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It was ten am on a Saturday, I had nothing else going on for the next seven or so hours, thus I whistled a cheery tune as I escorted Kaede and Taylor to whatshisname that made me look like an off-brand Sub-Zero. I was curious what he’d come up with, especially if Taylor makes ‘not part of the ABB’ a requirement for the aesthetic.

Still, I was very pleased with the progress that my pregnant waifu had made with breaking through Taylor’s barriers. It helped that Kaede had admitted to me that she was genuinely fond of the older girl. The way she blushed when I teased her about wanting to have some fun with the bespectacled girl was just so adorable. Plus the mental image of having Taylor (well, anyone in all honesty) eating out Kaede as I fucked her from behind was really hot. Especially now that Kaede’s belly was starting to show if you were paying attention (like I was).

No, focus: horni thoughts later. Getting Taytay kitted out now. We entered the shop slash warehouse thing used by the tailor whose name I could never remember, Taylor looking around like a kid that walked into a toy store. I whistled to myself as the tailor entered the room and started speaking to Kaede and Taylor. I waved him away as he approached me, I was just here to be the checkbook and bag carrier. Well, that and spending time with the soon to be mother of my baby. That was honestly the part of this trip I was most fond of. Was it obvious that I was excited about Kaede’s baby bump? Because I was. A lot.

I pushed those thoughts aside, turning my focus back to the conversation in front of me. I listened long enough to pick up that Taylor explicitly didn’t want her costume to “look asian” and thus tie her to the ABB by association. Fair enough. Kaede suggested something form fitting, to accentuate her legs. Taylor was confused and asked what was special about her legs, prompting a long spiel from Kaede about Taylor’s legs, how they were nearly as pretty as her hair and she should show them off. I grew bored again almost immediately after, and thought about some of the other projects I had going on.

There were the spore bombs that Bakuda was working on, though her inability to replicate my spores meant that they were in a very limited supply. Plus the fact that apparently Oni Lee’s Shard couldn’t duplicate them. It was disappointing but not really all that surprising (at least it wasn’t for me). It seriously pissed off Bakuda though. Bakuda was cute when she was frustrated, the way her face turned red, the way her nose scrunched up, the way her tiny fists beat against her head… it was probably for the best that we didn't collaborate often, I was getting a boner just thinking about it.

So, that project set aside, I’d gotten pretty far in my ‘deal with the devil’ with Danny. Well, I say “I” but really it was mostly Yumi. She’d shown a surprising amount of fondness for the beanpole. If I didn’t interfere and let things play out, she just might end up falling for the guy. Honestly, so long as she understood that I got first dibs on her mouth, ass, pussy, and womb, by all means. Let Danny have her heart, I got the oyakodon that every guy who is even tangentially attracted to the female persuasion wishes they got.

Seriously, focus. I hadn’t seen Glory Girl in a while, she probably got the message and decided to leave me alone. It was a bit of a shame, she would have been a fun roll in the hay. She was stacked, had kissable lips, and to top it all off she was fit. Way more than anyone I’d been with, except for Little Mouse. Little Mouse’s fitness was on a whole other level, it was honestly probably her best feature.

Man, I am doing a really bad job at keeping my horni under control. Right, push the horni aside, again. Next project, hopefully one that won’t result in awkward store boners. The Brute Squad was coming along nicely…and I have nothing else to say about them. Huh, I really don’t have any projects that don’t relate to me sticking my dick in pussy. I did not realize I was this much of a horny bastard.

“Huh,” I mused aloud as the realization hit me. Should I find some other hobby? Or some other project? I needed to think about this, so I called out, “Kaede, give me a call when you’re done.”

Hearing an affirmative, I left the store and started walking. I didn’t have a specific destination in mind, I was just wandering. I knew I liked sex, but I hadn’t realized how almost all of my activities in my day to day life tied back to it. It was… disappointing. I’d turned into a horny teenager without even realizing it. Maybe I should cut back, rethink my approach in life, and come up with some project unrelated to…

YOU!” a voice screamed, right before it felt like a metal bar slammed into my back.

I slammed into a building, cement cracking and my bones breaking on impact. Pain filled my body, and I cried out as I collapsed on the ground. Arms, legs, and ribs were broken in at least a dozen places, needing to heal, restore immediately.

Mærlic batian,” I chanted under my breath, the spell weaving through my body and restoring me back to health. I looked up, only to immediately throw myself to the side to avoid the heel that slammed down where my spine had been. I barely got to my feet before I needed to duck in order to avoid a speeding blonde missile.

“Hold still you son of a bitch!” Glory Girl shouted, immediately stopping her flight and spinning around in a kick that was liable to take my head off. I was, rather obviously, opposed to such an action and dodged aside.

