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[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

I’ll freely admit, Supergirl and the Lynda Carter Wonder Woman, to paraphrase Tali from Mass Effect, FTL jumped me into puberty. So having that very Supergirl with her legs wrapped around my waist, asking me to fuck her… I’d like to see you turn down that invitation.

Unbuckling my belt, I pushed my jeans down along with my boxers, making my throbbing shaft snap up against her side tie bikini bottoms. Letting the wall against Kara’s back do most of the supporting, I took my hands from her sides. My left hand traced her tattoo (and that was a surprise, though a pleasant one) while the right one reached down and undid first one then the other knot holding her bikini bottoms in place.

“I’ll be honest,” Kara said as I pulled her bottoms away (showing that she was either very dedicated or indeed a natural blonde) and chucked them over my shoulder. “I wasn’t expecting those to survive.”

“Do you think so little of me?” I teased, my cock slipping into the valley between her ass cheeks.

“My blouse?” she pointed out, taking a hand from my shoulder and holding up the torn… denim? Worry about unexpected strength later, sexy Kryptonian sitting on my dick now.

“Point received,” was all I said as I pulled my hips back, until the head of my length popped up from under her. The hand that had been holding her blouse reached down and gently took myself in hand, pointing me at her wet, blonde gushing entrance.

“Now, enough talking. Fuck me.”

Ask and ye shall receive. Slowly, far slower than I wanted, I slid into Kara, savoring the wet tightness of her pussy, the way her muscles clenched and squeezed, the way her breasts were pushed out as she took in a deep breath, the lidded gaze as she looked down at where we were joined.

Damn it’s been a while,” Kara purred as I bottomed out inside her, our hips flush against each other.

Giving her a smile, I leaned in and, feeling a bit mischievous, gave her a kiss on the tip of her nose. Kara’s eyes opened all the way and she gave me an incredulous look, making me chuckle before I leaned in for a proper kiss. Her lips were soft, and her arms reached over my shoulders and my own went to cup her firm ass.

Pulling back, Kara moaned into my mouth as I started slowly but surely driving my cock into her, fucking her with slow, smooth strokes. After maybe ten or so thrusts, Kara broke the kiss and, with her forehead against mine and our gazes locked on each others’, she told me, “As fun as this is, I do like it faster and harder.”

“As the lady wishes,” I said, before immediately picking up the pace and force.

Kara’s pussy, already tight, clamped down even harder on me as I started to really fuck her. More than that, she started gushing so much that the sounds of our fucking became so wet it almost sounded like we were fucking in the shower (mental note, see if any of the girls would be interested in shower sex). I’d prefer to keep going, but the fact that I was fucking Kara, along with just how sexy she was even without that fact, meant I wasn’t going to last long.

Still, with the fact that I didn’t have a refractory period any more, I could keep fucking her even after I came. Sliding my left arm up her back, feeling the corded muscle under smooth skin, I stepped away from the wall, making her legs tighten their grip on my hips. Turning around, I made my way over to the nearest bed and dropped us onto it. Kara’s arms left my shoulders, and she lay back even as I drove myself into her, her hair spread across the bed like a golden halo. Her hands went to her breasts, groping and squeezing them as she gave me a smoldering, hooded gaze.

“Where do you want it?” I asked with a bit of a growl, doing my best to keep from cumming too soon.

Kara’s eyes danced, jumping back and forth as she thought, before with a moan she cried out, “Inside, cum inside me!”

Just in time, I leaned down and wrapped Kara in a hug, pressing her tightly against my chest, as her channel clamped tightly on me and her body twitched and shook. I groaned into her neck as I felt myself cum inside her, flooding her womanhood with my cum… and I kept cumming.

Sitting up, I pulled out of her, still shooting jet after jet of cum, covering Kara’s front with ropes of cum. Finally, after maybe twenty shots and Kara’s front nearly completely covered, the last burst shot out, landing in her open, panting mouth.

I stared at Kara in confusion, I know I hadn’t done anything to my cum production, and that was a lot more than I came the last time I had sex…

“Tha’ was so hawt,” the familiar voice of Harley spoke up from across the room.

Turning to look at the other blonde, I saw the phone that Tara Q had given me in her right hand as her left played with her clit. Well, that answers the whole ‘one man bukkake’ question. Harley pressed a button on the phone before tossing it aside and getting onto her hands and knees.

“Been wantin’ ta do this for a while,” Harley said as she crawled stalked towards the still insensitate Kara. Gently tugging the younger blonde so that her hips rested on the edge of the bed, Harley leaned in and gave a long, sensuous lick that made the still sensitive Kara squirm. As Harley ate out Kara, both of them making sounds that went straight to my groin, she started bouncing her Daisy Dukes-clad ass, leaving me with one very simple path ahead of me.

[center]<<Lisa Wilborn>>[/center]

“Look, sooner or later we’re going to have to do something about Riddle’s followers, and your display at the Alley gave us the perfect way to do so without us getting blamed for it,” I argued. “Hell, his followers are in an even stronger position now than they were at the end of the war when Riddle got the boot from his body. So we can’t trust that just permanently offing Riddle is going to solve the problem.

