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— Vegeta (One Year and Three Months Later) —

“Cha la, head cha la,” I sang to myself as we floated in space's emptiness. I let out a tired sigh as we grew further and further from Freeza Planet 817. 

As much as I wanted to head to Yardrat, things weren’t that simple. Ultimately, we were slaves of Freeza, and just up and leaving was treason of the highest order and would have us wanted by the entire Universe. 

And while I know we could manage to hide out on Yardrat, I didn’t want Freeza’s ire just yet. 

So, I figured out how to kill two birds with one stone, and it’s perhaps the most significant decision I could have ever made. 

I requested a transfer from Freeza Planet 817 to Freeza Planet 119. The latter planet was much closer to Yardrat while still being around a month’s travel away. My request took more than eight months to process, but finally, it was accepted, and wherever I go, Nappa and Raditz follow me as they are part of my team. The journey to Freeza Planet 119 took another five months, and upon arriving, we were instantly assigned a mission that we couldn’t turn down. 

Though, the good thing is that the mission wasn’t a very difficult one, nor was it very far. The details were unimportant for the most part, just more needless slaughter, but finally, we were done, and we finally got enough leave to head over to Yardrat, although we couldn’t stay for long. 

Hopefully, a month spent on Yardrat would be enough to learn Instant Transmission. I could always come back for the other techniques later. 

“[Prince Vegeta, we’re here.]” Raditz informed me through our scouter communication. 

“I’m aware,” I grunted in response. 

I looked at the yellowish-green planet with indifference. This was just another stepping stone to governing the entire universe; if I were to reach any semblance of power, even coming close to that R.O.B., I would end up ruling the entire multiverse and beyond. 

Our pods entered orbit and started to burn on our entry. 


As I shook off the impact of the landing, I winced a bit. It wasn’t the best way to arrive, and it was honestly the equivalent of knocking unnecessarily hard on someone’s door. 

Slowly, I opened the door to the pod and stepped out. In front of us were three small green yardrats. 

“...An outsider.” It spoke in a scratchy, high-pitched voice.

Nappa and Raditz also left their pods and stood on either side of me. 

“Yes, I am Vegeta, Prince of all Saiyans, and these are my two subordinates, Nappa of the Royal Court and Raditz, a low-class warrior.” I introduced ourselves formally with my head slightly lowered. As a Saiyan, lowering my head felt wrong, but I didn’t even need my scouter to know that these three yardrats far outclassed us, even if not by power level by technique. 

“Vegeta, what are we-” 

“Shut up, Nappa.” I bit out, and he stopped talking immediately. 

“A Prince on our planet? This is a first...” The same blue alien spoke with a hum. “I am Pybara, the elder of Yardrat. I assume you aren’t here for mere sightseeing?” 

I clenched my fists at that. I needed to earn their trust, and while I didn’t want to tell them about my work relationship with Freeza, I wasn’t stupid enough to lie to an alien race that could sense someone’s spirit. 

I took off my scouter and threw it a few dozen meters away. Our communication was private, but you could never be too cautious around the Freeza Forces. 

With me removing my scouter, both Nappa and Raditz got the hint and did the same. 

“Currently, we are in service to the wicked tyrant Freeza. Through the years, we have been forced to work for him, to pillage and destroy in his name.” I clenched my fists as the shadowy faces of all that both Vegeta and I killed came to my mind. I couldn’t even remember their faces, and there was a massive part of me that couldn’t care less about the atrocities that I committed. 

Though, it was clear that none of me liked it. 

“I am the Prince of a nearly extinct race, and at this rate, I fear the Saiyans may truly die out.” I took a deep breath and looked the elder Pybara in the eyes before dropping to one knee. “I am a killer, a murderer, and most of all, I am a destroyer, and I know I don’t deserve your benevolence, yet I ask you, please, train us in your ways. I cannot offer much, nor can I promise ever to repay you, but I will swear that should you train us, we will do everything in our power to defeat Freeza and restore order to our Universe.” 

I didn’t need to look up to know that Raditz and Nappa were stunned by my willingness to bow to what they see as lesser beings. They have no idea how much we could grow from even a month of learning their ways. 

