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[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

My eyes were locked on with Taylor’s as she bobbed along my dick, her lips sealed along my length and her tongue lavishly tracing every part she could touch. Part of me couldn’t help but feel proud at how much her technique had improved over the last few months. The majority was just enjoying the sensations of having her hot teen mouth wrapped around me.

She’d definitely been practicing, being far more skilled while still retaining that same enthusiasm that made her first attempts so enjoyable. Her hands gripped the edge of the bed and she forced herself down, the head of my cock popping past the dense ring at the back of her mouth that led to her throat. My hands flew to her head, the sensations flooding me as Taylor pushed her head down the last stretch to wrap her lips around the base of my length and bury her nose in my pubes. The entire time, her eyes continued looking up at me, even as they began to water and she let out tiny gagging noises.

I tried to pull back, to let her recover, but her hands flew up and grabbed me by my ass and pulled her face as flush with my crotch as she could manage. Then she did something that I hadn’t experienced: she began to roll her head, like the exaggerated head motions of people from India, and as a consequence, all but stirred her throat with my dick.

“Don’t hurt yourself,” I said with a groan, only for the red eyed Taylor to give me a wink and start swallowing. The undulations and way her throat gripped at me did me in, my hips pushed forwards and I came, shooting my load straight down Taylor’s throat into her belly.

After the first jet, Taylor pulled back, popping the head of my cock past the entrance to her throat. One of her hands went back to the bed between Tonks’s legs to support her, while the other began stroking along my length as she opened her mouth and aimed the rest of my load onto her waiting tongue. She managed to catch most of it, but the first few jets left streaks of white along her face and glasses.

When I finally finished, Taylor held her mouth open, swirling her tongue around the mouthful of cum, before closing it. She held it shut for a moment, before opening her mouth again to show that she’d swallowed all of it. If I had started to soften, that brought me back to full mast. Leaning down, I captured Taylor’s lips in a brief kiss. My hand cupped her face, thumb rubbing gentle circles along her cheek, and I looked into her eyes.

“I love you,” I whispered quietly. Taylor blinked, and her face lit up in near rapturous joy.

“That’s the first time you’ve said it,” she said just as quietly, making me blink. That didn’t sound right, I was certain I’d said it… huh. Now that I stopped to think about it, I couldn’t think of a time I’d said it aloud to any of the Family. Well, that was certainly something to fix. But at the moment, Tonks had been waiting very patiently, and from the occasional shudders that ran through Taylor’s body, she hadn’t been idle while Taylor lavished me with oral affection.

“Shall we?” I asked, nodding to the leaking pussy that lay between Taylor and I.

Taylor smiled, before reaching down and using her fingers to open Tonks’s netherlips. Taking my length in hand, I teased Tonks’s entrance, making the auror let out a needy moan as she bucked her hips, trying to make me slip in. I rubbed the head of my dick against her clit, before pulling back and letting Taylor lean down to begin licking at the older woman’s slit.

“You should make your hands bigger,” I told Tonks with a teasing tone as she whined in disappointment and frustration. “Just imagine how it’d feel if you could grip all of Taylor’s delightful ass.”

To my surprise, since I had assumed that wasn’t something she could do, Tonks’s hands swelled in size, becoming large enough to knead and massage Taylor’s entire ass. Then, she must have done something else, because Taylor jerked, her upper body shooting upright as her eyes flew wide open. With that as my cue, I slid into the metamorph’s wet and eager pussy. Tonks was already tight, but as I had about half my length in her, her slick passage seemed to shrink, squeezing down even harder on me.

“Holy shit,” I said with a groan as I came to a hard stop. “How’d… you’re… fuck.” She’d tightened up so much that she was, hands down, the tightest anything I’d ever experienced, even considering how much smaller than her the girls in the Coven were.

There was the sound of muffled words from Tonks, and Taylor twitched, her jaw dropping as she let out a guttural moan, “Oh my God.”

