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James sat locked into the airplane seat, dazed and confused. This IC Program had gotten him into this extremely upsetting situation. How else could he explain, leaning back into his chair, trapped in what was an embarrassingly thick diaper?

James kept pushing against the pacifier with his tongue, trying to see if there was some way to remove it, with no results. It was glued to his mouth. The pacifier forced him to breathe through his nose.

James tried to shake his head to shake it off, but it only made things worse. All it did was cause the ring in the front to rattle, drawing more attention to his predicament.

James tried to focus on what he could control. It seemed he had one option. He had to click the button if he wanted anything. But he needed to be strategic about all of this. He could press the button, and that awful woman Maya would return and probably do her best to infantilize him. James would need to wait things out and explain to her that there was a mistake; he didn't mean to sign up for the IC Program; he didn't know it involved all of this.

Before James could decide, the privacy panel opened, and a flight attendant appeared pushing a cart.

"Would you -" She stopped. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't see the IC Program sign." She left the door open and vanished for a moment.

James struggled again, embarrassed that this woman would see him all swaddled up in a diaper.

The woman returned with a plastic tray and reached over him and pulled down the tray table. It came over his diaper, so it was resting at his waist. Then she pressed a button so he was sitting up straighter. James couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as he was finally sitting up straight for the first time in a long time.

She locked in the tray, leaving his hands trapped under the table. Next, she set the plastic container in front of him.

"Your flight mommy will be here in just a moment baby." She said, then vanished, leaving the door open.

James struggled again, but there was no way he'd be able to get his hands above the tray. So he just waited.

Soon Maya reappeared and smiled. "Looks like it's lunchtime."

James shook his head and tried to mumble that he wasn't hungry. But the pacifier kept him from making any sounds louder than a muffled grumble.

Maya closed the door behind her and sat on the small ledge in front of him. The space was slightly cramped with two people sitting in the airplane pod. James looked sheepishly at Maya, who was just grinning at him as she clicked open the food container.

Inside were apples, carrots and what looked like banana chips. In fact, this was better than what most airlines served on your average flight. James hated pretzels and wasn't about to eat those.

But how was he supposed to eat if his hands were trapped underneath the table?

Maya had the answer as she reached for his pacifier and gave a sharp tug. Like a suction cup, the pacifier came loose. Next, she focused on the plate in front of him.

"What does baby want to eat first?" Maya peered into James' eyes, waiting for him to respond.

But he just stared at her. James stiffened his resolve. He wasn't going to be forced to endure another second of this humiliation.

But Maya wasn't about to be put off from her act. In one swift motion, she pinched his nose. James jerked his hands up, smashing them into the table. He squeaked "ow," and the next thing he knew a carrot had been forced into his mouth. Next, Maya placed a hand over his mouth, forcing him to chew.

James did, try hard not to admit that he liked carrots. He just didn't like being fed them by a crazy woman on the airplane.

This rapid force-feeding repeated over and over until James demanded that she stop, and he agreed that this time, this one time, he'd eat the food without complaining.

That seemed to make Maya happy. So she began feeding him the banana chips. James decided that he would use this calming of the rhetoric to try and reason with her.

"Um… Maya?" He asked,

"What's up?" Maya looked at him questingly.

"Why are you treating me like this?"

"It's not me, sweetheart." Maya tweaked his nose as she placed another banana chip in his mouth. "You're the one who applied for the incontinence card."

James shook his head. "I only did it to get past security so I wasn't overly screened."

"But surely you know once you've told the airlines you need diapers, they have to make sure they're protected from liability, right?"

James just stared at her.

"You can't have big babies flying without their protection."

"But I don't need diapers."

"That's not what your flight ticket says." The woman closed the lid on the feeding tray. She then reached into a cabinet below her and pulled out a few very large bottles. "It says you suffer from bowel and urinary issues. How responsible would we be if we let you just fly, ruining the seats?"

James was dumbfounded. He didn't even know what that meant. Like an idiot, he had just scrolled through the terms of service without reading.

"Surely there's a termination clause?" James needed out of this contract.

Maya nodded, motioning to the bottles. "There is, but it looks like the pilot is asking us to return to our seats." Indeed the plane had started to shake. "Be sure to drink these before I come back. Otherwise you're not getting out of this."

"Wait, please. What's the termination clause?"

"It's simple, you need to be a good member while on the flight, and you need to get a note from a reference saying you don't need diapers. Easy stuff."

