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Katie’s eyes scanned the room. She wasn't the only volunteer, she saw three other people as the door closed, a man, two women, and if her guess was right another futa. She couldn't be completely certain, not until her uniform pants came off, but she had the stereotypical futa build.

The room had, beyond a series of chairs for the volunteers, a table and a chair behind it, where Lieutenant Yu sat. The asian woman didn't smile, didn't seem surprised, just looked each person up and down with the same, bored look.

"Name?" Lieutenant Yu asked, looking directly at the man in front of Katie.

"Todd Smith," the man, Todd, replied.


"Twenty five."


"Grand theft auto, assault, attempted murder, and resisting arrest."

Lieutenant Yu paused, a flicker of surprise crossing her face.

"How much time do you have?" Lieutenant Yu asked.

"Hundred eighty years," Todd said.

"Why the hell are you here, then?" Lieutenant Yu demanded.

"Figured I'd rather fuck than fight, and maybe get out sooner," Todd said with a shrug.

"Fine," Lieutenant Yu said, shaking her head. "Take a seat, wait until I call you."

Todd moved, and the line shuffled forward.


"Kaitlyn Hardin."


"Twenty six."


"Two counts of manslaughter and driving without a license."

"How much time do you have?"

"Two hundred fifty years."

"Jesus Christ," Lieutenant Yu muttered, rubbing her temples. "Why the hell are you here?"

"I'm a horny, frustrated virgin and I've been waiting a long time to get laid."

Lieutenant Yu stared at her, blinking several times.

"You're not lying, are you?" the Lieutenant asked.

"No ma'am."

"You're sure about this? You could back out right now."

"Yes, ma'am, I'm sure," Katie said, nodding.

"Take a seat, wait to be called."

Katie did so, waiting patiently as the rest were asked the same questions. When it was finished, Lieutenant Yu stood up, placing her hands flat on the table and staring down the six volunteers.

"Alright, you lot," Lieutenant Yu said. "Here's how this is going to work. You will be given a date and time where you will be put through a trial run. If, at the end of the session, it is determined that you are suitable to be a prison slut, you'll be transferred to a private cell and assigned to a cell block in a few days. If you aren't determined to be suited for it, you'll be returned to the general population. Smith, you're up first. Go through the door, and the guards outside will escort you to your trial run."

The one man to volunteer stood, a smirk on his face, and moved towards the door, leaving the rest of them alone. Lieutenant Yu flipped through some papers, jotting down notes, and when Todd left, the process repeated.

When Katie was called, her heart began to race. She'd made her decision, now she was going to face the consequences. Taking a deep breath, she stood and followed Lieutenant Yu through the door, two guards waiting outside.

"This is Hardin, she's last," Lieutenant Yu said, her tone business-like and professional.

The guards nodded, gesturing for her to follow them, and the four walked through the halls, the only sound their footsteps. A few minutes later, they came to a door, and the two guards turned to her.

"Alright, new meat," the first guard said, her face impassive. "Your chunk of the staff's through this door, and you lucked out by getting the warden in your test group."

The second guard unlocked the door, pushing it open. Katie glanced around, a sense of apprehension growing in her stomach.

"Well? Go on, kid, don't keep them waiting," the first guard said, her tone impatient.

On the other side of the door were fifteen people, a mix of the three genders, and all of them were naked. Katie swallowed, suddenly having a very strong suspicion as to what her ‘trial run’ consisted of.

"Don't look so nervous, kiddo, we don't bite," a male guard said with a grin.

"Well, not unless you want us to," another guard added, making a number of them chuckle.

"Alright, enough teasing the new girl," the warden said, striding forward and putting a hand on her shoulder. "The name's Carol, but while we're doing this, it's Mistress or ma'am."

Katie blinked, her cock twitching at the title, "Yes, Mistress."

"Good girl," the warden, Mistress, said. "Now, let's see if you're suited to be a slut, shall we?"

Without another word, Katie was pulled to her feet, Mistress's hands expertly pulling her orange jumpsuit off, exposing her tits, hips, and seven and a half inch cock.

"My my, someone's been keeping a secret," Mistress purred, her fingers wrapping around the throbbing shaft.

Katie couldn't help the whimper that escaped her lips. Mistress's hand was so warm, her grip firm and confident. She was already leaking precum.

"Well, sluts aren't meant to be quiet, are they?" Mistress asked. "So how about we see what sounds you make?"

The warden fell to her knees, her mouth enveloping the tip of Katie's cock, and a sound escaped the younger woman. A groan, a whimper, a moan, Katie couldn't tell, nor did she care. At the same time, another set of hands touched her shoulders, traveling down and eventually cupping her breasts.

"Damn, the little slut's got a nice rack," the owner of the hands, a man by the voice, said. "Soft, full, and those nipples are just perfect."

Katie felt a flush rise in her cheeks. She'd never been complimented on her body like this, and it felt good. Really, really good.

"Let's see how she reacts to this," the voice continued, and the hands squeezed.

It was like a shock running through her. The hands, the mouth, and Katie couldn't help the sounds that came from her. She wasn't even entirely aware of the fact that she was bucking her hips, trying to bury her cock deeper into the warm, wet hole.

"That's enough," a voice barked, and the warmth and softness left her.

Opening her eyes, which she'd closed at some point, Katie was met with the sight of a stern-faced Mistress, "Do you know what the word is?"

"Wh-what?" Katie asked, her voice shaky.

"If you want to stop. Do you know the word?"

Katie's eyes widened as she realized what was being asked, and she shook her head, "No, Mistress."

The older woman raised an eyebrow, "Then how were you supposed to use it if you don't know it?"

