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Kakarot picked his body up off the ground once more and rushed at me, closing the distance and launching a barrage of punches and kicks. I dodged each of them narrowly without much effort, the difference in our power levels showing through as I backhanded him away. 

I blitzed behind him and kicked him hard into the air, followed by a heavy downward kick. 


His body met the Earth in a rough explosion of dirt. 


I turned around and gave Nappa a tired look.

“What, Nappa.”

“You-” Nappa pointed at me. “Are fucking him up, Vegeta.” 

“...Thank you, Nappa.” I groaned, wiping my hands over my face. 

I couldn’t wait for the day I killed him.

“Wow, you really are strong, Vegeta.” Kakarot chuckled, pushing himself to his feet. “I trained for a year, and even after all of that, I don’t think I’m strong enough to beat you.” 

“Are you giving up?” I raised an eyebrow. 

“Nope. Haa!” Kakarot grinned and began powering up. “Now…Kaioken!” 

“Kaio what?’ Nappa asked as Kakarot rushed me. I blocked the attack and grinned. 

He had grown considerably, but just as I thought, Kaioken x1 wasn’t enough to match me. 

The tailless Saiyan launched a barrage of punches, trying his best to land a good blow on me, but I either dodged them or swatted them away before punching him hard in the gut.

“Bah!” Kakarot spat out a wad of spit as he was launched back. 

He didn’t waste any time, though, catching himself and rushing me again. Nothing changed as I swatted his punches away, but he nearly got me as he spun his body and brought a kick toward my head. I caught his leg but paused as he grinned. 

“Kaioken times two!” 

A red aura surrounded his body, shining brighter than before. His other leg slammed hard into the side of my head, sending me backward but still on my feet. 

I clutched my head in surprise and pain. My lips twitched upward as I grinned madly. 

For the first time in years…I was having a real match!

I should have known it would be like this. 

“Show me more of this power, Kakarot!” I rushed him for the first time in this match, appeared in front of him immediately, and sent him flying with a well-placed punch. I followed up, teleporting behind him and kicking him downward. His body crashed hard, but I didn’t give up. I punched his downed body while he blocked my blows. 

I wanted to push him, to see just how good of a fight he could give me! 

“Kaioken times…Three!” Kakarot shouted, and as the aura erupted from him, he countered one of my punches with one of his own, forcing me to take a step back from the blow. He got up and went on the offensive, launching a barrage of attacks that struck true, giving me a good beating. 

When he was done, he finished with a kick that sent me flying across the area and into a nearby mountain.


I winced at the pain for a second before rushing Kakarot again, appearing in front of him within seconds and delivering a powerful upward kick, sending him flying toward the sky. I flew after him, grabbing his legs and spinning him around before throwing him hard toward the ground. 


I looked down at him with a vicious grin. He slowly picked himself up and grinned back at me.

“Ha!” I roared, charging up; he switched his stance in preparation for my attack. 

“Don’t you both think that’s enough?” 

I paused and looked down to see an old-looking Namekian standing near the Z Fighters. 

“Aw, but we just got started, Kami!” Kakarot whined like a child, and Kami simply shook his head. 

“You are free to spar as much as you wish later, but first, you should alleviate the worry from your companions' hearts.” 

“Companions?” Kakarot raised an eyebrow and hummed in thought.

“Goku, you’ve been dead for a year, and everyone thinks that the Saiyans are evil,” Krillin explained. 

You know when he puts it like that…

“Fine.” I shrugged and flew down to the ground, crossing my arms with a scowl. 

“Alright, Kami…” Kakarot pouted before looking at me and smiling small. “Let’s call it a draw today, Vegeta.” He said, earning a begrudging nod from me. I was winning, but whatever. “We’re definitely going to fight again as soon as possible!” 

“A draw…right. When we clash fists again, I’ll show you the gap between low class and royalty,” I smirked. 

“I’m just glad we didn’t have to fight!” Yamcha chuckled nervously. “If the other Saiyans are anything like you, Vegeta, then we would have been in trouble…haha.” 

He has no idea. 

“Tch.” Piccolo scowled before floating into the air. 

“Wait!” Gohan called out.

“What do you want, brat?” Piccolo asked, impatiently tapping his bicep.

“C-Can you stick around…Mr. Piccolo?” 

Piccolo stared at Gohan for a few seconds before letting out a deep sigh. “Fine, runt.” 

A happy smile grew on Gohan’s face as he bowed deeply. “Thank you, Mr. Piccolo!” 


“All’s well that ends well, right Vegeta?” 

“...Yes, Nappa.” I nodded.

“Well then, let’s head over to Kame House, everyone!” Kakarot grinned and took off into the air. The Z Fighters followed them, and then my team, along with Launch and their daughter, followed them. 

We flew at a decent distance behind them. Far enough to speak without others—with the exception of Piccolo—hearing

“How do you wish to go about this, Prince Vegeta?” Turles questioned.

“Exactly how I told them.” I frowned. “We have no reason to be enemies, and this planet has a great deal to offer. Sure, we could conquer it and rip it from their grasp, but what does that solve? Nothing. We could have the same benefits by working with them and acquiring new allies as well.” 

“Plus, there are more bald people!” Nappa chuckled, staring at the back of Krillin’s shiny head. 

“Yes, that is another huge benefit; good call, Nappa.” I smiled, earning a proud nod from the idiot. “The people of this planet, while inferior to the Saiyan Race, are compatible. Raditz, his mate, and his child are proof of that.”

“...You know she can hear you, right, Vegeta?” Raditz asked nervously, Launch clinging tightly to him. 

