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— Krillin —

“Look at the runt, scrambling around like a little pig.” One of the senior members laughed as Krillin ate dirt. 

The same senior walked over and grabbed Krillin by the neck before placing his hand on his face. “Got your nose.” 

“G-Give it back,” Krillin said through haggard breaths. 

“It actually fucking worked! You fucking idiot, you don’t have a nose!”

“Oh…rig-” Krillin was cut off by a mean punch to the face and dropped to the ground. 

“I don’t get why the master wastes his time on a runt like you. You’re nothing but a disappointment and you will continue to be a disappointment until your last day in this realm. Do the world a solid and see yourself out, for the good of the Orin temple.” 

He clenched his fists. This was his life, day in and day out. Being looked down on, treated horribly, and he hated it. 

He knew he was a runt, he knew he was weak, but never had he wanted to be. 

“I’m sorry I’m so weak.” 

“Don’t apologize, just make sure I never see your noseless face again, you fucking embarrassment.” 

“Brutal!” The other two members laughed as they all walked away, leaving a broken, both physically and mentally, Krillin behind. 

They were right about him, he was never meant to be anything in life. He was the runt of all runts, even at twelve years old he looked five, and his punches never had the power that he wished they did. 

He was destined for failure, and every day he woke up, he accepted that fact. 

Yet something within him screamed for him to try somewhere else. 

The Orin temple, it just wasn’t the right place for him, even if the master tried his best, he’d always be beaten for bringing shame to the temple. 

The one place he wished to go to learn martial arts was the old Turtle Hermit school, Kame House taught by the greatest martial arts master in history, Master Roshi. 

He knew he wasn’t near good enough to be accepted and trained by a legend among legends, but he had to try…

Though he didn’t believe in himself, he couldn’t give up on himself, and that was the day Krillin’s resolve steeled for the first time in his life. He returned to his small room and began packing his things for the long journey ahead of him. 

He would go learn from the Turtle Hermit, or he would die trying. 

— Vegeta (Six Months Later)  —

I let out an extremely tired sigh as I pushed myself out of bed. 

It took us three months to get to the planet we were clearing, a week to actually clear that large fuck of a planet, and then three more months to get back to our headquarters, and I was so done with space right about now. 

Earth sounded like a wonderful vacation spot, but duty calls and all that annoying shit. 

I groaned and splashed some water on my face before getting dressed and heading out of my quarters. 

Killing the planet’s inhabitants wasn’t a hard thing to do even if they were decent strength, which means I gained practically no more strength from the siege. 

Which means, it was time to train again, in the time I had left before that jackass Freeza sent me on another mission. 

I let out a yawn as I made my way toward the dining hall. As much as I wanted to train, I was a Saiyan and food always came first. 

The automatic doors to the hall opened and I inhaled the freshly cooked food with a smile on my face. 

“Hello, dear Prince.” 

That smile immediately dropped, as did my body as I quickly threw myself to one knee, much like everyone else in the room with the exception of three people. 

“It has been a few years, Lord Freeza, I am glad to see you’re in good health,” I spoke out in well rehearsed fashion. To think Freeza would show up today! 

The Galactic Emperor of Universe 7 remained quiet, though I couldn’t see what he was doing with my face tilted toward the ground. 

“Oho! Monkeys learning their manners? Have I gone senile, Zarbon?” 

“I fail to believe my own ears either, My Lord,” Zarbon said with amusement lacing his voice. 

“Today is a good day,” Dodoria added. 

“Quite.” Freeza laughed. “Well, Prince, aren’t you curious as to why I’m here?” 

“Not really, Lord Freeza.” I admitted slowly. “This is your planet and all around us are your ships. Seeing you around your property is hardly surprising.” 

Again a round of silence at my words. 

“Aha…Ohohoho!” Freeza laughed long and hard. “Oh my, it’s been a while since I’ve had quite a good laugh.” 

I don’t know if that’s a good thing…

“If you could give me your full attention, Prince Vegeta.” 

I didn’t keep him waiting. I tilted my head up and for the first time I got a good look at the Tyrant of Universe 7. 

Sitting in his floating pod in his first form. Zarbon and Dodoria on right and left respectively. 

“You have spoken the truth, but it seems you left something out.” Freeza’s pod floated over to my kneeling form. The Pod lowered to the point it was on the ground and Freeza and I were face to face. 

Slowly, he lifted his hand and I didn’t even try to run. If he wanted me dead, I was dead, no use in trying shit. 

His fingers brushed against my cheek gently. 

“I own this planet, and everything on it, and that includes all of my faithful servants.” He gave a quick and light slap to my face before making his pod float again and returning to his original spot. “I came to get a good look at Freeza Planet 817 and I must say, you all have outdone yourselves this time! Keep up the good work and you may end up getting Unit of the month!” 

““Yes, Lord Freeza!”” All the people in the dining hall chorused. 

“Oho! Such enthusiasm, it warms my icy heart!” Freeza lifted his hand and pointed it at a random alien before firing at them. The death beam hit the alien's chest and I watched as the life left his eyes and his body hit the ground with a thud. “Dial it back a little next time, that’s all, dismissed.” 

And with those words, no one moved until Freeza, Zarbon, and Dodoria were out of the dining hall and out of sight. 

Only when I sensed him outside of the building did I begin to rise to my feet. I was the first person to move, and once I started moving, the others around me followed. 

“Clean that up.” Some alien said, looking at the unlucky bastard Freeza used to send a message. 

“He’s always one for dramatics, isn’t he, Vegeta?.” Nappa said, walking over to me with Raditz in tow. 

“It wouldn’t be Freeza if he wasn’t.” I shrugged, grabbing a few trays of food and heading over to the place we usually sat. 

“You’re right about that, Prince.” Raditz nodded along, still visibly shaken up from Freeza’s presence. 

I had to thank all things holy that I didn’t start learning how to ki sense yet, or I would have definitely shit myself when Freeza got that close. 

Even without the ability to sense ki, I could feel how powerful he was. 

If I am a shack, he is a skyscraper, and he’s only in his first form, well technically his fourth form is his base form so does that make his current form his negative three form?. 

I looked down at my food and immediately began scarfing it down. 

I needed to get stronger, and I couldn’t afford to waste any time, especially if I wanted to give that fucker a piece of my mind sooner rather than later

We all ate in silence, or at least as much silence as three saiyans could produce, before heading over to one of the many training rooms. 

We walked in and I wasted no time turning around to look at both Nappa and Raditz. 

“You both, I want you to come at me with everything you have.” 



“That won’t be much help to you…” Raditz said nervously but I just glared at him.

“I gave you an order, come on!” 

Both Raditz and Nappa gave each other a quick look before rushing me. I sidestepped the punch Nappa threw at me and moments later blocked Raditz’s sweep kick. Then I grabbed Raditz’s leg and threw him hard into Nappa, sending them flying into the wall.

“Damn it, you fucking runt, stay out of my way!” Nappa scolded Raditz. 

“I-It was my fault! I did as Prince Vegeta asked!” 

“And you fucked it up like the waste of low class Saiyan sperm you are!” Nappa bit back, pushing himself to his feet. 

I grunted in annoyance. I knew it wasn’t gonna work but I wanted to at least try. These two were too weak to ever give me a good fight, and even if I started training their strength, it would take them years with our level of options to reach my level. 

Which means, It’s finally time to go with option 2. 

“Raditz, Nappa, we’re going to Planet Yardrat.” 

— Chapter End — 

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Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord) @Basilisk @Dragonboy1 



Thanks for the chapter