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I signed my name on the dotted line, at one point having planned on giving my signature an extra flourish, given all of the goals I’d achieved, but I’d been awake for what felt like months, I was tired. A sensation that faded, even as the scroll I’d signed rolled itself up and vanished in a flash of emerald light, and the ground fell out from under my feet. In hindsight, I really should have expected something like this from a guy whose nameplate read “ROB #5.879 ✕ 10^55” on it.

Fortunately my fall was short lived, my ass landing on something hard and metallic, but my head coming to a stop on something soft and padded. I opened my eyes, hope burning bright in my chest that the cushion under my (currently) flesh and bone head was what I had negotiated for, only to be greeted by the sight of an old, rusted grated ceiling.

= Starting Forge Blessings Received =

= Cranial Implants Initiating =

= Technical Expertise Initiating =

= Scrap Hound Initiating =

…Cranial Implants Activated…

…Logis Acceleratius Booting…

Based on the color composition of the metal above me, the metal part of the ceiling was composed of old, poorly cared for steel alloys. From what I could see of the rock behind it, the rock was composed primarily of iron, my fleshy eyes too poor to be able to provide a more detailed analysis. The contours of the cushion under my head, the ambient heat compared to the rest of my body, and the subtle movements…

Turning my head, I was treated to the sight of a red haired, green eyed woman who had triggered puberty in the male half of the human race for decades. The woman I’d bartered and brokered to have at my side. A woman who, despite being sex on legs, was shown to be an expert marksman. When augmented with the technology I would soon craft, I would be able to outfit her with weapons and armor unlike anything this… I was about to say ‘this world’ but it just dawned on me that I didn’t know what world this was.

“Awake, Darling?” Jessica nee Rabbit asked, smiling down at where my head was resting atop one of her breasts.

“I am,” I said, not moving my head from her big, soft, comfy tit.

“Good, then you will want to get started on making the Tempest Jewelry,” she said, pushing me off her chest and standing up.

God, even the simple act of her standing up oozed sex, sensuality, and femininity. The way her hips swayed, the way her back arched, the way her hair draped down, covering the front of her chest while exposing her back and a peek of her ass, the way her lips and her eyelids both seemed to smile as she looked over her shoulder and gave me a coy look, a look that sent electricity straight through me, lighting me up with a need to be inside her.

But her words registered a moment after her look, and the fire was doused in the ice cold water of logic. Right, in my negotiations with ROB I had the blueprints for Tempest Jewelry but I had to make them myse…

My eyes snapped to Jessica as I stood up, “You don’t have a piece of Tempest Jewelry, do you?”

She shook her head lightly, “I’m still bound to you for now, but the binding will wear off over the course of a week. By that point, I suspect I will be angry enough at being taken away from Roger and made to serve you that I will try to kill you.”

Why was it that even when she was talking about killing me, I was finding it hard to tear my eyes away from her lips as they moved? Then the rest of her words registered, and my mind began to move a mile a minute, going over what I had seen on the blueprints, and what I was able to gleam from the immediate surroundings.

The metal that the ceiling was composed of was steel, and there were what looked like cast off, discarded, and thrown away electronics everywhere, forming massive piles, all of which would make the area we were in a good place to start. If the blueprints were to be believed, and based on the fact that ROB was the one who provided them, I believed, the first step would be to create some basic tools, and from there some gear and Tempest Jewelry to keep my one and only companion from shooting me.

I looked over at Jessica, my eyes scanning her form and taking in the beauty of her body. She was wearing her red lounge dress, opera gloves, and crazy high heels, none of which were suited for the kind of work I had in mind.

…Scrap Hound Booting…

“Righto, let’s get started,” I said, rolling up my sleeves. “I’ll need you to hand me that coffee machine looking thing, that rat’s nest of wires, and one of your gloves. If my figuring’s right, I should be able to make a Tempest Choker for you in a day or two.”

“Why am I not surprised you went for a choker?” Jessica asked, a small amused smirk on her face as she grabbed the pieces of scrap I’d pointed out.

“Have you looked in a mirror?” I asked with a slight chuckle. “God, first chance I get after the choker’s done, I suspect I’ll spend the first ten minutes giving you so many hickies on your neck they’ll be there for a month.”


The next few days I fell into a bit of a fugue, I was so in The Zone that I didn't notice the passage of time. I didn't notice my stomach growling and protesting the lack of food, I didn't notice my limbs and joints complaining at the abuse I was putting them through. All that mattered was the work, and getting the job done.

After two days of constant, ceaseless work, I finished the choker, a band of delicate, complicated circuitry sheathed within light purple fabric with a silver skull motif set into the center that Jessica had helped me design.

“Jhesshica,” I slurred as I stood up from where I’d been hunched over my makeshift workbench for the last two days, feeling like every joint in my body popped as I did so.

