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I carefully copied the glowing symbols on the blade in front of me. That one… it meant poison, decay, or wither, if I was remembering correctly. Then the one under it… endure, eternal, or life. It appeared on a few locations on the breastplate as well. The one under that…

“I don’t recognize this rune,” I said, pointing to the rune in question.

The red haired woman whose equipment she was allowing me to inspect glanced at the rune and said without hesitation, “Dat rune be Jopha. Used for Blood magics. Closest translation be death, end, o’ misery.”

I copied the rune along with the name and translations, “Thank you. This next one… I want to say it’s… Uruhith?”

“Uruhich,” she corrected. “Ya be more knowledgeable ‘bout runes den I expected, ‘specially for a human.”

“I have a few projects that I believe rune magic will be helpful for. I’ve discovered a lot through my own research, but almost no one uses rune magic anymore outside of the Scourge and… well, the Ebon Blade,” I explained.

The troll woman nodded, looking me up and down before asking, “What sorta projects ya be workin’ on?”

I chuckled, “It would be a shorter list to say what I’m not working on. But most relevant to runes, I had an idea for a type of armored suit large enough to fight dragons. The issue is that in order to be so large, it’s too big to transport anywhere. My hope was that I’d be able to find some combination of runes that would allow it to shrink to a more manageable size.”

She considered for a moment, before suggesting, “Maybe Helushuch or Chand as a base, wit’ Mobunn or Ikhanid for da smalls’ size?”

“Possibly,” I trailed off as I considered. Helushuch was most closely associated with dreams, but given the existence of the Emerald Dream I was a touch hesitant to use it. Chand was the rune for chaos, but more notably change. It was an option, but it had the same risks as Helushuch, only worse due to the Twisting Nether.

Both Mobunn and Ikhanid were safer, but both also had their own risks. Mostly in drawing the attention of Azeroth’s Wild Gods and Loa. Ula-Tek of the Armani trolls would be the closest of the various serpent Loa, which would make using Mobunn more likely to draw her attention. Ikhanid was unlikely to have the same issue in drawing attention, but while most frogs were tiny, the Loa whose attention it would grab, Krag’wa, was the largest Loa I’d seen depictions of. Either way, I wasn’t going to figure out the answer right now, and there were still a lot of runes to transcribe from Daz'die’s weapons and armor.

Speaking of which, I narrowed my eyes and leaned in to get a closer look at the rune under her arm. She lifted her arm up, leaning over to see what I was looking at, “Dat’s…”

“Ulgedu,” I finished for her, excitedly writing it down. “In this formation, it improves the strength, endurance, and durability of the one wearing the armor, but it also means ‘giant’. I’d need to fashion a different formation, but it would probably work! God, I feel like such an idiot!

Daz'die looked at me oddly for a moment before realizing what I was talking about, “Ya tinkin’ ‘bout having ya armored suit start small, den grow big. When ya been tryin’ ta start big an’ get small?”

“Exactly! Heck with just making it person sized, I could probably figure out a formation that will let it grow from the size of a toy to the size of a dragon and anywhere in between! Fuck, I’ve been trying to get this thing figured out for years!”

“If ya knew da rune, den why didn’t ya figure dis out already?” Daz'die asked as I flitted about my workshop.

“Because I didn’t know the rune! I knew the formation on your armor, but only in pieces, and I hadn’t seen the full Ulgedu rune. I’d seen references to a ‘Giant’s Formation’ in nearly a dozen different archaeology sites, from back when rune magic was commonplace, but not the full formation. I had all of the other runes in the formation figured out, but it’s been so long since I’ve seen reference to it I’d completely forgotten about it,” I explained, finding the parchments I was looking for and bringing them over to her.

Pulling out the various rubbings I’d taken, I pointed to the incomplete rune formations. My excitement seemed to be infectious, because Daz'die leaned over my shoulder, taking in the work I’d done those years ago. After a moment, she leaned back, and then half of her breastplate landed on the table with a loud ‘CLANG’. The formation that had given me my spark of inspiration front and center.

When she resumed her position leaning over me, I could feel her bra-clad breasts pressing into my back and shoulder as she compared my rubbings to the runes on her armor. The part that was most distracting for me wasn’t the fact that I could feel how cold she was through my clothes, or how soft her breasts were, it was the fact that I could feel that her nipples were rock hard under her bra. Either she was more excited about the runes than I was, or her being a death knight had some very unexpected side effects.

