopping center. 

“Babe, it’ll be over soon.” Ally said, getting out of the car. “Let’s just get this over with.”

Ricky nodded and pulled on his facemask, the pacifier underneath. The only good side of quarantine was that everyone was wearing masks, so they could hide this for now.

After ordering coffee, they sat on the patio outside. They chose a seat as close to the edge of the street as possible, where they wouldn’t be seen by people entering the cafe. Ricky sat absentmindedly sucking the pacifier as he refused to drink his coffee. He didn’t want to keep pulling the pacifier on and off or be seen. 

This mysterious person was late. That was awfully annoying. Both Ally and Ricky were prompt people. Ricky spoke up: “We sfold juff leave.” he mumbled out. 

“Wait, look.” Ally pointed to a couple walking towards them who got closer and closer and closer. Then they came and sat down. 

Ricky sat up straighter and adopted a stern look on his face from behind his mask. 

“Ally.” The man said, extending his hand. He was a man who looked larger than life. He was tall, muscular and incredibly attractive. The dark-haired woman next to him was pretty tall herself and looked like she spent time in the world of fitness herself.

The stunning thing was, they just ignored Ricky entirely. Instead focused all their attention on Ally. 

Ally, for her credit, just folded her arms and looked across the table. 

“If that’s the way it’s going to be.” The man sighed, withdrawing his hand. He reached into his pocket and pulled out an envelope and set it on the table. 

“What do you want?” Ally demanded, clutching Ricky’s hand under the table now. 

“That’s the right question to ask.” the woman responded, smiling slightly, not removing her eyes from Ricky.

“To be frank, we’ve been looking for a baby.” The man, who later identified himself as Terri motioned towards the woman. “My wife and I enjoy taking care of adult babies, but recently we’ve hit a few dead ends. There are not enough of them in the area.”

Ricky wanted to butt in but felt foolish with the pacifier in his mouth. Besides, he’d only prove their point. 

But Ally was on it. “He’s not an adult baby.”

“These photos seem to tell a different story.” Terri pulled the photos from the envelope and slid them across the table. 

Sure enough, there was Ricky, clad in thick diapers with babish shirts and rompers. Ally felt a twinge of guilt; it was she who had insisted, seeing they got more engagement on social media that way. She also thought he looked adorable. But today, she just felt disgusted with herself.

“I think the deal is simple,” The woman said gently, still staring at Ricky. Her eyes never left him. She seemed obsessed with him as if he were the cure to some illness… like COVID. “We want a baby… you have one.”

“But he’s a DL, right?” Ally said, trying to move forward. “He doesn’t like being a baby.”

“Pull off your facemask,” Terri demanded, cutting into Ally. 

Ricky froze, then shook his head.

“You’re not in a position to argue, sweetie.” The woman’s sickly sweet voice felt like ice on the back of Ricky’s neck. 

Ricky pulled down the mask to show the pacifier that he had been sucking on. His eye, panicked, looked around to see if anyone had noticed. 

But the world seemed blissfully unaware. 

“See baby, he is a baby.” The woman smiled and reached across the table booping the front of the pacifier causing Ricky to flinch and the ring to rattle. 

Ricky went to put the mask back on, but the woman held up a finger. “Keep it off.” 

Ricky wanted to cry. He was embarrassed. His diaper felt like a prison. The softness of the inside, once a source of comfort, made him feel foolish. He wanted to go home. And he had to pee. He wish his girlfriend had never convinced him to start taking photos. But what choice did he have. She was having fun. Ally was enjoying it. This was supposed to be the dream. 

But it was actually a nightmare. Or reality. 2020 was turning out to be a wash. 

Ricky refocused his attention as he tried to close his legs for a bit, noticing that he had to pee. But he was focusing on Terri who had just indicated that money would be involved. 

“How much?” Ally asked. She seemed shocked. 

“$8,000 for a month. All we are asking for is one month.” 

Ricky almost dropped the pacifier from his mouth. But tried to look cool and calm. No matter how much they offered, he wasn’t going to take it. In fact he was considering throwing all his diapers away. 

“For $2,000 a week we get full access to our baby.” the woman said looking directly at Ricky still. If she had fangs, she’d be ready to pounce. “We control his schedule, we get to decide when he eats and sleeps… when he gets a change.” She paused when Ricky was shaking his head. “Or we can just let these photos out and not pay you.” 

Ally had been silent for too long. She couldn’t possibly be considering it. 

Ricky had enough and pulled the pacifier out of his mouth. “No. It’s not happening.”

But then Terri said the name of his boss. “I’m sure he’d love to get these photos. I wonder what PR disaster would happen if he found out you’re crawling on the floor like an infant. Besides,” he continued as if it were the most comforting thing in the world, “After thirty days you’ll be free to go. The photos will be deleted and we can move on. ”

Ally spoke up. “Fine. But I want the month upfront.”

“Excuse me?” Ricky asked.

The woman put her fingers to her lips. “Baby, be quiet. The adults are talking.”

But Ally continued. She was thinking hard. Thirty days was not bad if it meant she could be free of Terri and his girlfriend. She was worried this could end bad if she didn’t take the deal. Besides, $8,000 was a lot of money. 

But Ricky was livid. There is now way he was going to agree to this. But the pacifier in his mouth was sapping all the confidence from him.

So Ally shook hands with Terri and the woman. 

The woman looked at Ricky as Terri handed over over some money. Ally had agreed to 50% upfront and a contract that said he’d hand over the photos after thirty days… and an essential NDA.

After the pleasantries were exchanged, the woman looked at Ricky greedily. “You become our baby starting tomorrow.”

Ricky quickly pulled the mask up and looked away. He felt betrayed by Ally. 

But deep down… he knew Ally had a plan. It’s why they were so compatible. But that night as he lay awake in bed, he couldn’t shake those greedy eyes of the woman who never said her name at the cafe. 

He felt small. 

He felt like a baby.



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