"What reference?" James didn't know what she was talking about. What was a reference?

Maya just smiled. "Part of being a good member is finishing those bottles. I'll come back when it's safe."

With that, Maya left the booth and closed the partition.

James searched his brain. There was a termination clause that requires a reference. What could that possibly mean? Would that be someone who could personally vouch for him, saying he didn't need diapers? But who could he tell about this? He didn't want anyone to find out that he wore diapers, even if it was just for fun. But as James sucked the second of three bottles, he realized that as a business traveler, he was not about to experience this every time he flew. This was embarrassing. Humiliating.

The plane kept shaking, causing James' stomach to continue rumbling. The food he must have been force-fed was not agreeing with him. Always someone who just wanted to "get things over with," James chugged the third and final bottle. All three bottles had some slightly sweet thick milk substance inside of them. It caused his mouth to taste sickly sweet even after he had finished each bottle.

The plane jolted again. And James held on for dear life. The jostling caused him to hold his bowels even tighter. He needed to use the restroom badly.

More bumps later and James was dangerously close to messing himself. He jammed his finger on the call button.

A few bumps later, Maya appeared looking worried.

"What's the matter Baby?"

She always seemed to find a way to add that damn word into his sentences. James decided he wanted to know more about the termination clause.

"What's the reference?" He gritted through his teeth.

Maya rolled her eyes. "Seriously? Now?"

James nodded. "I don't need diapers. So I want out of this program now."

"Fine. If you can stay dry during this entire flight, then you can usually be kicked out of the program because you won't need the diapers. But if you can't, you need to go to a TSA-approved doctor to make sure your bladder is normal and functioning. They'll make you go through a program on the ground for a few days, and if you pass, you can leave the program."

Jame's heart sank. He didn't want to see a doctor about this. And gauging by the cramping in his stomach, he wasn't going to stay dry anytime soon. But she didn't have to know that. In theory, he could mess his diaper and just not tell her. Then he could just say he was clean and that would be that.

James nodded and Maya patted him on the head. "Good boy for finishing your bottles." She then pulled the pacifier back out and stuck it into his mouth. Maya pressed a button on the front, and James felt it attach itself to his mouth.

"Just keep that there for now."

Then she vanished.

James' stomach gurgled some more as he sucked the pacifier, hoping he could hold out just a little longer.


An hour later, James was still clenching as hard as he could. He was sweating profusely checking the armrests for dear life. The diaper kept crinkling as he wiggled his legs back and forth, trying to hold off the inevitable.

He had less than an hour to go until the plane landed but knew at this moment he wasn't going to make it. A moment earlier, the flight attendant had come around and collected the trays from everyone. Once again James had been exposed in his thick crinkly diapers. But he was already getting used to this brutal, cruel treatment because he was focused on holding it as long as possible.

Luckily the plane had stopped bumping a while ago, but that didn't mean he didn't have to go any less. James kept kicking his legs over and over as his stomach continued to growl. Luckily, the pilot had announced the plane was in landing mode, so people should start returning to their seats.

Maya had slid open the panel and sat across from James one last time. She reached down and rubbed his diaper. She squeezed and pushed looking for wetness, even putting her finger into the leg guards as she slowly brushed it against his balls. But to her great surprise, ever since the change, James was dry as can be.

It wasn't for lack of trying either. James' stomach was full. He felt it tossing still as he clenched down. But Maya just smiled at him.

"Looks like you made it. When we arrive, TSA will stamp your papers saying you no longer need to be in the program."

James' muffled noise through the pacifier seemed to confirm that he liked the idea. But the gleam in Maya's eyes scared him a little. After making sure James was firmly strapped in for the landing and had his shorts on that snapped together, Maya left.

James looked out the window and sucked on his pacifier, feeling quite pleased with himself. He had survived. All he needed to do was get his papers stamped.

But the plane came in for a hard landing, and James lost his battle with his sphincter. First, he felt instant pain as the mess forced its way into the back of his padding. Once nature took over, James had to start pushing to get it all out. The mess slid into his thick diaper, and when finding no room, began to ooze forward towards the front. In response, he instantly started urinating into his diaper, the padding absorbing every bit of liquid in the process. It was as if his body had been filled, and now, the moment they landed, he was completely empty.

James fought the urge to cry, shaking his head back and forth, the pacifier ring rattling in the process. He tried to sit up a little as the plane taxied to the runway but found that his seat had reclined again the moment he tried that.

