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“Prince Vegeta, it is good to see you have arrived safely.” Raditz bowed. 

“Launch?!” Krillin shouted, pointing at the woman. The gathered group, with the exception of Gohan and Piccolo, was surprised to hear that name after so long. 

“Is it really you, Launch?” Yamcha asked, looking absolutely flabbergasted. 

“Oh wow, hello everyone! It’s been so long!” Launch smiled brightly at the group. “Oh wow, this brings back so many memories!” 

“Didn’t you leave Kame House in search of Tien?” Goku asked, scratching the back of his head while looking up in sheepish thought. 

“Wait, what?” Tien blinked, looking at Kakarot, then back at Launch. “You…did what?” 

“Yup, I did.” She smiled. “I searched for Tien for a while, then worked at a bar in the desert. That’s where I met my dear Raditz.” 


“I thought the newborn in her arms would cue you lot in, but yes, this is my Launch,” Raditz said defensively, pulling Launch closer to him. 

…W-What the fuck? 

“Oh my!” Launch blushed up a storm and looked away. In doing so, she caught my team staring at her. “Oh, dear, are these your co-workers?” 

Raditz turned to us and nodded. “Yes, Launch. Those are my team. The one in front wearing the blue undershirt and pants is Prince Vegeta IV.” 

“Oh wow!” She walked over to me and bowed slightly with the baby in her arms. With a closer look at the child, I could see that it was either a girl or a really cute boy, but I’d stake my pride on the former. “It’s an honor to meet you, Prince Vegeta.” 

“...Likewise,” I said slowly before looking past her and eyeing Raditz. “Raditz, we’ll be talking about this later.” 

Raditz stiffened and nodded before walking over to us. 

The timeline was fucked, beyond repair. The addition of Raditz having a kid would bring forth changes that would attract the Time Breakers and, later, the Time Patrollers. Even if things continued to follow the general canon route, the Time Breakers would still see a chance to harvest energy from this timeline. 

Goddamn it, Raditz!

“Launch, are you on their side?” Krillin asked in confusion.

“...Huh?” Launch blinked, looking at my team and then at Kakarot’s group. “Are there sides?” 

“No, there are not,” I answered for her and stepped forward. “Allow me to explain why that is.” 

“...Proceed,” Piccolo grunted. 

“My team is under the direct service of the galactic emperor, Lord Freeza, the ruler of most of the known Universe and the one in control of the Universe's largest army, the Freeza Force. To say Freeza is a tyrant is an understatement. He invades planets, then wipes out their population, or outright enslaves them to join his empire.” 

Kakarot’s group let out gasps of disbelief as they continued to listen. 

“The reason I sent Raditz-” I gestured toward the tall Saiyan. “-to pick you up, Kakarot, is because we need your aid in combating Freeza’s tyranny.” 

“...” Kakarot remained quiet as he stared at me, searching for any lies within my eyes. 

“I will not claim to be a good man.” I shook my head. “Quite the opposite, in fact. I’ve slaughtered billions, if not trillions, of people in servitude to Lord Freeza. Had I not been working for him, would I have killed all of those people?” I pondered on that but instantly knew I wouldn’t have come near that number. “Maybe, maybe not, but the fact stands that I never had the choice. I, the Prince of all Saiyans, never had the freedom to decide for myself.” 

“Prince Vegeta…” Raditz whispered behind me, sounding surprised, but I ignored him. 

“Kakarot.” I frowned. “Make no mistake, Earth is not the exception to Freeza’s tyranny. You were already sent to this planet in hopes of conquering it, and now that you failed, Freeza will likely send men to get the job done. Beat them off, he’ll send ten times the amount, beat them off, and he’ll send a force made up of warriors with strength you couldn’t dream of attaining. Somehow manage to beat them off, and Freeza will show up to this World with the intent of wiping it out of his Universe.” 

“That’s horrible…” Launch said under her breath. Raditz wrapped an arm around her shoulder, and she leaned into the embrace. 

“So, what will it be, Kakarot? Will you join us in our fight against Freeza? Or will you twiddle your thumbs, waiting to be killed like the rest of this rock?” 

“...” Kakarot remained quiet as he looked at the gathered group, which was all looking at him and waiting for his answer. 

“How strong is this Freeza?” He asked after a while. 

A smirk worked its way onto my face as I stepped forward and turned on my scouter. Making sure to leave the communication off. 