Normally, I’d make a funny joke, ham it up a little, the works. But Glory Girl had seriously pissed me off. Here I was, trying to think of ways to change my life, to make me better, and this bitch comes in an…

My thought process was cut off as she attacked again. She’d learned from our last two encounters, doing everything in her power to keep me from having a moment to think or speak an incantation. And either she’d been seriously training her flight, or she’d been holding back for a while, because I do not remember her being able to stop on a dime or use her flight to add momentum to her blows. To top it all off, she was wearing one of those pink and yellow breath masks, the ones with the filters on the side.

“Is…” I started to ask, only to bob out of the way of a punch. “There… a point… to that… mask?”

“Shut up and fight!” she yelled as she managed to clip my rib cage with a kick.

The sheer force sent me flying back, crashing into another wall. Brick dust made my eyes burn and my vision got blurry, but I still was able to react in time to jerk my head out of the way of her fist. My eyes widened in shock, before I ducked as she dragged her arm across the wall in a move that could have taken my head off! Sunnova bitch, this woman was trying to kill me. I pushed my Embers, causing them to flare, and sent a brief wave of [DEATH] in her direction, making her back away and letting me race to the far end of the alley to get some distance.

“Fine,” I growled, my blood boiling and my features shifting as the traces of lycanthropy within me reacted to my anger. “You want to play rough, I can do rough. Cweðan bladesung.”

A bolt of lightning came down from the sky, striking Glory Girl as she tried to cross the distance between us. She let out a cry of pain, but my eyes narrowed. That should have hurt her more than it did. It had to be her barrier, but it looked like it didn’t perfectly protect her. That was annoying.

She was proving to be a tougher opponent this time, but I wasn't going to let her win. So I used the opening she gave me, running over to her side of the alley. I grabbed her by her hair, yanking her head back and slamming my fist into her stomach. Once, twice, three times in the span of a second, then I pulled back and punched her again.

Glory Girl gasped, holding her abdomen as she doubled over, gasping for air. She didn’t look like she was about to fall over though, so I pushed myself back, just in time for another bolt of lightning from the spell to strike her. This time, she flew back, landing on her ass. The electricity continued to course through her, which meant it would probably take her longer to recover. That was my expectation, since the little bit of electricity that got through her barrier to her was clearly fucking with her motor control. Unfortunately, it didn’t seem to work that way, because she almost instantly was up and flying, her fist aimed right for my face.

I threw myself backwards, into a backwards handstand as my feet came up and both feet buried themselves in her gut. She let out a gasp, air leaving her lungs, as she overshot, crashing into the building behind me. I did a little twirl with my legs that resulted in me on my feet, facing the hole she created. Seeing a distinct lack of lights on the inside, I leapt in after her, reaching out with my ki into the shadows around me.

The shadows wrapped around me, muffling any sounds I made as I let the lightning spell I’d cast earlier dissipate. I stepped into the shadows, traveling along the dark web beyond the material, and stepped out behind Glory Girl as she stood up. I drove my fist into the back of her head, knocking her back down, before leaping back into the shadows.

Just in time, as she swung behind her with a wild haymaker, one that would have easily broken my spine had it connected. I came back in, landing a left hook across her cheek, causing a tooth to go flying, then shadow stepped back out. With a scream of fury, she kicked off the ground and flew straight up, tearing a hole in the ceiling and letting a stream of sunlight in. I relaxed, glad to be done with the fight but disappointed that she…

My thought process came to an end as she came speeding through one of the windows, forcing me into a rolling dive as she nearly took my head off, again! A quick glance around the interior of the building made it obvious that it had been abandoned for some time, because there was grass all over the place, peeking up out of cracks in the floor.

Pointing a hand in her direction, I snarled, “Ymbfôn wæd.”

Instantly, the tiny grasses grew into a tangling thicket, coiling and wrapping around the young hero, who let out a cry of surprise. Racing over to her, I ripped the mask off her face, covered her mouth and nose with my hand, and shoved as many spores into her as I could. She gasped and coughed under my hand, and I grabbed her by the face, squeezing her cheeks together, as I glared down at her.

“I’ve warned you, little girl. I’ve warned you multiple times, that I would do something worse if you continued to come after me. Considering how you were aiming to kill me this time, I am sorely tempted to feed you to Cathartes or turn you into fertilizer for my mushroom farm,” I snarled at her. Her eyes widened in fear, even as she struggled to break the grass holding her. I poured more power into the spell, reinforcing them, and continued, “Stop struggling you stupid girl, I said I was tempted, I’m not going to kill you. No, I’m going to give you what you really came looking for me for.”

I reached down, my elongated nails cutting through the fabric of her shirt as I tore it open, exposing her bra-clad breasts. She let out a shriek, and I gave her head a shake to make her look at me. I said four simple words, “This is strike three.”


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