I looked over my shoulder to meet her piercing blue eyes. There was a very faint hint of a flush on her face as she backed up, looking a little embarrassed, “Sorry, it be a side effect o’ mastah’ing Frost magic.”

“I… didn’t mind, but noted,” I said while swallowing. I personally had no issues with the members of the Horde, I hadn’t been part of the Alliance since before the end of the Third War, ever since Arthana went crazy. That extended to the members of the Horde of the feminine persuasion, and Daz'die was very beautiful in a rugged, dangerous way.

Any possibility of this going any further came to an unfortunate and dramatic end as the door to my workshop slammed open and two more women came in. One was a blue haired, purpled eyed goblin with what looked like priestly garb and a staff in her hand. The other was someone I’d first met many, many years ago.

“Lady Proudmoore,” I greeted, “to what do I owe the-gak!”

Violet bands of magic shot from her hand, wrapping around me and slamming me against the far wall. Immediately, I was spun around so I was upside down. I glared at the blonde woman as she stalked up to me, Daz'die hurriedly putting her armor back on. I realized I had what was probably one of if not the most powerful mage in Azeroth holding me to a wall, something that generally boded ill news, but seeing the statuesque death knight fumbling like a teenage girl caught with her boyfriend was funny.

“You were supposed to question him,” Jaina said to Daz'die while keeping her eyes on me.

“That would be my fault,” I said, a lazy smirk on my face. “I have been in Northrend specifically to study runes, after all. If you wanted to ask me questions, maybe next time don’t send someone covered in my current research project. Just a suggestion.”

The bands briefly tightened around me, squeezing the breath from my lungs, before relaxing. Jaina stalked up to me, her hand still glowing as her spell held me in place. After a moment, her eyes narrowed, a faint hint of confusion in them before she refocused.

“You are going to tell me everything you know about High Inquisitor Sally Whitemane and Knight Commander Kylie Thackeray,” the ruler of Theramore ordered.

I raised an eyebrow, “I have not spoken to either woman in over a decade. The last time was shortly before I was reassigned to Princess Arthana’s forces before she became nuttier than a squirrel on goblin brewed coffee. I very vaguely recall hearing something about Sally joining the Scarlet Crusade and Kylie working under some Grand Marshal, but that’s the most recent information I have on them.”

The bands tightened again, so with a groan I started sharing my childhood in Lordaeron. It wasn’t a lot, but like I’d said: I hadn’t talked to either woman in years. I talked about Sally’s faith in the Light, the ease with which the divine magic of the Church came to her. Kylie’s peculiar taste in pet names, pun very much intended, how quickly she picked up the use of the sword, ax, shield, and polearm. God, I hadn’t thought about them in at least five years…

I eventually ran out of memories to share, and turned my attention back to the mage still holding me against the wall, “Now that I’ve surrendered my childhood, are you quite finished? It has been nice catching up after nine years, but I do have work to finish…”

“Nine years…” she muttered, looking to the side as she thought back to what was probably the most hectic time of her life. After a moment, her expression cleared, recognition plain on her face as she glared at me. “Now I remember you. You were the mouthy quartermaster that said I dressed like a tart.”

…oh crap. For the first time since she showed up, I started to sweat as I chuckled nervously, “You, uh… heard that?”

“Yes, I bloody well heard that. I also remember you possessed astonishingly high levels of magical power for an administrator. That level of power would probably make the upcoming assault on the Scarlet Monastery much easier,” her voice trailed off as she thought.

“While I am no helpless civilian, I’m not exactly a trained combatant either,” I pointed out. Don’t get me wrong, I could hold myself in a fight, but I liked all my assorted parts and pieces right where they were, thank you very much.

“Your physical presence won’t be necessary,” she said as a smirk spread across her face. Seriously, this woman was holding a grudge for nine years over a very valid observation at the time? “I have the means of drawing your magical power out of you and storing it for use on the assault.”

“Well…” fuck. “At least it’ll be short, if painful.”

“Daz'die, Sami,” Jaina said, causing the two other women in the room to perk up, all while her magic pulled me away from the wall over to my cot. “Make sure he’s empty before I start the draining process.”

“Wait a second, here!” Sami, the goblin, snapped. “I’ll have you know I am many things, but I’m not…”

Jaina rolled her eyes as she said, “I will double your retainer fee.”

The goblin paused, before turning to look at me, and shrugging, “I’m also not a whore, but for this cutie I’ll make an exception. Once he’s been properly prepared.”