Katie was about to ask what she meant, but before she could, the warden sighed, "Alright, listen up everyone. If anyone's uncomfortable with continuing, use the safe word, 'red'. Understand?"

There was a chorus of agreement, and the warden turned her attention back to Katie, "Understand now?"

"Yes, Mistress," Katie said, nodding.

"Good. Now, let's get to it," the warden said, her voice growing sterner. "I want you bent over the table, ass up."

Without a word, Katie moved, bending over the table. She felt a shiver run down her spine, anticipation and lust running rampant. A hand landed on her back, running down to cup her ass, and Katie let out a whimper.

"Oh, you like that, do you?" Mistress asked, squeezing.

"Yes, Mistress," Katie said, unable to hold the words back.

"You've been deprived, haven't you? It's not easy, not being able to find any relief, is it?" Mistress asked, and Katie was struck with the thought that the older woman actually understood, truly sympathized with what she was going through.

"No, Mistress, it isn't," Katie agreed, her voice a hoarse whisper.

"Well, we can fix that," Mistress said, and Katie felt her ass being spread, a finger running down the crack. "After all, that's what you're here for, isn't it?"

The finger stopped, pressing against her puckered asshole, and Katie sucked in a breath.

"You have been fucked in the ass, haven't you?" Mistress asked.

"N-no, Mistress," Katie gasped.

"Well, no time like the present," the warden said, and Katie felt the finger enter her, making her squeal. "That's it, slut, make all the noise you want."

Another finger joined the first, stretching her, and Katie was struck with a sudden need, a desire she'd never felt before.

"More," Katie pleaded, her voice sounding odd to her ears.

"What's that, slut?" Mistress asked.

"M-more, please, more, Mistress," Katie begged. She couldn't take it anymore.

"Well, you heard her! Jenkins, you get first pick," Mistress said, her hand leaving after giving Katie's ass one last squeeze.

She heard movement, and then felt something pressing against her asshole, something a lot bigger than a finger. A moment later, a thick, meaty shaft entered her, spreading her wider than she'd ever been. A scream of pain and pleasure escaped her lips, the sensations so powerful her vision went white.

"God damn, she's tight," the man forcing his cock into her butt groaned, his hands gripping her hips tightly.

"Yeah, well, don't keep her waiting," Mistress said, sounding amused.

As if spurred on by the command, the man buried himself in her, his balls slapping against her skin, and the sound that escaped her was indescribable. The only thing Katie could think of was how good it felt. How full her backdoor felt.

Then she let out a yelp as she was pulled off the table, the man sitting on the floor without pulling out of her. At once, there was another man kneeling down in front of her, moving her balls aside to line himself up with her pussy. Two more cocks were put into her hands, while a firm grip on her hair guided her head to yet another dick, this one attached to a futa.

And then, they started.

Katie had never felt so good. Her entire body felt like it was on fire, pleasure coursing through her veins. The men were fucking her hard, slamming their hips against hers and filling her holes. They were grunting, groaning, and talking. Talking about how tight she was, how much she was loving this, and she couldn't disagree. The dick in her mouth, her pussy, and her ass were driving her crazy, and the men filling her hands were doing their part to keep her going.

"Come on, slut, I wanna hear you," the futa said, and Katie could only moan around the shaft.

She was loving it. She was in heaven, and she'd never felt anything like it before. It was all too much, and not enough. She wanted more, she wanted it faster, harder, rougher.

And then she came. Her eyes rolled back into her head, and the scream she let out was muffled by the futa's cock, her hips shaking. Jets of sperm shot from her untouched cock, splattering against her tits and stomach. It was the hardest orgasm of her life, and it was only the first.

The man inside her pussy pulled out, moving away and letting the next man in line move into place. As soon as he was ready, Katie was once again filled, a cry escaping her lips. The other men weren't stopping either, their pace unchanging as they pounded her holes.

"Fuck, the bitch is still squeezing my cock," one of them said, the man pounding her ass.

"Yeah, and she's still shooting her cum everywhere," one of the futas commented.

Katie's body was shaking, the pleasure overwhelming her. Her vision was white, her mind a haze, and she'd never felt so amazing. She loved it, she loved every minute of it. It was exactly what she'd needed, and it was exactly what she was meant for.

The sounds coming from her were constant, screams and moans, squeals and whimpers, and a few words, a few titles that were spoken like a prayer.





"Oh god, oh fuck."



"Oh god, fuck yes, don't stop, please."

"Don't stop."

"I'm going to cum again."

Katie lost track of time, and who was fucking her in what way. All she knew was that it felt good, and she wanted more. The men, futas, and even the women used her, fucked her, and she loved every second of it. Cocks filled her holes, her tongue and fingers were put to use on every sort of genitalia and they were all groaning.

"Fuck, I'm gonna blow!"

"Shit, me too!"

"Goddamn, fuck yeah, slut's ass is perfect!"

"Jesus, she's still going!"

"I can't hold back, shit, she's too much!"

"God damn, she's gonna milk my balls dry!"

By the time Katie had anything resembling coherent thought, she’d been thoroughly fucked and was being carted into a massive co-ed locker room with attached, and currently on, showers.

"Alright, kid, welcome to your new home," a female guard, the first of the two from earlier, said.

"We're going to wash you, dress you, and then get you settled in. Don't worry, your things will be brought along," the male guard, the second, explained.

Katie was led into the showers, where a handful of female guards were waiting. They didn't speak, didn't comment, just went about the task of washing her. Not particularly gently, but washing her all the same. After she'd been scrubbed and rinsed, she was given a clean orange prison uniform and led to a cell that reminded her more of a studio apartment, albeit one without any sort of personal touches. Still, if her days were anything like what she'd just experienced, she didn't think she'd mind spending the rest of her life here.


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