I can’t think of one other planet in the Universe besides Earth where we could go to learn more and grow stronger. 

“...How many have you killed?” Pybara asked after several moments of silence. 

“Too many to count,” I answered immediately. 

Another minute of silence passed before I heard soft footsteps approaching. I raised my head to look at Pybara, standing less than a meter from me. He lowered his hand and placed it on my forehead, and I felt my body tense as if something foreign was entering. 

“What the hell are you doing to Vege-”

“Quiet, Nappa!” I waved him off before giving Pybara an upward glance. I felt…so weird. Whatever he was doing wasn’t exactly detrimental to my health, but the best way I could explain it is it felt slimy

Pybara let go of my forehead a few moments later, and I felt the strange foreign intrusion leave my body. He took a few steps backward and made a cringe-like face. 

“Your spirit…it’s dark.” 

“I’d be surprised if it were anything else with the things I have done,” I answered immediately. 

He gave a nod in response. “But you wish to change?” 

“I do.” 

He glanced toward Nappa and Raditz. “And them?” 

“I am their Prince, but I cannot speak for their intentions. I am their ruler, not their spirit.” 

A small smile crossed the small blue alien's lips. 

“I suppose that’s true.” He then turned around. “Follow me, Prince Vegeta, Nappa of the Royal Court, Raditz of the low-class warriors; you will be permitted to stay.”

My eyes narrowed at his back as I replayed his words in my mind. 

Permitted to stay, but he never said anything about training us. I guess he needed a bit more than a quick scan to judge our intentions. 

I stood up from my kneeling position and smirked. “Lead the way, Elder Pybara.” 

— 2 Months Later —

It didn’t take long for us to earn the trust of Pybara and for us to begin our training. First things first was learning how to sense ki. Ki sensing was one of the most important skills in the Universe, and it didn’t take me longer than a few hours to learn it. Nappa and Raditz took a day. 

Once we learned how to sense ki, we spent a lot of time meditating to “find ourselves,as Pybara put it. 

Nappa wasn’t the kind of guy who liked sitting for long and even started acting up, threatening Pybara. Even as I told him to shut his fucking mouth, he still continued until finally, he challenged Pybara, and the elder accepted. 

It was a one-sided beatdown. 

Nappa didn’t even land a blow as Pybara gracefully dodged all of his attacks and counted with light but precise attacks. 

It would take an idiot not to see that Pybara was holding back considerably

After their spar, both Nappa and Raditz started to respect the Yardrats for the powerhouses they were, and they didn’t complain again about the meditation. 

We meditated for a month, but we were still quite a ways off from unlocking the skill I came to the planet for. So I insisted we stay until Freeza called us to a planet, and of course the two Saiyans listened to me. 

It wasn’t until two months later that I finally learned instant transmission, and while we intended to stay until Nappa and Raditz learned it as well, we received word from the Freeza Force that we were given a faraway mission. 

So, with a great deal of frustration clinging to our hearts, we thanked the Yardrats and Elder Pybara for the training and promised to return someday before heading off the planet and toward our next given mission.

As we soared through the emptiness of space, I couldn’t help but clench my fists. 

I didn’t know how Vegeta did it this long…I was getting sick of this shit. Being told what to do, where to go, and when…it was infuriating.

I wanted nothing more than to rip off Freeza’s tail and strangle him with it, but I knew I was still very far away from that level of power, even with Instant Transmission. 

This means that all I could do was keep my head down and prepare until the time was right. 

Speaking of preparation, there was a planet not too far away from Yardrat where I could strengthen my forces. 

I grinned as I looked at the emptiness of space. 

When we finished this mission, we were going to head over to Planet Vampa and pick up the Saiyan warrior of Legend. 

— Chapter End —

Join me on my Discord server https://discord.gg/urPdbMCtQM

Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord) @Basilisk @Dragonboy1 

Author’s Note: I considered going more into detail about the Yardrat training but ultimately decided against it. Other than learning ki sensing and instant transmission, it's not really that important since that’s all they had time for. I may go more in depth when Vegeta goes back in the future, but until then, this is all I have. 



Thanks for the chapter