“Shh,” she gently shushed me, putting a finger to my lips. My bleary, exhaustion clouded vision took her in. Her makeup was smeared, dust and soot and grease covered her exposed skin, her hair was in clumps from the sweat, her dress was torn and tattered, and her heels were scuffed and chipped. God, she was still the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes on.

Her eyes locked with mine, and I could feel the fire she lit within me, even if it was hard to feel the fire over the pain and the hunger.

“Get some rest, you need it,” she said, taking me by the hand and leading me over to a makeshift cot.

She sat at one end of the cot, helped me out of my sweat, grease, and oil caked clothes, and gently guided me onto the bed, her thighs as my pillow. I felt her hand carding through my hair, and the last thing I saw was her smiling down at me as I fell asleep.

I awoke to the sensation of a hot, wet mouth sucking on my dick, and a pair of large, soft, pillowy tits pressed against my legs and groin. Opening my eyes, I found myself looking up at Jessica, her mouth around my cock and her breasts being used to rub me off, and it was all I could do not to cum right then and there.

She must have noticed the twitch my dick gave in response, because she looked up at me, winked, and continued what she was doing, her tongue sliding across the head and shaft as her lips massaged the tip and shaft, her breasts continuing to massage the base.

I couldn't hold it in, and I came in her mouth, which she swallowed with ease. After that, she climbed up onto the bed, straddled my waist, and slid my cock inside her. She began to bounce, slowly and steadily, moaning and sighing as she did so, the sound of her voice making the blood rush through me.

After a while, I placed my hands on her hips, and started moving her, guiding her up and down, her tits bouncing as she did so. It was then that I noticed: the choker wasn't on her neck.

… Emotional Restricting Protocols: 10% …

If Jessica hadn’t put it on, that meant that the initial binding was still wearing off. Which meant that the inbuilt attraction was weaker now than it was when I’d gone to sleep, and much weaker than it had been before I’d started working on the choker. She was much smarter and more cunning than most gave her credit for, and had shown that she was willing to do a lot of things she’d find distasteful for those she cared about.

… Probability of Sabotage: 87% …

Reaching one hand up along her smooth back, I sat up, pulling her flush against my chest. The quiet gasp she made, right next to my ear, made my cock twitch inside her, but I forced myself to focus. Pulling her hair aside, I started to place kisses on her pale neck, while my eyes scanned the workshop, trying to spot the choker. If Jessica was already working to sabotage me, then I couldn’t take the risk of what she’d do with the extra two days it would take to make another choker.

… Visual Enhancement Protocols: 15% …

… Warning: Visual Enhancement Protocols limited by current hardware …

The light was dim and the workshop was a mess, but I could just barely make out the choker on the far side of the room, sitting on the edge of the workbench. Now the question was getting to it and placing it around Jessica’s neck without her avoiding it or somehow keeping me from doing so.

As I continued to kiss, lick, and suck her neck, my hands roaming over her back, she began to speed up, her movements becoming more and more erratic, her breaths coming out as heavy pants and her moans coming out as near shouts. She was getting close, and if my guess was right, once she did, her attention would be elsewhere for a time.

I was right, because once she came, her body stiffening and her cunt spasming around my cock, her eyes rolled back and her mouth fell open. This was my moment: I stood, spinning around and depositing Jessica on the cot before bolting towards the workbench.

As I ran, I watched Jessica recover, her eyes opening and her head lifting up. Once she realized what was happening, she too sprang up, sprinting towards the choker. Unfortunately for her, I got the choker and was back in front of her before she'd even cleared the halfway mark. She came to a stop and turned around, but it was too late, I had already put the choker on.

= Subject: Jessica Rabbit Binding Process 60.714% =

I let out a relieved sigh, before mentally running the numbers. That percentage, assuming that the binding was wearing off at the same base rate that the Tempest Jewelry binding was applied, meant that it was sixty six hours since the binding had started fading.

“How long was I asleep?” I asked.

“A bit over half a day,” Jessica answered, turning back around to face me. “I had hoped that sex would keep you distracted for longer than it did. I am impressed.”

I smiled at her, a slight blush crossing my cheeks at her compliment. Shaking my head, I turned my attention back to the rest of the scrap and junk in our little hidey hole.

“So: there’s a bunch of scrap around us, and no idea what the rest of the world is like. On top of that, our only clothes are either in tatters or completely unsuited for where we are. We have no money, no identity, and no idea if humans are even a thing here,” I turned back to Jessica, a grin on my face and excitement burning in my eyes. “Ready to get to work?”

= Forge Blessing Gained: Minor Blueprints =

= Blueprints: Utility Mods =

+ Origin: Multiversal Cluster 75Ʊ~F^#5534 +

+ AKA: Dead Space +

= Blueprints Uploading =

My hand went to my head as a spike of pain shot through it, but on the upside, I knew what my next project was going to be. The Kinesis Module alone would make harvesting the scrap around us so much safer. Plus working backwards from it would allow me to design some serious weapons for Jessica and myself.


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