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Reaching down, I snapped open the bra Glory Girl was wearing, her power enhanced strength making me take a moment to reinforce the plants holding her in place. That done, I was able to expose her breasts. They were nice, the perfect handful, a bit smaller than I'd expected, but they were perky, with large pink nipples. Leaning down, I took one of them into my mouth, my tongue teasing her nipple, making it harden.

My fingers slipped beneath the waistband of her skirt, pulling them and her underwear down. She struggled and writhed, her body thrashing about, trying desperately to break free of her bindings, but all that did was help me tear her clothes off. I wasn't interested in being gentle, I was pissed off at her, and I'd given her multiple warnings, beaten her multiple times when I was weaker, and in my view she had well earned what was about to come.

Reaching into her folds, my fingers teased and caressed her most intimate places. She was dry, which wasn't really surprising. She wasn't exactly happy about losing. My tongue switched sides, lapping at the nipple that had thus far been ignored, while my free hand teased the one that had had my attention moments before. She was starting to grow wetter, but I didn't let that stop me from sliding a finger into her.

She gasped, her back arching. It was a nice reaction, and one I wanted to hear more of. So I began fingering her with my right hand, slowly and carefully. I could feel her walls clamping down, tightening around my digit, but that wasn't enough to stop me from working her over. I was careful to avoid her clit, that could wait until the time was right. My free hand went from teasing her breasts, to roaming her body.

I stroked her neck, her cheek, her stomach. I traced the outline of her abdominal muscles, the most defined of anyone I'd been with. Her body was fit, athletic, and it was obvious how much effort she'd put behind her training; every inch looked like something carved by an artist's chisel or sculpted stone.

“You know, we could have avoided all of this, if you'd just left me alone. But no, you just had to try and fight me,” I murmured into her ear, her eyes wide with rage and humiliation.

“Fuck...you…” she panted out, her breath coming in pants as I continued to play with her body.

“All in good time, I have something else in mind first,” I replied, and her eyes widened in horror.

My hand reached down, and I began teasing her clit. It was obvious how sensitive she was, as her body jerked, her hips rising to meet my hands. I kept a steady pace, not allowing her to speed up. She let out a cry, her walls clamping down on my finger, as she came.

I waited, giving her a few moments to recover, before I began again. She struggled harder, the bindings holding her breaking a little, but not enough. It was obvious she was growing close, and a cruel smile formed on my face. She had no way to resist, and the way her eyes widened as I pulled my hand away, a trail of juices connecting her lower lips and my fingers, was absolutely delicious.

“You bastard!” she hissed. “I swear, I'll get you for this!”

“Mhmm,” I hummed condescendingly. “Sure you will, it's not like I've beaten you every time we've fought, even when you did your best to take my head off.”

“Fuck you!” she snapped, and I grinned.

“As you wish,” I said, pulling my zipper down and dropping my pants, my erect penis springing out.

She tried to close her legs, to keep me out, but the plant growth still held her in place. Mental note: see about making some sort of hentai vine spell, the modified version of Entangle was great for BDSM, but I had a hunch that Kaede would cum her brains out with some tentacle sex.

Setting thoughts of fun times with my high schooler baby mama aside, I turned my attention back to the blonde under me. Glory Girl was still fighting, struggling, against the vines holding her. And even as she did, her eyes darted to my cock. I smiled, before thrusting in, burying myself to the hilt in a single movement.

Her back arched, and she let out a loud, “Ah!”

I gave her a moment, then began moving. I was careful not to go too fast or too hard, at least not at first. Her pussy was tight, gripping me like a vice, and the way her body jerked and writhed made it feel even better. I could tell she was getting closer, her walls tightening and clamping down around me. She was so close, right at the edge, and I grinned.

I pulled out, my member leaving her entrance. She looked at me in shock, then anger, before she screamed, “You bastard!”

I just laughed, before saying, “If you want to cum, then beg.”


I shrugged, before taking a moment to tease her clit. I rubbed her nub, and she shuddered. I could feel her walls contracting, but nothing happened. She was obviously on the edge, and I was denying her the release she needed. Ah, humans and rampant horniness, such a useful thing when you knew how to exploit it.

“Come on, little girl,” I murmured, “Beg. Beg for the chance to cum.”

“I hate you,” she said, glaring at me.

“Fine,” I said, grabbing her hips and spinning her onto her front. I could hear her gasp as the vines holding her changed their position. They held her arms and legs apart, leaving her ass exposed, and I couldn't help but admire the sight. It was nice, round and plump. Reaching down, I grabbed her by the cheeks and pulled them apart.

“W-what are you doing?” she asked, fear and uncertainty entering her voice.

“Well, since you won't beg, I figured I'd have my own fun,” I said, planting my cock against her ass and letting her cheeks close around it.

I had no plans to fuck her ass, but hotdogging was a different story. With one hand, I continued to grope and feel up her ass, while the other I reached under her to pinch and tease her nipple. My hips began thrusting, sliding my cock between her cheeks, the friction feeling fantastic.