…wait, what? I looked down past my chest as I was forced onto my cot, the bands of magic shifting to hold me firmly in place as the goblin walked up and pulled a really big syringe out from her robes.

“Look, I’d love to talk shop with you,” I said as I squirmed and tried to free myself. I knew it was futile, but again: really big syringe! “Maybe over drinks? I’ll pay?”

“Sorry cutie,” the goblin said as she injected the contents of her syringe into my arm. “You’re not that cute. Or that rich. And don’t worry, this is just a little something to make sure you can perform for what we need.”

“And what might that… be?” I trailed off as I felt the potion going to work, my gaze turning to the rapidly forming tent in my pants. As my dick finally stopped growing, I found myself asking, “Just what kind of side effects does that have? Because I remember that particular part of my anatomy being smaller.”

“It’s a sex stimulant,” Sami said as she tossed aside the syringe and pulled her robes up over her head. “Got the recipe from some self proclaimed champion from a nowhere village named Ignam. Side effects are penile/testicular growth and discharge output increased by a factor of two.”

I blinked, “Just how much dreamfoil did you use?!”

Sami looked at me with a surprised expression, before grinning, “I think I just might take you up on talking shop later. You’re the first person I’ve talked to who even knows about that use for dreamfoil! But first…”

Jaina twisted the hand channeling the spell, and a circle formed in the air perpendicular to the foot of my cot. Violet constructs in the shape of tentacles emerged from the circle, and I gulped nervously. Turning to look at Jaina, I couldn’t help but ask, “Have you seriously been holding a grudge for this long? No wonder you’re single.”

The archmage rolled her eyes as the tentacle constructs slid up my pant legs before tearing the fabric apart at the seams. Her response was as flat and dry as mine had been sarcastic, “You’re an experiment, I need to make sure this ritual works before the assault on the Scarlet Monastery. From what was described, it will work best after you’ve been drained.”

“Say no more, boss lady!” Sami cheered as she hopped onto the cot, her legs straddling my face.

The goblin’s bald, green pussy was placed directly over my mouth, her bubble butt blocking my view of the rest of the workshop. I leaned up, the drug I’d been injected with filling my veins with a burning lust, my tongue sliding out from between my lips to lick the goblin’s slit. She moaned, and I could feel the heat radiating off her.

“Light’s Loot, you’re good with that tongue of yours,” she said with a whine, reaching back to grab at my hair and pull my head deeper into her rear.

I vaguely heard the sound of muffled clanging, before I felt a sudden cold sensation touching my balls. My body jolted, much as I was able to, moments before a wet tongue ran the length of my cock, from balls to tip. Then the head was taken into a mouth, the girth of my length framed by a pair of small troll tusks. I felt my eyebrows shoot up, even as my tongue found Sami’s clit, not having expected Daz'die to join in. Sami groaned, and I felt the tip of my cock slide into the back of Daz'die’s throat.

Full disclosure, it was the fact that Daz'die was undead, not that she was a troll, that had made me the most hesitant about making things more than professional. I failed to consider two key benefits that being made an undead death knight had granted the amazonian woman: lack of a gag reflex and need to breathe. Neither would pose any issue here, and as far as I could tell, Daz'die hadn’t so much as flinched since taking my member into her throat.

She didn’t seem to be trying to deepthroat me either, which was a little odd. She only seemed to be sucking, using her tusks like guide rails to hold me against her mouth. It was also rather warm in there, which was surprising considering how low the troll’s body temperature was. Not that it mattered; the warmth was very welcome.

As if sensing my thoughts, Sami groaned, the sound muffled by the thighs clamped over my ears, “You can thank us later, Cutie. We’re just getting started!”

With that, she let go of my hair, letting my head fall backward, and grabbed hold of my dick again, slowly pulling it free of Daz'die's mouth. As soon as my cock came clear of the orc's lips, she turned to Jaina, asking, “You ready, can we start?”

The archmage nodded, then began speaking a few words, her voice echoing throughout the room. The construct tentacles that had been tearing through my pants disappeared, though the bands restraining my arms and legs remained, allowing the goblin to slide her body down until my cock was resting in the middle of her tits. With one hand, she reached behind herself, and started to finger her pussy while the other cupped each of her large breasts. They were already covered in a light sheen of sweat, and she squeezed them together around my shaft, massaging it gently.

“That's right, get your cock nice and hard,” Sami purred, turning around and leaning forward until her nipples brushed against my sternum, her ass pressing against my hips. “It's time to fuck some shit up.”