“Taylor?” I asked with a grunt as I tried to push further into Tonks, with little success.

“Her tongue… she’s…” Taylor started, only to pause and let out a sound that was part moan, part whine. “Tongue… so long. Never… had anything… theeerrreee!

Taylor went rigid, muscles twitching as she came hard. Her body flexed, curling inwards slightly, before she dropped like a puppet with its strings cut. Fortunately, she was still aware enough to control her fall so she landed on the bed next to Tonks, her back against the wall as she panted. As Taylor tried to regain her breath, my eyebrows rose as I saw what Tonks had been doing with Taylor: the older woman’s tongue was currently so long that it wouldn’t fit inside her mouth!

“She’s…” Taylor managed to say in between gasps for air, “really good… at that. More… when I can breathe… again.”

I gazed at Taylor, meeting her eyes, and couldn’t stop the words that came out of me, “God I love watching you cum.”

Taylor blushed, a dusting of red across her cheeks, and Tonks let out an amused chuckle as her tongue finally shrank enough to fit back in her mouth. A satisfied smirk on her face, Tonks wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling with them to help me work my way deeper into her magically tight cunt. Leaning down, trapping Taylor’s leg between us, I noted a look of confusion on Tonks face before I kissed her.

Tonks’s eyes widened and her body froze, before relaxing and wrapping her arms around my back and returning the kiss. The dominant taste was Taylor, one I’d become familiar with and come to enjoy over the last few months, but underneath was Tonks herself, different but just as enjoyable. As we broke apart, foreheads pressed together, my hips finally became flush with hers.

“Damn,” Tonks said with a groan. “Never had anyone get this deep when I’m  this tight.”

“You try,” I paused as a ripple passed through Tonks’s pussy, from her entrance along my length as if she were trying to milk me, before continuing, “this often?”

“Mostly with toys,” she said, running her hand through my hair. “But the only ones I have that I can squeeze in I can’t get this deep.”

I was about to answer, but Tonks started lightly pulling on my head. Curious, I let her guide me to one of her rapidly swelling breasts. They weren’t small to begin with, a nice and full handful, but as I took one of her nipples into my mouth, they finished swelling to a firm DD cup in size.

“C’mon,” Tonks murmured, her other hand pulling Taylor to the breast I wasn’t enjoying. As Taylor latched onto the offered breast, I got a rather pleasant surprise as a rush of fluid filled my mouth.

I pulled back in surprise and asked, “Did you make yourself lactate?”

Tonks shook her head, even as Taylor happily started massaging the breast she was enjoying, “Nah, just made sure there was more of it. I don’t like, ooh yes, doing it often though.”

That raised some questions based on how she worded it, but I pushed that aside and rejoined Taylor at Tonks’s breasts, even as I began to pull my hips back in an attempt to resume fucking her. Drinking Tonks’s milk as I did so turned out to be a lot more arousing than I’d anticipated.


The three of us lay there, sweaty and panting, piled on Tonks’s too small bed however long later. As I got my breath back, I asked, “What did you mean earlier, when you said you made sure there was more milk in your breasts?”

Tonks turned to look at me, a tired grin stretching across her face, “Nice, wasn’t it? The amount of milk I made without tweaking it took a hard drop once I hit twenty, but being a metamorphmagus comes in handy.”

I blinked, considering the way that Tonks phrased her answer, as well as what she implied. Taylor beat me to asking the question that came to mind, “Tonks, do witches lactate as part of puberty?”

“Yeah, why’re yo… oh right, muggle girls don’t,” Tonks murmured the last part as she sat up, scooting back so she was sitting with her back against the headrest. “Right, so typically around seventeen or eighteen, a witch will start producing breast milk. Most witches produce about as much as a breast-feeding muggle woman will, but it typically drops off after a year or two. Some stop producing completely, but most witches will still produce a small amount until they go through menopause.”