James sniffed the air but found that the diaper was doing its job, no one could tell that he had messed - thank goodness. James figured if he stayed in the plane, someone would find out. They were in a tube of compressed air, after all. Soon they were at the gate, and Maya came back again and unfastened him.

"Congrats on getting out of the program." She said, patting him on the head in a childish way. She tugged the pacifier out of his mouth and told him to hold onto it. Next, she handed him a slip of paper and told him to stop by the TSA booth on his way out. She didn't check his diaper; something James had been dreading.

But it looked like he was going to be free. James was excited to get his bags and change back into his regular clothes, instead of this infantile clothing. Who that fuck worse snaps on their pants nowadays anyway.

James waited until everyone had left the plane and then started walking towards the front of the plane. Walking with a full load in his diaper was extremely uncomfortable. The mess oozed between his legs at every step, and he had to stifle the pronounced waddle. He was sure his butt was protruding in this outfit, but his jacket would cover that up until he arrived at his hotel.

He found his luggage waiting for him at the end of the gate. He grabbed his bags and asked where the TSA desk was. The lady pointed to a booth near the front doors of the airport. Janese waddled to the gate and handed them to the man standing at the counter.

"How can I help you?" The man asked cheerfully.

"I need to unenroll from the IC Program."

"Sounds good." He said, looking at the paperwork. "Looks like the signature looks good."

"Yep," James said, forcing a smile as he tried to ignore his incredibly full diaper.

"One last thing." The man walked from around the counter and handed James the paperwork back. "You need to get your diaper checked before we can release ya."

James began to panic. "But Maya already-"

"Yeah, but you could have had an accident, buddy, and she doesn't know yet."

James decided he was going to bargain there and there. "I'll give you $100 just to sign the form."

The TSA agent stared at him.


The man frowned. "Sir are you trying to bribe a federal officer?"

"No!" James said, looking down. "I don't want into this fucking program anymore."

"Sir, if you can just calm down, I'll have your flight mommy come and get you."

"I don't need a flight mommy!" James was aware of how this entire scene looked at this point. He was a grown-ass man, throwing a temper tantrum in a full, messy diaper at the Harry Reid Airport in Nevada. "Please," he begged as the man spoke into his walkie-talkie. "Just let me go."

But he suddenly felt a pair of hands smush the back of his diaper. "Looks like Baby needs a change." Maya's voice appeared in his ear.

Maya beamed at him as she stared deep into his eyes.

"I don't want one," James said, tears softly rolling down his cheeks. He was a grown man, yet for some reason, he was standing in the airport being diaper checked by a woman he had met earlier that morning.

"Don't worry; you're not getting one yet. We need to get you to your hotel room. All of our members are taken care of once they are there."


"Surely you didn't think this ended once the flight landed." Maya laughed as she put a hand on James' shoulder and led him to the airport's front doors. "No one wants a bed wetter staying at their hotel."

"I'm not a bedwetter," James said stubbornly.

"But you couldn't keep your diapers dry on a five-hour flight when you were awake… Imagine what happens when you try to sleep for eight hours."

"Please let me go!" James tried to pry himself from her steely fingers. But she held firm.

"Baby, you're in this program until you can prove that you can stay dry." Maya reached into her pocket and pulled out a business card. "When you get to the hotel, make sure you download this app on your phone…" James took the card. "It'll allow you to make an appointment with a doctor so you can try and get a reference." She then patted James' bottom one last time. "If you can get one. One look at you, and any doctor will declare you incontinent."

James whimpered and looked at the card.

This was a nightmare. Maya and this TSA knew what they were doing. They had tricked him on purpose; they had forced him to admit to his darkest desire, only to turn the tables on him in the name of safety. Now here he was, on his vacation, in thick diapers, with a poopy mess in them to boot. This was not what he wanted. No. He didn't want this at all.

But as he climbed into the taxi, James was already formulating a plan in his mind. He was going to visit the doctor first thing; he'd figure out the requirements and make sure he followed them. There was no way James would be spending this entire vacation in diapers. Nor was he going to be forced to be humiliated every time he flew.

No. As James shut the taxi door and began his journey into the city, he was determined to get out of this. And then he'd never have to see Maya again.

James shifted in his seat, squishing a little as the car turned onto the highway. He was going to get out of this program before the end of the week. James was sure of it.



I love this story, please keep it going!