I leaned down, murmuring into her ear, “You have no idea how good your ass feels. If you'd just begged, then maybe I'd have given you a reward, but now, you have to suffer.”

“P-please,” she gasped.

“Please what?”

“P-please f-f-fuck me,” she said, and I let out a laugh.

“Now, is that any way to ask for something?”

“F-fuck me, please. Please, fuck me, I need it.”

I laughed again, before sliding my cock down and lining it up with her pussy. I pushed in, and she moaned loudly. She was tighter than before, but it wasn't enough.

“Oh? Did you get tighter?” I asked, and she gasped, her cheeks flushing a bright red.

I chuckled, even as I began moving my hips. The sensation was great, and the way she squirmed beneath me only made it better. She was panting and gasping, her hips jerking and grinding against mine, and I couldn't help but enjoy her reactions.

She was on the verge of cumming, I could tell, and so was I. But I wanted to make sure that she came first, so I reached down, finding her clit, and began to tease it. It was a simple matter to rub her, and I was rewarded with her moans increasing. I could feel her clamping down, and I thrust faster, the sound of our flesh meeting filling the air.

“A-ah!” she cried, and I felt her orgasm, her body spasming as her walls tightened, and her juices coating my cock.

“Fuck!” I groaned, and I couldn't hold back any longer, I came. My cum filled her, her womb filling and her body twitching as it continued to spasm, milking my cock.

It was a long moment before I finally managed to stop cumming, and by the time I did, my balls felt a lot lighter. It took a few more moments before I could pull out, a combination of the tightness and my own unwillingness to leave the warmth of her pussy. When I did, however, I saw her twitching and shuddering, her face flushed and her eyes unfocused.

Taking a moment to admire my handiwork, I gave the freshly fucked heroine a slap on her ass and said, “Don’t fall asleep on me, we aren’t done yet.”


Whistling a jaunty tune, I strode along the streets of Brockton Bay. I’d made Glory Girl cum nearly a dozen times, and cum at least three times myself, each time in her tight teen twat. But now it was high time I see how Kaede and Taylor’s costume fitting went. I could have taken a shadow step, but a part of me thought it was better to arrive looking normal.

Upon returning, I immediately spotted Kaede and pulled my pregnant warlock waifu into a hug, resting my hands on top of where our baby was growing. At roughly two and a half to three months along, she was just beginning to show, and I couldn’t get enough of it.

“Taylor out yet?” I asked, kissing the back of her neck, making her giggle.

“No, not yet, but she'll be done soon,” she said, blushing and smiling.

“Ah, good, good, that'll give me a bit of time to prepare the surprise I got for her,” I said, letting Kaede go. She turned and gave me a confused look, so I explained, “You remember what she said about wanting to be a hero?”

“Yeah,” she said with a nod.

“Well, after a chat with Yao Ming, I have a few routes that she can patrol and keep an eye out for the people living there. Nothing fancy, and it's pretty far from where the Merchants are causing trouble, but better to start small,” I said with a shrug.

“I think she’ll appreciate that,” Kaede agreed with a smile and a nod.

Speak of the devil, at precisely that moment Taylor walked out from the back, dressed in all grays, blacks, and a hint of dark blue. The entire ensemble was rather spartan, lacking the sort of frills and accentuations that most hero outfits, and even Kaede’s, had. Like Taylor had requested, there weren’t any aspects of it that screamed ‘ABB’ but even so, it made me think a little bit of ninjas. If ninjas had long hair in a braid down to the middle of their backs.

“Looking good,” I told her, glancing over to Kaede when she didn’t immediately respond. The look on her face, along with the way that her eyes were firmly locked on Taylor’s legs, gave me an idea for later. Right now, I had an obligation, “I can tell that Kaede likes it, she looks like she wants to either drag you to bed or on a date.”

OPHIOC!” twin female voices cried out, one in annoyance the other in embarrassment.

Grinning, I asked, “So, do you like the design? It's the sort of outfit that is easy to move in and won't attract too much attention. It also doesn't say ABB, which I know you didn't want. But if you really don't like it, then you can change it.”

“It's perfect, thank you,” she said.

“Well, that's good,” I replied, and turned towards Kaede. “Kaede, I'll see you at home, I think Yumi's going to be out with Danny tonight, so it'll be just the two of us.”

“Alright,” she said with a nod.

Departing, I narrowed my eyes as I plotted my next steps. Kaede honeypotting Taylor would be fun, and I’d get to bone the girl that in another life killed Zion. Something I’d been planning/hoping for ever since I realized that Kaede went to the same school. Things with the Protectorate would either remain the same or become a lot more irritating, depending on what Glory Girl tells people.

Letting her go might not have been the smartest of moves, but unlike Little Mouse, I didn’t have an easy way to contain her. I couldn’t keep the spell up constantly, and I didn’t want to kill her. Which didn’t give me much in the way of options.

I had a sneaking suspicion that things were about to get really interesting, one way or the other...


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