Sami reached around, placing both hands on the edge of the cot. She arched her back, pushing her chest out, and lowered herself until her asshole touched the base of my cock. I couldn't help but moan as her tight hole closed around my cockhead. The goblin smiled, her crooked teeth gleaming in the lantern light, “Fuck yeah, I can already tell you're going to stuff me so full!”

My eyes rolled back into my skull, the feeling of the goblin's insides gripping my shaft almost too much for me to bear. I grunted, my arms straining against the bonds, desperately trying to grab onto her shoulders as I pushed myself upward, burying myself fully inside of her. I looked down, seeing my cock, thicker than her wrist, stretching out Sami's backdoor. Her face contorted into a grimace, her nostrils flaring as she tried to push herself further down.

“Shadow and Profit, I haven't been this stretched since Sosho turned into a horse and…” Sami groaned out before Jaina interrupted.

“That's enough of that. Hurry up and drain him already,” the archmage snapped, a faint dusting of red across her cheeks.

Sami shuddered, then pulled her hips back, sliding her asshole all the way off my cock before slamming it back down, forcing another moan from my lips. The goblin was fucking me with a fury that rivaled anything I had ever experienced. There was no finesse or skill involved; just brute force and determination, coupled with a burning desire to take every inch of my cock.

“Oh Light's Loot, that feels amazing. Fuck me, please, I want your big cock buried deep within my asshole!” the goblin begged, her voice trembling with passion. I couldn't deny her plea. Sami was simply too hot, too willing to be fucked senseless. She wasn't even pretending to try to make it last anymore. The only thing she wanted now was to have her asshole filled with my cock until it exploded, and I didn't disappoint her.

I thrust upward, ramming myself deeper into her bowels, her asshole clenching and unclenching around my shaft. Each stroke caused her asshole to stretch wider, her body shuddering as she felt the fullness of my length. My balls slapped against her bubble butt with each thrust, eliciting gasps from the goblin.

“Yes, yes! Oh Shadow and Profit, fill me with your seed! Give it to me! I'm gonna cum, I'm cumming, I'm cumming, cumming, cumming, cummmmmmmmmmmmiiiiiiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnnnnnggggggggg!” she cried out, her hands squeezing her breasts together, milking my shaft as she came. Her climax heralded my own, my balls tightening, then exploding, spewing jets of cum into her waiting depths. I pumped shot after shot of semen into her bowels, filling her with my seed, until finally I could feel it running out of her, my orgasm subsiding.

She collapsed onto the bed, panting heavily. I slid my cock out of her asshole, collapsing limply on the cot, no longer able to resist the bands binding me, my entire body shaking uncontrollably. She giggled, her fingers stroking along my still erect cock, “See? We are gonna make good use of you tonight.”

“We'll see about that…” I moaned, unable to think straight.

Sami smirked at me, “You don't know what I've got planned yet. Just wait. Daz'die, you're up!”

Despite tagging out, the goblin didn't move. With a roll of her glowing blue eyes, the troll picked Sami up and placed her on the cot under my arm. Reaching into the pile of bags over her armor, Daz'die reached into one and pulled out a rag. A kind I recognized, they were as commonplace as hearthstones, though only the more martially inclined tended to carry them amongst adventurers. She wiped down my cock, the enchanted rag cleaning off all traces left from Sami’s… enthusiastic riding on my dick.

Cleanup done, Daz'die tossed the rag back to the pile of her gear, swinging a leg over the cot. She was a troll, so she was an interesting contrast with Sami. I wasn’t short, and for a human was a taller than average six foot four, but Daz'die had to be at least a foot taller than me. Where Sami was soft but not plump, Daz'die was fit. Her abs were clearly visible, her arms were well defined, and ignoring the “punk” hairstyle she’d match the image of a muscular tomboy if she were human.

Daz'die climbed atop me, straddling my waist and leaning forward, placing her hands on either side of my face. Leaning in, she whispered, “Are ya okay wit' dis? I…”

“I am,” I told her, and I was, despite how I was being restrained and a cranky archmage was apparently paying both women to fuck me. It was actually kind of exciting, having two beautiful creatures bent on making me their personal plaything. For whatever reason, it turned me on, and I let out a low groan, “I can handle it, Daz'die.”

The troll smiled and kissed me softly, “Good, hope ya can 'andle it. I don' do gentle.”

