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— Vegeta (Six Years, One Month Later) —

“Vegeta, are we there yet?!” 


“Are we there yet?!” 


“Are we-”

“Nappa, we are not and will not be there for the next fucking year; how many times must I say it?!” 


“Did…did he finally shut the fuck up?” Raditz asked in both shock and awe. 


“...What, Nappa.” 

“You’re Raditz.” 

“...Yes, I am Nappa.” 

“I’m sorry for your loss.” 

I snorted at that merely because of how out of pocket and unexpected it was. 

“Prince Vegeta, can’t we leave him on some random planet?” 

“He’s more useful than you, Raditz. Get stronger than him, and I’ll think about it.” I frowned. 

This…This had been my life for the last five fucking years. 

I thought things were going so dandy after we left Yardrat and began our mission, the mission was easy enough, but we just had to go to fucking Vampa after! 

Easily my biggest regret to date. 

“Vegeta, Vegeta, Vegeta, Vegeta, Vegeta, Vege-” 


“Can we stop at that planet?” 

“If it will shut you up, then fine!” 


Where was I? Oh yes, Vampa, the worst fucking mistake of my life. I went there expecting to find Broly and Paragus, but instead, I found a wasteland filled with relatively strong monsters. 

We searched the entire planet, and there was no Broly or Paragus, so I just assumed they weren’t there. This was disappointing but more or less fine. 

Then my dumbass had the bright idea to use the relatively powerful monsters as a way to train. 

While they weren’t powerful at all to me, they were actually a good match for Raditz. The strongest monster could give Nappa a run for his money, so we decided to stay and train for a bit. 

Who would have expected Nappa to get hit so hard on his head that his IQ would drop a cool fifty points?

Because I fucking didn’t!

“This is gonna be so awesome, Vegeta!” 

“Hah…I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, Nappa.” I rubbed my temples. Honestly, I hoped he ended up getting tuckered out when dealing with whatever aliens were here. I wasn’t typically a big fan of needless killing like this detour we were taking, but honestly, if it tired out Nappa, their sacrifice was worthwhile. 


Our pods crashed into the pink grass of the planet, and we hopped out. 

“Ooh, this planet is pretty!” Nappa grinned, looking around. “Hey Vegeta?!” 

“What, Nappa?” 

“It’s the locals!” 

I blinked and then looked in the direction he was to see a bunch of tiny, almost childlike aliens. 

“Yes, quite a little bunch they are.”

“I’ma kill 'em!” 

“Break a leg.” I shrugged, taking a seat on the soothing pink grass. 

“You hear that, aliens? The Prince…has sPoKeN.” Nappa smiled widely before blasting himself toward them. 

I closed my eyes and relaxed to the sound of punches, screams, and cries that Nappa…invoked out of the tiny aliens, and honestly, it was much better than hearing that fucking idiot day in and day out. 

“Prince Vegeta, we can leave him here,” Raditz suggested, and truthfully, I was tempted.

“He is a Saiyan warrior and an elite one at that. As…stupid as he may be, he has his uses, and throwing away a good warrior is the height of ignorance.” 

“Yes, Prince Vegeta.” Raditz closed his eyes and sighed, then opened them and watched as Nappa killed the aliens in almost every way imaginable. 

Yeah, there's no other way of putting it. We’re evil, incredibly so, even if I don’t want to be. The fact that I’d rather hear the cries of mothers, fathers, and children than spend time listening to Nappa talk speaks tales of my sanity. 

After some time, Nappa had killed all the ones in the area and flew off to find more. Raditz and I sat in comfortable silence, though I’m sure it was more awkward for him. 

“So, what will we do after we have finished our mission, Prince Vegeta?” Raditz asked. 

I tapped my scouter, turning it off, and he did the same. 

“You mentioned in the past that your little brother is somewhere in the North Galaxy, correct?” 

“Yes, my Prince.” 

I nodded. Given how much time has passed, the events of Dragon Ball should have already come to a close, and Gohan should have been born by now. We were still a few years off of Z, but that was fine. Right now, we’re in the South Galaxy in the Middle East, and our mission would take us to the Middle West, which means that the trip to Earth from our mission point would take approximately three years at the very least. 

“You will head out to pick up Kakarot while Nappa and I will track that old Saiyan signal we received.” 

“Of course, Prince Vegeta.” Raditz lowered his head and looked back at the pink sky's emptiness. 

Recently we picked up a signal of old Saiyan technology, which piqued my curiosity. Whoever is in that ship isn’t of the Freeza force simply due to how old the technology is, which means it must be pirates of some kind. 

I hoped to all things holy that it was Broly and Paragus again, but there was also a chance that it wasn’t Saiyans at all, which would suck.

