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I paid for my lunch and stepped outside the donair stall, Bakemon floating behind me as my mind raced to figure out how I was going to solve this mess. The office was probably a lost cause because, like Kyoko and I had commiserated, Digidestined aren’t known for subtlety. If it became absolutely necessary I’d burn the job and figure out a new identity, but that was my last resort.

What were those five even doing in Chiba City anyway? Most of them were based in Tokyo, and last I’d heard Matt was supposed to be leaving for Kyoto for some rock concert. More to the point, what the hell could I have done that warranted bringing out the Champion forms for their partners? I had too many questions and not enough answers.

I’d almost made it to my bike when I heard the sound of buzzing wings and thunderous footsteps. My eyes closed, and I resigned myself to the ensuing confrontation. With a sigh, I started stuffing the last of my donair into my mouth, moments before five of the most iconic digimon in Japan landed in front of me in a semicircle. The fact that they were between me and my bike was pure coincidence, I’m sure.

“Judging from the fact that not one of the local Digidestined are here for this, I’m assuming this isn’t an official action,” I said as Bakemon hid behind me and the five young men moved to stand in front of me.

“I know it’s you,” TK snapped, the sheer hate and vitriol in his voice making me blink behind my sunglasses. “You gave it away the last time you fought Kari.”

” was my immediate response as I thought back to the encounter. I’d been making a delivery for some schmuck in Beel Inc, been sniffed out by Gatomon, and ended up merging with DemiDevimon and hammed it up a little. Like I always did. “I’m pretty sure I know the incident you’re talking about, but I still have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“Stop pretending,” the youngest of the present humans shot back, before scoffing. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised you survived, afterall Angemon did, despite your best attempts.”

“What’s the scary human talking about?” Bakemon whispered behind me.

“Still no idea,” I answered while wracking my brain. I’d made some obscure references during that encounter with Kari and Angewomon, but I still had no clue what was going on. I looked towards the other young men present and asked, “Anyone care to fill me in?”

“You nearly killed most of us six years ago on File Island, and this is your response to seeing us again?” Tai asked incredulously.

“Six years ago I was being shuffled between orphanages, care to try again?” I replied, making most of the Digidestined start to look hesitant.

“You sure about him, TK?” Davis asked, turning his head but keeping his eyes on me.

“He said the same thing, damn near word for word, to Kari as he did after Angemon defeated him,” the now shaking TK all but shouted. Things finally clicked in my head.

“Seriously?!” I asked incredulously. “This whole mess is because I quoted an old game?”

“What?” Bakemon asked confusedly.

“I was having a bit of fun, hamming it up, and quoted a line from an NPC in an old game from around the turn of the century. It was a goofy Tolkein parody and one of the characters regularly said that evil always finds a way,” I explained.

“Stop pretending to be human, Devimon,” TK snarled, and I could tell that whatever issues he had wouldn’t allow this to de-escalate. At a guess, he had some sort of trauma related to an encounter with Devimon. I very vaguely remember there being one in the early anime, but that was a literal lifetime ago.

Well, since I could tell this wasn’t going to end peacefully, and they broke the rule about messing with me by my donair, I might as well go all in. Resignation in my voice, I drawled, “Devimon, me?”

I glared at the little shit over my sunglasses, letting him see my black and red eyes. My mouth stretched open into a grin that was more akin to a predator baring his fangs as I continued, “I’m just as human as the rest of you.”

My digivice lit up in my cargo pocket as Bakemon slid into my body, and I felt a surge of power. As I felt my body brace for the upcoming merge, Ken, the hypocritical little fuck, asked, “If you’re human, how have you been able to do so much while being so young?”

“You tell me,” I shot back, my veins bulging as I held in the transformation just a moment longer than usual, “Mr. Digimon Emperor.”

I couldn’t hold it in anymore, my head rose to the sky and a pain filled roar tore its way out of my throat as flesh and data merged together. I didn’t know what I’d become, I’d only ever done this with DemiDevimon, but the rush and the pain that came with it were far beyond anything I’d experienced in either of my lives.


“Mimi-chan, are you okay?” Ami asked her fellow Digidestined as the older girl came to a stop, her hand against her temple.

 I don’t know. I have a bad feeling all of a sudden. Something’s happened, it feels like
 like I’ve been touched by
something dark,” Mimi said, trying to put what she was feeling into words, an unnatural cold running through her body. She looked back the way they’d come, and said, “I think it’s this way.”


I couldn’t see the change as it was happening, I just felt my body being overwritten and adapting. My hands curled around two smooth hafts, something cool and polished rested over my face, my clothes tore, and I vaguely heard a voice say something about fate, before a force slammed into my torso and sent me flying back. Something tore, metal clanged and warped, and wood splintered.

I opened my eyes, flowing into a standing position as my eyes took in my surroundings. My grip on the twin wooden swords tightened, they’d blasted me into the donair stand. The stove was utterly ruined, the counter was a pile of scrap wood, the canvas shade cover had been torn by the horns on the mask that covered my face.