“Power up to your full power, and I’ll tell you.” 

Kakarot blinked but nodded. 

“Haaaaaa!” Blue aura exploded from him, and his power began to grow exponentially from 2k to 9k. Then I turned off the scouter, not bothering to lose my main communication device. 

“I clocked you in at over nine thousand. Impressive, you’re the third strongest Saiyan.” I nodded, happy he still grew as strong as canon. 

“Vegeta, he’s four Raditz strong…” 

“Yes, Nappa, he is.”

“And how strong is Freeza?” Kakarot repeated his question. 


The group's eyes shot wide open.

“How is that possible?!” Tien shouted with clenched fists.

“That’s not all,” I said seriously.

“You’re kidding!” Krillin looked like he was ready to keel over in shock. “There’s more?!” 

“It’s heavily believed that Freeza has access to more than just his first form. If I had to guess, he likely has a multitude of forms.” 

“That’s insane!” Yamcha threw his arm through the air. “That can’t be possible!” 

“Yet his existence proves it is.” I frowned. 

Again, Kakarot remained quiet, but I could read his face easily. He was surprised and worried, but above all else, I saw a hint of anticipation in his face.

He was a Saiyan at the end of the day.

“How strong would you say Freeza is after his transformation, or transformations, assuming there are multiple?” Piccolo asked, trying to control his own surprise. 

I didn’t know if I wanted to tell them; I should have no idea, but I needed to give them a ballpark answer. One they could strive for. 

“If I had to guess.” I closed my eyes and placed my hand on my chin. Then, I opened my eyes and stared at them seriously. “I’d say his full power is likely around the 100 million mark.” 

““What?!”” Kakarot’s group shouted; even Piccolo couldn’t believe what he heard me say. 

“It’s my own speculation, but I’ve seen Freeza in person more than once. He walks around as if he is untouchable, as if not even his forces, in their combined might, could pose even the slightest threat to him. So while it is a guess, I firmly believe it is accurate.”

“You believe he is that strong, Prince Vegeta?” Turles asked from behind me. 

“I do,” I repeated myself. 

“That level of power…I can’t even begin to imagine it.” Yamcha said through clenched fists. I could see blood leaking out of his palms; he was taking the news pretty badly if this was his reaction. 

“You believe we can beat him?” Kakarot asked me. 

I grinned at the younger Saiyan. “There is no race of warriors stronger than the Saiyans. I genuinely believe we can win; I know with enough time, we can reach the same level of power Freeza has.” 

Kakarot returned my grin. “Then, let’s help each other take down Freeza.” 

My grin grew wider as I nodded. “I’m looking forward to it, Kakarot. I’m curious to see just how far you’ve come…care to spar?” 

“I thought you’d never ask.” Kakarot dropped into his low stance, and I uncrossed my arms, dropping into my own rugged stance. 

“Krillin,” Kakarot said, looking at his bald friend. “Count us down.” 

“Right…” Krillin stepped forward. “Three…two…one…begin!” 

Kakarot wasted no time and rushed me, appearing in front of me with a closed fist. I crossed my arms and blocked the attack with ease, then followed up with a counter fist of my own. 

My superior speed caught Kakarot off guard, and I got a good hit on his cheek, sending him flying away. 

“You’re faster than I thought, Kakarot.” I walked him down as he picked his body up from the ground and grinned at me. 

“You too, Vegeta.” He rushed forward again, this time going for a kick to my torso. I stepped backward, narrowly avoiding his attack, but he followed up by twisting his body in another roundhouse kick. 

I caught his leg and gave the other one a leg sweep, causing him to fall to the ground.

I then kicked his body away as if I was kicking a rock, and he went flying away…again. 

This…was so much funner than I thought it would be. Who knew beating up my original’s so-called rival could be so much fun?!

— Chapter End —

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Beta Reader: It is I, the great @Basilisk! and @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord) @Dragonboy1 


Rhett Sellers

Bulma would be super interesting to see as a saiyan, honestly. She is already really bold (personality wise) on the chart for those without ki. Pair that with saiyan instincts and powers, and she becomes a really good fit for vegeta in a lot of her behavior and coping mechanisms.


How the hell have we got this far and still not seen his boon, I’m starting to wonder if it’s less an ability and more an item


Surprised Raditz hasn’t remarked on turles simalarities to bardock