With that, Daz'die reached down and guided my cock into her warm pussy, letting out a moan as I sank inside her. She rode me hard and rough, pounding herself against me with abandon. Her tight and toned ass bounced in time with our movements, slapping against my thighs with every thrust, sending shivers through my body. Daz'die had a very tight cunt, which made fucking her immensely pleasurable. She was also surprisingly quick, unlike Sami who took her sweet time. I suspected Daz'die wanted to get to the end quicker. The thought sent another surge of arousal through my already stiff member, and I moaned as Daz'die began humping me harder, her pace increasing rapidly.

Her small breasts jiggled with every movement, bouncing enticingly, and I couldn't help but keep my eyes locked on her navy blue nipples. They were just big enough to notice, standing proudly on her chest like proud flags. Each time Daz'die bounced her breasts, her nipples would bounce too, and I found myself biting my lip each time she did, watching them jiggle and sway.

“Mmm, ya be such a sexy man, Emile,” Daz'die mewled, a sound I didn't expect to hear from her. “Ya cock feels amazing between my legs. Ya stamina be incredible, I can tell ya goin' ta last long. Let's have some fun before we get ta da ending.”

She leaned forwards, placing her hands on either side of my head, and gave me a deep kiss. Our tongues met, swirling around one another, and I felt my cock twitch in response, pleasure shooting through my pelvis. She broke off the kiss and grinned, “Get ready fer dis, handsome. Dis be me first time fuckin' in a long time, so I'mma make it count.”

Before I could reply, Daz'die lifted herself up slightly, reaching beneath the cot and grabbing something from the pile there. She slid a pillow under my hips, and then adjusted her position. No longer straddling my hips, she was now standing on the floor, her hands on my knees pushing them open, with my cock still inside her pussy. The change in angle increased the feeling, and I grunted as she began fucking me. The position was basically missionary, if I were the woman. Her core flexed, driving her hips back and forth, fucking herself on my cock. A moment later, Daz'die lowered her upper body down onto mine, crushing her tits against my chest and kissing me deeply.

A second later, she broke the kiss and looked me right in the eye, saying, “Fuck me. Make me cum. Fuck me good.”

I nodded, unable to speak, and complied with her request. As soon as I did, she released my legs and wrapped her arms around my neck. Her fingers dug into my shoulders as she arched her back, grinding her hips back and forth, riding me furiously. She let out a loud moan, and I followed suit, moaning loudly as Daz'die fucked me. My hands gripped the bed, bracing myself as Daz'die drove us both towards the edge.

It didn't take long for the inevitable to happen; Daz'die came, screaming loudly as she climaxed, shaking violently as her orgasm washed over her. When she finally finished, I had my own release. It wasn't as intense as hers, but I certainly enjoyed it, moaning loudly as I pumped my seed into Daz'die's cunt.

Afterwards, Daz'die pulled away and sat back on her haunches, panting heavily while I lay there, spent. Daz'die glanced at Sami, who was busy cleaning her face with a towel.

“You done wit dat?” she asked, looking at the goblin, who responded by nodding.

“Here ya go, one towel,” Sami quipped.

“If you would kindly move to the side,” the stern voice of Jaina cut through the post-nut afterglow. We all turned to look at her, and she said, "I do have a ritual to perform."

Daz'die and Sami both scurried over to the far side of the workshop, as Jaina stood close to the cot and began chanting. I didn't recognize the majority of the words she was using, the only ones I could identify being ‘Lethi’ and ‘Mareth’, but as her incantation reached a crescendo I felt something being pulled out of me. I groaned in pain as a yellow smoke drifted out of my body, coalescing into a rough crystal in the air above me.

After too fucking long, Proudmoore ended the spell, and a crystal the size of my head dropped onto my chest. I barely reacted, I was out of breath and was so exhausted it felt like I’d run across the breadth of Northrend without stopping. I vaguely heard Proudmoore say something, but I didn’t hear what. The last thing I felt before my eyes closed were two pairs of hands tucking my sheets over me. I was in the process of drifting off, when something covered my vision, despite my closed eyes.

[quote][center]Congratulations! You have earned 100 points for the Celestial Forge: Drengr Edition!

Commencing Gacha Roll…


Category: Magical Database


Perk: Book of Basic Formations

[quote]A book detailing the various ways formations work and how to master the basics. With such good instructions, anyone could begin to learn the Dao of Formations, although its eventual mastery depends on your own effort and skill. The book updates to be appropriate to your level of cultivation, so it'll never be useless.[/quote]

Unfortunately, you lack the points for this perk. Try again at dawn.

Thank you for participating in the Celestial Forge: Drengr Edition![/center][/quote]

I’d read it in the morning, sleep now.


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