I quickly started calculating the numbers in my head, estimating the total damages, the cost it would take to replace everything, and the tightfisted nature of insurance companies. My stomach plummeted as I reached the conclusion. There wasn’t a chance at the insurance covering it. Not even close.

From my peripheral vision, I saw the light blue skin of my form darken, turning into a deep navy, as the wooden gauntlets and swords turned into a blood red. The edges of my mask that I could see turned from white to black, and my gaze locked on the five fuckups in front of me.

They stood perfectly still, eyes wide. Then one of the two wearing goggles took a breath. Rush forwards, one bokken thrust into the abdominal, the other in a slash against the partner, the lanky digimon folding in half. A knee came up, smashing into the human’s nose. Cartilage broke, but remained in place. Too angry at the moment, want to make the humans’ suffering last.

The insectoid digimon pounced, claws leading. Deflect with off hand bokken, redirect momentum to the side, bring main bokken around to strike at base of left wings. Angel digimon firing energy blast, leap onto falling insectoid’s back, use as springboard. Angel brings staff up to parry, but movement sloppy, used to fighting from range. Use main bokken to hook around angel’s wrists, twist to disarm. Deliver twin strikes to neck and wings.

Human recovered from abdominal strike, begins to speak, “He’s a Yasyamon, Veemon can become one with the Digi-Egg of Sincerity. Think every martial arts movie master rolled into one.”

Duck under pounce from wolf digimon, strike heels as it passes over, fouling its landing. Dodge recovered lanky digimon, hook bokken around horn, drive it headfirst into pillar. Race towards dinosaur digimon, slide between legs, slam both bokken into left hamstring, right hamstring. Leap onto dinosaur’s back as it falls, stab bokken into spine. Dinosaur digimon stunned, jump off skull plate, sweep bokken against humans’ legs.

Sidekick angry human, jump away from insectoid digimon. Left wings still nonfunctioning, mobility handicapped. Angel calls out angry human’s name, begins to glow. Digivolving, problematic. Knock insectoid digimon’s arms wide, double strike to head. Insectoid drops, dash towards angel.


Aiba Ami ran with Mimi past the old radio tower. They’d gotten calls on their digivices about a fight occurring in a very bad location. The collection of digimon listed had normally cheerful Mimi cursing up a storm as they ran. From what Ami gathered, there was apparently a reason Sora, Mimi, and Kari had told the rest of them to never mention the hacker who could merge into Devimon. Kari’s ex boyfriend had some bad experiences with a Devimon when he was young, and had lashed out upon seeing a different one some other time.

He’d apparently found out about Emile-san somehow, and from the sounds of it roped in four other Digidestined into approaching him. If that wasn’t bad enough, they confronted him on the street with the best food in Chiba! Ami wasn’t particularly fond of the ‘don-ar’, too much bread for her taste, but the barbecue place right next to it that was run by a surprisingly friendly Vajramon was amazing!

naught Artar!” the shouted, double voice of Emile-san and another voice made Ami and Mimi run faster. Ami’s English wasn’t the best, and when Emile-san got worked up his accent thickened, so all made out of the rest of what Emile-san said was something about an ex-scalpel. Which made no sense, so she probably misunderstood.

When Ami and Mimi turned the corner, and managed to catch full view of the absolute clusterfuck that TK had caused, Ami wanted to scream and tear her hair out. Glancing to Mimi, Ami told her, “You handle Emile-san, I’ll talk to the idiots.”

Mimi nodded, and the two ran in. Mimi jumped between Emile-san’s new form and MagnaAngemon, while Ami stood in front of the bows, glaring at them and hands on her hips. As the two digimon froze to keep from hurting Mimi, Ami cut loose, “The hell were you idiots THINKING?!”

” Kamiya-baka started, but Ami kept going.

“Even ignoring the fact that Emile-san’s been far more generous than he needs to be after what you five have pulled,” she began, “Chiba City is our jurisdiction for a reason! Do you have any idea how many problems you five stomping around like a bunch of drunk hippos is going to cause?! You just attacked our best underworld contact and trashed our neutral ground!”

Ami glanced back to where Mimi was talking to Emile-san, the girl saying something to him in English. He winced, and the color scheme of his new digimon form shifted, becoming brighter and less aggressive as he gave a groan. Not recognizing it, Ami made a quick scan with her goggle-digivice and read the information that came up. Yasyamon?

“Stop, just stop talking. Your accent is an insult to both Canada and Texas,” he said as he pressed one of his hands against the side of his head. “It’s the second biggest crime to our non-escalation agreement today.”

“Emile-san, we didn’t
” Mimi began.

“Obviously,” he snapped. “But you not being involved clearly doesn’t mean shit if a traumatized little boy can come into town and start causing problems like a toddler kicking down sandcastles on the beach, now does it? If I can’t trust your fellows to leave my office alone, why should I trust that my restraint won’t be taken advantage of?”

Oh shit, it was worse than Ami’d thought. Turning back to the blithering idiots, she demanded, “You attacked his office?!”