“They do start producing again when they’ve given birth, right?” I asked, mentally filing the information away.

“Of course, it wouldn’t be much good if a mother couldn’t feed her baby, now would it?”

[center]<<Rhonda Weasley>>[/center]

I sighed, not looking forward to this conversation. At least Nikhol and Kara were here to offer support, but even so, Mum could be a bit overwhelming at times. The door opened, and Mum and Dad walked in.

“It’s good to see you, Rhonda,” Dad said as Mum came up and pulled me into a hug.

For the first time, it didn’t feel like she was trying to crush my spine with her hug. One of the perks of the physical training I’d done as well as my recent breakthrough in using my magic for physical enhancement. With a smile, I returned the hug and surprised both her and Dad by lifting her up off the ground as I did so.

I heard Kara and Nikhol laugh as I set Mum down, a grin on my face as Mum and Dad stared wide eyed. Mum was the one to ask first, “Rhonda, how did you do that?”

“I saw Miss Beniko do some incredible jumps and move faster than a Cleansweep, and was inspired,” I answered with a shrug. I wasn’t anywhere near as good with it as Lana or Nikhol were, since I hadn’t figured out how to make it so my mind could keep up with how fast I could move, but I was still proud of the progress I’d made. “But that’s not what I wanted to talk to you about. I’m… not quite sure how to say it…”

“You want to go with the Family when they leave?” Dad asked, a look of concern with a hint of pride on his face.

I blinked, surprised that they already knew, when it dawned on me: Nikhol and Lisa had gone with Luna to talk to her dad about it, and they lived right next door. So Mr. Lovegood had probably mentioned it to Mum and Dad, and they’d put it together that I’d be asking soon as well. Instead of answering Dad verbally, I just nodded.

“But Rhonda dear, what about your schooling? Your OWLs and NEWTs?” Mum asked, though I knew that wasn’t why she really wanted me to stay.

I held up a hand and easily conjured a ball of bluebell flames as I answered, “Mum, thanks to the Coven ritual we did on Halloween, I have enough raw power that my grades don’t matter when it comes to getting a job, or even should I have to fight. Plus, you’ve heard what Bear and the Family are preparing for, and he’s said that in the original outcome magic was a major edge in winning. I’ll be more useful out there, with him, than I would here at Hogwarts.

“But even without that, I think I’d still want to go. I want to see what other possibilities are out there, to explore places that no witch has ever been to, to visit realities beyond what I’d imagined possible when I was growing up. Talking to the Family’s given me a taste of the infinite possibilities, and I want… I need to see more.”

I was again wrapped in a hug as I finished, this time by both Mum and Dad. I returned it, hugging them as tightly as I could without using magic to enhance my strength. I could feel how much they loved me in that hug, how they wanted me to be safe, to live a long and happy life.

“If I may,” Nikhol spoke up, as the hug broke apart. “I can genuinely affirm that Rhonda will be a boon in our journey. You raised an incredible young woman, one who sees that she can help in a cause that will ensure the lives and wellbeing of more lives than can be counted. Much like you saw that you could help in some way when Riddle first arose.”

“Mr. and Mrs. Weasley,” Kara joined in, hovering slightly above the floor. “I have seen evils strong enough to destroy mountains with their punches, and from what Rhonda has shown me I am confident that she could comfortably beat them. Even without that, she won’t be alone: she will have the support of the entire Family at her side.”

It took a little bit more convincing, but Mum and Dad were convinced. I would miss them and my brothers, even Percy, but this was something that I knew, in my bones, that I needed to do. It wasn’t even really the sex with Bear, it was the scale of the threat and the fact that even with that, I could help. I could make a difference, the sheer amount of magic that I could call upon made the things in the stories seem like the old toy wands we had when I was little, and I could bring it all down on the Anti-Monitor and his forces.

And, depending on how the test Harry was taking went, I would also be supporting her through her pregnancy.


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