“Plus, from what Harry’s told us, another attack from ‘Dark Lady Skitter’ would do a lot to foil the Toad’s arguments about the Ministry having everything under control. So that’s another benefit on top of crippling Riddle’s backers.”

[Already convinced]

[Is amused]

I gave Taylor a flat stare as she sat there with perfect poise, not a single expression on her face or in her body language. Right, shoving her reactions into her swarm. Rolling my eyes, I started working on the list of names that Harry had recited after the incident at the graveyard earlier in the year. Malfoy was the obvious first target, but there were several others that would benefit from coming down with a case of entomophobia. Or dead. Personally I’d prefer dead, but Taylor would probably rather let most of them live, so I’d make do.

Looking over the list, I combed through old newspaper articles (the moving pictures on paper still weirded me out) to try to figure out a decent first target. In the end, there was one target on the list that I’d be surprised if anyone felt they deserved to live.

“Fenrir Greyback, werewolf that lives up to the worst stereotypes imaginable and then some. Any idea how to track him down?” Taylor asked as I highlighted his name.

“I might be able to help with that,” Lana’s voice called out from the main entrance to the mess hall. The Sith Lord (and wasn’t that a trip and a half) joined Taylor and I at our table and took a quick look over the list of names before continuing. “Several of these names are highly placed in society, while others are at the absolute bottom. You’ll need someone familiar with both to be able to track down all of them. Fortunately, I am. I’ll have Greyback’s location for you in a few days, a week at the most.”

“That fast?” I asked in surprise. Arranging the death of Coil had taken months, and that was when I already knew exactly where he was.

“This Wizarding World’s isolation means that there’s only so many places he could be, even with the criminal element.”

“So you’ll get us a location for Fenrir Greyback, and then what? We go to him and I shove a swarm into his lungs?” Taylor asked.

“Nothing so simple,” Lana gently chided with a smile. “If this is going to be a display of the reach of the Dark Lady Skitter, it needs to be a show, a spectacle. Something that showcases your power in a way beyond the typical witch or wizard. Something that can’t be covered up or dismissed. Either Nikhol or my presence would aid in that, our lack of wands would allow us to stand in the crowd and use The Force without being noticed.”

I’d only seen the kind of smirk on Lana’s face a few times, and it never boded well for the target. I almost pitied Greyback, but not enough to try to lessen the fate that awaited him.

[center]<<One Week Later>>[/center]

In the end, it only took Lana three days to narrow down Greyback’s preferred haunts. After that, we spent the next three days hammering out the details of the plan and getting Nikhol’s very enthusiastic assistance. In her words, “How could I pass up the opportunity to vent frustration on a poor man’s rakghoul?”

Neither Taylor nor I knew what a rakghoul was, but from the way Lana shivered at the mention of them I don’t think I want to know. In any case, he was located in a criminal hotel (for want of a better way of putting it) in Knockturn Alley, and from what Taylor said her bugs saw of his room, he was planning out where to be for the full moon in six days.

The show started with Taylor gathering every bug in her range, spiders, ants, termites, and a host of other bugs swarming over the cobblestones and flies, mosquitoes, bees, wasps, and a myriad of magical equivalents gathered over the hotel. Wizards and witches cried out in panic as the swarm crawled over them, the deluge of bugs zeroing in on Greyback’s room.

Once Taylor felt the swarm was large enough, they burst into Greyback’s room, the swarm immediately covering and distracting the werewolf, keeping him from being able to concentrate enough to apparate away. That was key, if he managed to apparate to safety, then the attack was basically pointless.

More than just swarming him, Taylor also directed the entirety of the termites under her control to his wand, the sheer number allowing them to chew through the wood and turn it into sawdust in mere moments.

Greyback still tried to apparate away, but the distraction caused by Taylor’s swarm resulted in him leaving an arm behind, and he didn’t teleport nearly far enough, appearing in the rapidly clearing Diagon Alley. This was where Nikhol’s part came in. Using the Force, Greyback was lifted into the air, his arm and legs stretched out as Taylor formed a swarm body.


With that que, Nikhol used a bit of Sith Alchemy, twisting and warping Greyback’s flesh, his bones growing and distorting until they burst from his skin. Then, as the werewolf screamed in sheer, unadulterated agony, Taylor’s swarm of flying bugs came from Knockturn Alley, surrounding his head before crawling down his mouth and nose.

[Dead, allergic reaction to wasp venom]

I blinked from my seat outside the ice cream shop. That was… a little bit disappointing, but it got the message across nonetheless. With Greyback’s death being so public, there was no way that the Ministry would be able to cover it up. Though I have no doubts that they’d give it a shot. Now for the final touch…

Taylor’s termites got to work, focusing on a few key supports in the hotel that Greyback was staying in. As people started to exit the various shops and locations they’d hidden in, there was a creaking sound in Knockturn Alley, before with the snapping of timbers, the hotel fell in on itself. With that, Taylor dispersed her swarm, and the three of us regrouped and used a portkey to return to Grimmauld Place.


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