“It was in the basement, he’s clearly shady,” TK tried to defend himself.

“He has sensitive eyesight, you idiot!” Ami shouted.

Emile-san pointed one of his bokken towards the ruins of the don-ar stand, growling out, “Do you have the slightest idea how slim their profit margins were? I left a twenty percent tip, at minimum, because it would ensure their children would get gifts on their birthdays. Their insurance isn’t going to fucking cover this! That’s without taking into account the damage to the street or other buildings.

“This is why I try to stay away from you. Because every fucking time, when the glamorous fights are over, the ordinary person has to pick up the pieces and try to get some semblance of their lives back in order.”

Emile-san gave a scoff, before turning and walking away. Flamedramon and Stingmon stepped aside, and when TK moved to run after him, Mimi ran over and grabbed him by the ear, saying as sternly as she could, “You have caused enough trouble today.”

As he walked past her, Ami reached out, “Emile-san

He brushed her hand away, glaring at her past the mask, “Do you think Lilymon could protect you if I uploaded a logic bomb into you, Aiba-san?” Ami froze at the question. He knew about
 “Or how about if I were to drain the cluster of Free Energy that you are? You people have done enough for one day.”

He stomped off, reaching an EDEN Terminal and vanishing. Ami stared after him, as Mimi started tearing into the boys, something about a Wizardmon and mercenaries. Emile-san and his DemiDevimon partner were some of the best hackers she’d ever encountered, so it made sense that he’d have been able to find out about her real body, in the Special Ward with EDEN Syndrome.

“He’s bad news, I’m sure of it!” TK shouted, pulling Ami from her thoughts.

“So was I,” Ken said, the note of contemplation in his voice pulling everyone’s attention to him. Seeing he had everyone’s attention, he continued, “When I asked how he had accomplished so much while being so young, he called me the Digimon Emperor. Setting aside the fact that he instantly recognized me as having done that and what it says about his connections to the Digital World, it made me think of something.”

Ken paused, shame on his face as he remembered his past. Davis put a hand on Ken’s shoulder, and he took a breath and continued, “Is it possible he’s been infected with a Dark Seed?”

“He’s a bit of an internet troll,” Mimi said. “But he hasn’t done anything remotely like what the Dark Seed made you do.”

Ken shook his head, “That doesn’t necessarily mean anything. I started feeling guilt and remorse well before the seed was removed from me. We also don’t know when he would have gotten it, if he even does, or how that would affect him.”

“Regardless,” Ami said, making sure the boys were all looking at her. “It isn’t your concern. I’m pretty sure Miyamoto-taicho is going to have some choice words for all of you.”

The reminder of their fuckup made the boys wince, but Ami found her mind wondering where Emile-san had gone.


I closed my eyes and let myself relax. The slow swaying of the makeshift hammock threatened to lull me to sleep, aided by the warm body I was resting against. It was weird, but it wasn’t the first time I’d needed to get away from life and decompress.

“Feel better?” the voice of the digimon I was resting against asked. “Was it a client again?”

“A little bit,” I answered the first question, opening my eyes to meet the gaze of Arukenimon. She’d gotten lost in the Real World a year or so back, and I’d helped her get back to the Digital World. “And no, some of the non-local Digidestined threw a stink, and they wrecked my favorite food stand in the process.”

She tutted, tapping a finger to her chin. She looked my body up and down, before asking, “I know you normally come here for a massage, but from the sounds of it you need an opportunity to vent.”

“Yeah,” I asked hesitantly, wondering where she was going with this. I followed her with my gaze as she skittered out of the silk hammock and began lowering it to the ground. She was surprisingly good at massages, and it was the main reason I went looking for her when life got to me. “What exactly did you have in mind?”

She took a breath as I got out of the hammock, coming to my feet, before she turned to face me, her six legs clicking on the wooden floor of her “haunted” house. She closed her eyes and focused, shifting to her human form. Only she hadn’t made her usual shift, there were some parts that were rather noticeably missing.

[spoiler=Arukenimon tiddies][img]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/719636700875456595/1089980887766159511/0e1e98fc219bb3766efc83a080513ddd.png[/img] [/spoiler]

“Use me,” she said, pushing out her chest and crossing her arms behind her head. “Pour your frustrations into me, thrust until you are too tired to continue. I won’t get pregnant, I don’t have any diseases, think of it as a continuation of our current relationship. I’ll be helping you relax and unwind, just in a different way from usual.”

I took in her mostly naked form. She still had her hat, sunglasses, and the collar/micro cape thing, but otherwise was completely naked and looked almost perfectly human. At a guess, I’d say she’d been looking at hentai porn in preparation for this, because her breasts were massive. And after the day I’d had
 I took a deep breath, and let out my reservations as I breathed out.

Meeting her eyes, I gave her an order, “Spit between your breasts, then lay on your back. I’m going to fuck your tits before I fuck you.”

She shivered at my order, before pressing her breasts together and drooling. The view alone made my dick harden in my pants, never mind the look in her eyes as she gazed at me over the rim of her sunglasses.


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