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As kinky an idea as it was, it was way too soon to knock up Harriet. So I (somehow) selected no and waited for my knot to deflate. Unfortunately, that took some time. But it seemed that someone was smiling down at Harriet and I because when I finally popped out of Harry’s pretty preteen pussy and a small deluge of our mixed spunk oozed onto the still petrified Hermione’s face, we still hadn’t been caught by anyone else.

Fuck Pad,” Harriet moaned as she collapsed on top of her fellow first year. “I’ve never felt anything even close to that.”

Smiling, I leaned down and gave Harriet a wet dog kiss across the face. My wonderful waifu giggled and rolled off Hermione, before grabbing her wand and moving over to look the older girl in the eye.

“I’m going to undo the spell, if you so much as look like you aren’t going to cooperate, I’ll recast it and have Pad fuck your ass while you’re petrified. Blink twice if you understand,” she threatened. Actually, can you blink while under… apparently you can. Huh, I didn’t know that. “Finite.”

Hermione’s body loosened up, but before she could do anything more than move her arms and legs apart Harriet had her wand up, the tip aglow. “First, you’re going to clean up your face. And make sure to swallow all of it.”

Hermione looked at Harriet like she was crazy, before slowly reaching up and scooping some of our mixed cum on a finger. Giving it a look of disgust, she nevertheless stuck it in her mouth and licked it off. Bit by bit, she wiped our cum off her and gulped it down, not losing the look of distaste on her face the entire time. Soon enough, she was finished and leveled a glare at Harriet.

“Are you happy? I ate all of his disgusting… stuff,” Hermione growled adorably.

“Oh no, not even close,” Harriet responded, a wicked grin on her face. “If I let you go right now, you’ll run off and tattle to the Professors like a good little suck up. I’m not letting you go until I know you’re in as deep as I am, so get on your hands and knees. Right now.”

I didn’t think that would cut it, but maybe Hermione’s just wired to follow orders given with an authoritative voice? Because not two seconds after Harriet told her to, Hermione was on all fours. Moments after that, Harriet had a hand in her hair and was dragging the girl’s head to her still leaking slit with the order to, “Lick.”

On Hermione’s other end, her skirt had fallen up over her back, leaving her anime-style blue and white panties on full display, with a rather noticeable wet spot in front. I’m pretty sure it wasn’t that big when I’d finished licking her out earlier, but right now they were in the way. So I did what came naturally: I reached out with my teeth and gently grabbed the fabric before ripping them off.

As Hermione squealed and one hand flew back to her hips where the fabric of her panties had dug into her skin before giving way, I took the opportunity to admire her tight, pert butt. Smooth, unblemished, virginal flesh that was just waiting for me to reshape around my cock. I’d get around to fucking that tight little ass in the future, for now there was a cherry with my name on it.

Much like I had with Harriet, I mounted Hermione’s hips, making the first year girl freeze as I started blindly thrusting, seeking her entrance so I could pluck my second virgin in one day. After maybe five thrusts, I found it and slipped in. The narrow head of my red dick pushed her lips open, making Hermione moan into Harriet as more and more of my length split her untouched depths.

Soon I was buried completely within her, having taken a few steps forwards so I was completely flush with her hips. Thrusting wildly, driving my cock into her pussy again and again, I leaned down and bit on her shoulder, my teeth charged with magic, claiming her, marking her as mine, like I did with Harriet. That taken care of, I could focus on making Hermione feel good. She was excruciatingly tight, nearly as much as Harriet, despite being so much bigger than Best Girl.

“Oh yes, Pad. Fuck her!” Harriet cooed as she shoved Hermione’s head deeper into her crotch, even as Hermione appeared to be getting into it by bringing a hand up and adding a few fingers to the mix.

Well, how could I refuse that? My forelegs tightened their grip on Hermione’s hips as I drove myself into the bushy brainy brunette between us. Muffled moans and squeals were forced out of Hermione into Harriet’s muff with each and every one of the rapid-fire, jackhammered thrusts I drove into her, her pussy squelching and sloshing with our combined pre as it leaked down her her thighs, leaving slick trails of arousal all the way down to her knee high, Gryffindor patterned socks.

Finally, with my knot swelling in time with Harriet’s rising moans signaling her approaching release, I drove myself in as deep as I possibly could, my massive knot spreading Hermione’s clenching slit open obscenely wide before locking us together. Burst after burst of cum rushed out of me, flooding her channel with my canine sperm, painting her insides whiter than a hospital. At the same time, Harriet’s legs clamped shut on Hermione’s head as she gave a long, drawn out moan into her hand, the air filled with the aroma of her climax, a scent I’d long since become accustomed to.

Between us, Hermione went rigid, as she too joined us in climax, being flooded from both ends pushing her over the edge into her own. We remained like that, frozen in sexual ecstacy, until finally, the edge faded and we slipped into the glorious afterglow of a good fuck.


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