Either way, Nappa and I would check it out while Raditz heads to Earth. 

“If we wish to take down Freeza, we’re gonna need every Saiyan we can get, so make sure you bring Kakarot back to us,” I said while looking off into the distance. 

“Yes, My Prince.” 

“Try and bring him along peacefully,” I added. “If he doesn’t come peacefully, knock him out and take him by force, but don’t play around. Get the job done and head back to us.” 

Raditz nodded, and as I lay my back against the soft pink grass, one thought consumed me. 

He’s going to die horribly. 

He was sitting at around 2500 PL right now, which was 1000 more than he had in canon, but something told me he was going to fuck up and still end up dying. 

Honestly, that wouldn’t be too bad.

If Raditz still died, the Time Patrollers wouldn’t be too concerned about any changes regarding his strength. However, if he lived and managed to bring Goku to me, they might actually step in, and I wasn’t ready for that. 

I didn’t mind making changes later once Freeza was dead and earning the Time Patroller’s attention because it could honestly be a good thing. Still, anything before that may just result in Chronoa shutting down the timeline to avoid any more significant issues. 

Which is something I can’t blame her for. 

Raditz dying would be fine, but if he doesn’t die and retreats instead, that’s also fine. 

“I’m done!” 

I let out a tired sigh. 

“Good, let’s go.” 

“I had fun, Vegeta!” 

“I’m glad you did, Nappa.” 

And with that, we hopped in our space pods and made our way off of the newly massacred planet. 

We had a relatively challenging mission to deal with next, but it wasn’t anything our Great Ape forms couldn’t handle, especially with my current power level being as high as it is. 

A whopping 32 thousand. 

It's nothing too crazy in the grand scheme of power levels, but a 14 thousand increase from Canon plus instant transmission will always be appreciated. 

Nappa is sitting at a little over nine thousand, which is also quite good for our future clash with Freeza. 

As our space pods took to the stars, I wondered how everything was going on Earth right now. Life in the depths of space was cool…and boring, and more than anything, I wanted to see my home planet again, even if it wasn’t actually my home-


— Bulma —

She sat in her home at Capsule Corp, doing what she does best: engineering new inventions to improve the world. 

Or to make her life convenient. Same difference. 

Thankfully, things had become peaceful, and no new problems had occurred in the last two years, thanks to Goku.

She still couldn’t believe he managed to defeat Piccolo Jr and save the world, but more than that, she couldn’t believe that he let the son of a bastard live! 

He had the perfect chance to end him off, but he let the green fucker walk! 

She sighed tiredly before a small smile graced her soft lips. 

It was just like Goku to do something so stupid. 

She couldn’t even be mad at him for doing it. Even after all these years, he was still the same kid she met on that mountain, and based on the way things were going, he would likely never change. 

To think that same kid was actually married now…

She would pray to Kami for Chi-Chi’s sake. She would definitely have it hard for the rest of her life dealing with him, but Bulma knew that ultimately, Chi-Chi would have the time of her life married to Goku. 

Their story was one of love, after all. 

On the other hand, her story wasn’t so straightforward. 

“Hey, Bulma!” 

Her boyfriend greeted her, walking through the door with his cat best friend, Puar on his shoulder. 

She ignored him, settling for working instead. 

“Uh, Bulma, is something wrong?” Yamcha asked, walking over to her. 

She really didn’t want to talk to him right now.

And it was all his fault. 

“Did I do something-” 

“I’m working, Yamcha,” Bulma said with an icy tone, and Yamcha knew to take the hint and leave before she started shouting at him. She let out another sigh as he closed the room door. 

She cared about Yamcha; she really did, but he was…not what she had expected. 

He was hot, really hot, and she loved that about him, and he was kind-

Too kind. 

Every time she would push him away, he’d walk away, and then he’d start leading other girls on accidentally, which would cause her to get mad again, and the cycle would start all over again. 

She knew the fault was hers, but it was just how she was. 

She needed a man that wouldn’t lead other girls on or take any shit from her, and she hoped Yamcha would be that man. 

They were still pretty young, only in their twenties; time would tell if Yamcha was the man she dreamed of. 

And she truly hoped he was. 

— Chapter End —

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Beta Reader: @LuluViBritania (FF.N, SB, WN and QQ)/-LuluViB|99th Britannian Emperor(Discord)



Author’s Note: No matter what happens, too many changes have already been made, and the Time Patrollers will take notice. Not much he can do about that now.



Oh my, the TFS timeline, this is hilarious. But Chronoa is best girl (as is Aeos). Will Vegeta get that Timeussy? :v


Thanks for the chapter