I gave a side eye to the blue-haired woman and coughed in my hand. “I mean no offense by it. I am simply stating a fact.” 

“Oh, no worries!” Launch beamed a smile at me, causing my heart to skip a beat. “Raditz told me you are a bit grouchy, but I hope we can get along. 

“Launch-” Raditz shouted in shock and fear, slowly looking at me. I swear I could see his face turn blue as I leveled a deep glare at him. 

He wasn’t wrong, but this fucker is the same guy who probably just doomed this timeline by thinking with his cock. 

The rest of the flight was relatively quiet, with the exception of Nappa humming Dragon Soul to himself, which was surprisingly nice. However, I’d never admit it. 

The Z Fighters touched down on Kame Island, and seconds later, we joined them. 

“This…is your base of operations, Kakarot?” Raditz asked in confusion.

Kakarot glanced at Raditz and walked forward, not answering him. 

I blinked at that. Was he still mad at him?

Honestly, I could understand it. After all, he kidnapped Gohan, which caused Kakarot’s death.

Though, knowing him, he wouldn’t be mad for long. Not like Raditz gave a fuck, though, from what I could see. 

Before we went in, I turned around to my team. “All of you stay here, I’ll go in with their group.” 

“...You sure, Prince Vegeta?” Turtles asked. 

“Yes, this will make things less complicated.” I answered with a small frown. 

“I want to go in too!” Launch said, stepping forward. 

“I see no problem with that, but it’d be best if Raditz stays behind.” Both Launch and Raditz nodded at my words and the two of us followed the Z lighters into Kame House.

“You guys are back!” a feminine voice greeted us. I couldn’t see who it was because of all the people in front of us and my short stature, but I was almost certain it was Bulma.

“So, how did it go?” An older sounding man asked. 

“Better than we hoped.” Yamcha chuckled and stepped forward, pulling the woman into a tight hug, and now I had a good look at her light blue hair. Definitely Bulma.

“How so?” A short pig, Oolong, asked with a tilt of his head. Then he reeled back in shock. “What is Piccolo doing here?!” 

“He’s a good guy now, Oolong.” Kakarot laughed.

“Says who?” Piccolo raised his brow. 

“Well, you’re less evil than the Saiyans, and they’re not even evil!” Kakarot explained.

“...What kind of ass backward logic is that?” Piccolo blinked in sheer awe of his stupidity. 

“The kind that works.” 

Piccolo surrendered the point to Kakarot, realizing he would get absolutely nowhere arguing. 

“Oh my, it’s so good to see all of you again!” Launch beamed, pushing past the Z Fighters.

Bulma pulled away from her embrace, and I got a good look at her for the first time. I have to admit, she looked way better than I expected. 

I had no time to inspect her as Bulma crashed into Launch. 

“Launch! It’s been years! Where have you been?! How are you?! Is that a baby?! Whose is it?!” 

“Bulma, slow down.” Launch giggled, hugging Bulma back with her one free hand. “One at a time.” 

“Last time we saw you was after Goku defeated Piccolo Jr.” Master Roshi stepped forward. “It’s good to see you’re doing well.”

Launch smiled at the old man and bowed, and I didn’t miss how his eyes followed her cleavage as she did. 

“Ehehe, and you’re still as big as ever!” 


“Quit it, you perverted old man; she’s clearly taken!” Bulma scolded Master Roshi as he rubbed the growing bump on his head. 

“I’m old! Let this old man have some fun!”

“Eat shit and die!” 

“You all haven’t changed a bit!” Launch laughed, and so too did most of the Z Fighters. 

“Oh, I almost forgot.” Kakarot rubbed the back of his head sheepishly before looking back at me. “We managed to talk things out with the Saiyans; it turns out they never meant to be violent.” Then he gestured to me. “This is Prince Vegeta…uh…the third?” 

“Fourth.” I glared with no real heat behind it. The fact that he remembered my name is a miracle in itself. “I am the Saiyan Prince…or at least I was once upon a time.” I introduced myself with a very small bow. 

“H-He’s a Saiyan?” Bulma questioned in surprise. 

“Aha! Yup, he sure is, and strong too!” Kakarot chuckled. “I’ve never fought someone so strong. Even talking about it makes me want to go for round two. What do you say, Vegeta?” 

“Later, Kakarot.” I shook my head, getting a disappointed pout from him. 

“You’re…nicer than the other guy,” Bulma observed with narrowed eyes. “But who’s to say you’re not just pretending or something!” 

I blinked at that. “I have nothing to prove to any of you. Hell, if I wanted, I'd wipe this entire planet out, and no one could stop me.” The room grew a bit tense at my proclamation, but I just shrugged and held my arms out invitingly. “But I have no reason to do that. I’d lose more in the long run; this planet is way too valuable for such a brash action.” 

“That’s not very reassuring!” Oolong pointed at me from behind Master Roshi. 

“It doesn’t need to be. You can either trust me or kill me, and we all know you can’t do the latter.” I grinned maliciously. 


Pink tinted my cheeks as I looked down at my disobedient stomach. A deep frown crossed my lips as everyone stared at me in stunned silence.

““Haha!”” The room burst into laughter. Even fucking Piccolo was smiling! 

I could only clench my fists in anger at my embarrassment. 

Curse this Saiyan appetite!

— Chapter End —

Author’s Note: I am unbelievably cooked. 

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Beta Reader: It is I, the great @Basilisk! and @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord) and @Basilisk @Dragonboy1 


Israel Perez-Rolo

Saipan stomachs are their ultimate tool in diplomatic endeavors its looks like. Damn things have an amazing propensity to break tension.