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First, let me apologize for taking so long on this. Like I mentioned on my QQ profile, I recently started a new job and things have only just now calmed down enough I can bring myself to focus on something without either someone actively poking me to make sure I write or something that was mostly finished already. But I finally managed to get this written, so here's the scene that I originally expected to be written a good ten or so chapters prior.


Toni took a spoonful of the red/purple stew and directed a raised eyebrow in my direction before sampling my culinary experiment. Chewing thoughtfully, she finished her bite, swallowed, and smacked her lips while running her tongue over her teeth. Finally, she spoke up, "While I wouldn't say it was bad, I'm not sure it's something that I'd enjoy on a regular basis."

I shrugged before taking a bite of my own. I agreed with her, the beets and lamb did work surprisingly well, but it definitely wasn't something I'd be making very often.

"To be fair," I said after I swallowed. "I think I did a decent job considering that I pulled the recipe out of an archeological paper on ancient Babylon."

Toni gave me a suspicious look, one ruined by the way her lip twitched, "Did you hack a university server to come up with dinner?"

"Of course not!" I cried, my hand flying to my chest as if I was wounded. "I'm hurt that you would even think such a thing."

The chuckles that Toni gave made me grin, but that faded as I noticed that Toni seemed… tense. She set her spoon down, took a deep breath, and stood up before saying, “Will, there’s something I’ve been thinking about, and… I made a decision.”

“Yeah? Something big?” I asked, continuing to face her as she walked over to her purse (a dinky little thing).

“Yes, and… not ‘no’, but…” she said, her eyebrows furrowing as she struggled to find the words to convey what she was thinking. She fiddled with her purse for a few minutes, and I let her take the time to try to find the right words. Eventually, she sighed and pulled something out of her purse and tossed it to me, a dusting of pink on her cheeks, “You’ll get it.”

I caught the box out of the air and looked at it. A box of condoms stared back at me. Ah. That explained it. I looked back up at the unusually bashful looking Toni and asked, “You sure? I’m willing to wait if you’re not ready.”

Toni took a breath, her stance firming, and looked me in the eye, “I’m sure. I won’t lie and say I’m not nervous, but these last few months, collaborating with you, have been the best of my life. I’ve never felt closer with anyone, and… I want this.”

I stood up and walked over to Toni, wrapping my arms around her in a hug and pulling her close. I kissed the top of her head as she leaned into me. I breathed deeply, taking in the fragrance of her and her choice of shampoo (green apple, I was pretty sure), and asked, “When do you want to do it?”

“Tonight, before I second guess myself and lose my nerve,” she answered without hesitation, lifting her head to meet my gaze.

I smiled and leaned down to kiss her. She returned it, and when we broke apart she spoke up again, her expression nervous, “There’s… one other thing… I haven't… there hasn't been… god damn it why is it so hard for me to say any of this?!”

Toni took her hands from where she’d been hugging me to grab at her head, frustration filling her voice as she did. I meanwhile, considered what she'd managed to get out combined with what I knew about her. She hadn't had much luck with men, most of her dates were disasters, her passion in engineering tended to drive away those who couldn't keep up with her, all of which was pointing towards a surprising possibility.

“Toni,” I began, pulling her from her frustration over her inability to say what was on her mind. “Will this be your first time?”

“Yes,” she whispered quietly, turning her head to look away.

“If it helps,” I said, tightening the hug and saying something I thought might help, “I may as well be one too.” No ‘may as well’, I hadn’t had a girlfriend in highschool and during my time in college before winding up in the desert I wasn’t exactly one for parties.

That got her to look up at me, confused by my choice of words, before realization spread across her face and she murmured, “Right, the amnesia. That makes sense.”

“We can clean up later,” I said, my seeming non sequitur making Toni blink before I squatted down a little bit and hooked my meat arm behind her knees. Toni let out a funny squawk, her arms flying up to wrap around my neck as I lifted her into a bridal carry.

Will!” she shouted in faux outrage (the blush gave her away), one hand coming free to smack me on the chest as I marched towards the master bedroom. “Warn me next time!”

“But you look adorable when you’re surprised,” I told her with a cheeky grin on my face.

She pouted, making me laugh before leaning down to kiss her again. The fact that she immediately used her grip on the back of my neck to pull me in deeper made it clear that she was in fact enjoying this. I used my foot to open the door to the master bedroom and strode with a purpose over to the bed.

As I lowered Toni down to the bed, she put a hand on my chest and said, “Much as I appreciate the ride, I need to swing by the bathroom first to freshen up.”

I give a nod as she gets up off the bed and walks towards the master bath, her hips swaying as she did. I admit, the way her firm, toned ass filled out her jeans more than caught my interest. Shaking my head as the door to the bathroom shut, I kicked my shoes off and took off the t-shirt I was wearing (a red one with the old red box D&D cover image on it). I sat on the edge of the bed, still in my jeans and socks, and took a deep breath.

Sure, I’d had fantasies, Toni was a gorgeous woman and I was a heterosexual man, but now that the time was here, I was more nervous than I’d ever been. I didn’t want to hurt Toni or ruin the relationship we already had. She was my best friend, and…

The door to the master bath opened, and Toni stepped out, stealing the breath from my lungs. She’d taken off her makeup, her hair hung loose and flowed down her back, and she’d put on a lacy blue lingerie piece with matching panties.

“Guh,” was my eloquent response, as my eyes tried to fall out of my head. The hand that had been on her chest, over the scar where the arc reactor had been, came up to cover her mouth as she giggled at my gobsmacked expression. I managed to force myself to speak, but I really should have waited for my brain to reboot first, “I thought you liked me, why are you trying to give me a heart attack with that?”

Fortunately, Toni found my question funny. So funny she needed to lean against the wall in order to keep from falling over. I smiled, not just because I was glad she found it funny, but because it distracted her from the scar in her chest from the reactor. It didn’t bother me at all, and I’d be more than willing to spend as much time as was needed to convince her of that. But for now, I stood up and walked over to her.

She got her cackling under control by the time I reached her, and as I bent down to kiss her, her fingers deftly opened my belt and pulled down my jeans. I stepped out of them, and used my big toes to hook the tops of my socks to pull them down and off. We stood there in our underwear, her in her sexy lingerie and me in my boxers, and spent the next however long just kissing and enjoying the feel of the other’s skin on ours. Eventually though, we broke apart and I lifted her up, my hands palming her tight ass as her legs hooked around my waist. I walked backwards to the edge of the bed and sat down on it.

Gently butting Toni’s forehead with my own, I told her, “I think you should be on top, so this first time you can go at your own pace.”

She gave a nod, and the two of us inched, wriggled, and crab walked to the center of the bed, since she seemed disinclined to remove her legs from around my waist. Using my legs, I managed to lift myself up enough to slide my boxers down, resulting in my very hard dick to pop up to land against her ass with an audible ‘smack’. Toni reached behind her, trailing her fingers along the portion of my length that she could reach, exploring and examining me.

I wasn’t pornstar big, but neither was I small. And from the look on Toni’s face as she adjusted her legs to straddle me, moving my dick to be in front of her. She stared down, and I could see the wheels and gears turning in her mind. She took a deep breath, before rising up and taking her panties off, tossing them aside and grabbing the box of condoms from where I’d put them on the nightstand. She opened the box, took one out, and with surprising speed had me wrapped up and secured.

It almost immediately clicked, “So that’s why the cucumbers have been disappearing from the fridge this last week.”

Toni blushed, but neither looked away nor denied it, instead she lifted herself up, taking my dick in hand and guiding it between her legs. With another breath, she began to lower herself down onto me. Through the barrier of the condom, I felt Toni’s lips part, stretching open to accept me into her most intimate place. My head fell back against the pillow, she was tighter than I could have possibly imagined, and even through the condom I could tell that she was gushing.

As her hips settled against mine, I forced myself to look up at her, staring up at her face as she braced herself on one hand against my chest. The other hand was pressed against her waist, as if she was trying to feel me inside of her.

“Toni,” I said, making her turn her gaze to look at me, lust, affection, and more than a little surprise in her eyes. “Thank you, so much for this.”

“Thank you, Will,” Toni returned, leaning down and resting her front against mine. Her skin was warm, and I could feel her blush against the top of my chest. “I need a moment, it feels like you’re splitting me open.”

“Take all the time you need,” I told her with a kiss to the top of her head.

To be honest, I was glad she wasn’t moving quite yet, my masculine pride wouldn’t accept cumming so quickly, and both how tight she was, as well as the fact that it was Toni, meant that if she’d immediately started bouncing or grinding I’d have erupted right then and there. Instead, I let my hands run along the smooth skin of her back, feeling the contours of her muscles and her shoulder blades, before drifting downwards to palm and cup the perfect globes of her ass. After a few moments, Toni sat back up and pulled the top of her lingerie off, leaving the both of us completely naked. Her hands went to my wrists, and she guided my hands to her chest.

I’d already known that Toni was well endowed, but I hadn’t known until tonight that she must have worn compression bras. Because I was only just now realizing that her breasts, firm and full, were massive, especially considering her tiny frame. To top it off, I know Toni well enough to know that she didn’t have implants, they were all her. My introspection was interrupted as Toni started to move, rolling her hips in a gyrating circle that caused my cock to swirl and stir up her insides.

Fuuuuccckkk,” Toni groaned as her grip on my wrists tightened. Then she started to bounce, using her thighs and calves to set up a rhythm that had my dick spearing up into her while my hands played with her breasts.

I was close, but I wanted to make sure that Toni had a satisfying first time, so I bit the inside of my cheek and redoubled my focus on making her enjoy herself. Ignoring the coppery taste that filled my mouth, I pinched and squeezed her nipples, before letting one hand drift down to tease and play with her nub.

“Will,” Toni said with a gasp, “I… ooooohhhhhhhhh!”

Her passage began undulating around me, as if it was trying to suck me into her. That was it, I wrapped my arms around Toni and pulled her tight against my chest as I came, filling up the condom in mere moments.

We lay there, on Toni’s bed as we regained our breaths. After a minute or two, I cupped her ass and walked us to the bathroom. We were sweaty, and we needed to dispose of the condom. The fact that I was still inside Toni as I walked was a happy accident, honest!


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