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“The conversation was about what you’d expect: join our faction, we’re the good guys, the bad guys will be coming for you, so on and so forth. Armsmaster wasn’t particularly skilled at interpersonal communication,” The King said with a chuckle, as if there were some joke that Cristoph wasn’t privy to.

Cristoph took another sip of the cheap swill in his goblet as The King gathered his thoughts. The doors opening at the far end of the hall pulled both men’s attention as a vision of ethereal beauty entered the hall, a warm smile on her face and her stomach swollen with new life. Cristoph averted his eyes as The First Queen approached her husband and gave him a gentle kiss.

“How is Taryn, my love?” The King asked as he pulled The First Queen into a one armed embrace.

Tyler was feeling restless, and you know how your presence soothes him,” she answered, climbing up into The King’s lap. Next to her husband, The First Queen was positively tiny, yet she radiated a similar strength of personality. Simply standing in her presence, even if one did not know who she was, one couldn’t help but be respectful.

“Tyler or Taryn, either way I cannot wait to meet them,” The King said as he leaned down, placing a soft kiss on The First Queen’s pregnant stomach.

“Your Highness, should I return on the morrow?” Cristoph asked, feeling awkward at the moment being shared by husband and wife.

“Oh don’t mind me,” The First Queen said with good cheer as she leaned back into her husband’s chest. “Where are you in the story?”

“Armsmaster after I woke,” The King answered, his arm wrapping around her shoulder and his hand cupping her pregnant stomach.

“Ah, so you were about to tell him about when we made Little Owl a big sister, I love that part of the story.”


“Your Highness, with all due respect I am not sure it is necessary that I hear the details of…” Cristoph began, only for The First Queen to scoff, lacing her fingers with her husband’s over her stomach.

“Don’t be ridiculous, Danny and I’d had an active sex life even before the accident that put him in a coma, but after…” The First Queen whistled, a salacious grin spreading across her face. Shaking her head, she ignored the amused chuckling of her husband and pointed at Cristoph with her free hand. “You are going to sit there, and you are going to listen and record as I reminisce and tell you about the first time I was fucked so hard I thought I was going to go insane. Am I understood?”

“Yes, Ma’am,” Cristoph answered, feeling like a little boy being scolded by his grandmother.

“Good boy. Now, it was about six in the evening, Danny had just told off that stiff Armsmaster, and he was so confident and assured…”

My back hit the wall as Danny loomed over me, my fingers digging through his hair as our tongues danced and dueled. His hands cupped my ass and lifted me up, making me bring my legs up to hook around his hips or let them dangle. Fuck, his new bulk made it so that my legs couldn’t wrap all the way around his waist. I’d never gotten the appeal of jocks in high school and college, but Danny’s buff boost made me think that maybe there was something to it after all.

My train of thought was broken, along with our rather heated kiss, when Danny pulled back and spun me around with one hand. Before I’d had time to even blink, I was upside down and he’d torn a hole in my yoga pants. By the time I finished blinking, I was eye level with a much bigger bulge than I remembered in his pants and I had a tongue tracing around my mound, avoiding my pussy itself.

As Danny teased me, I reached out and cupped his girth, feeling how it had grown from whatever had made him into the mountain of muscle and masculinity that he’d become. Before he’d been a respectable size, I’d certainly had no complaints regarding his size or skill, but now? He felt thicker than my forearm. On top of that, there was a heady aroma in the air, strong, musky, and more than anything else, Danny.

I pulled down Danny’s pants so I could get a look at his new package, and his cock snapped up, the pre-soaked tip smacking my nose between my eyes. I went cross eyed, staring at the head of Danny’s throbbing, bulging cock, while Danny chose that moment to flick my clit with the tip of his tongue.

I don’t know if it was some sort of new instincts like with fighting or some sex-god power bullshit, but Danny was a lot better at eating me out than he used to be. Before, I’d never really cared to suck guys off, it felt degrading and I wasn’t the kind of woman that enjoyed that. But with him treating me like that, how could I do anything but reciprocate?

Wrapping my hands around his length, I brought the tip up to my lips and gave it a hesitant lick. To my surprise, while extremely salty, the flavor wasn’t nearly as bad as I’d been expecting. So I took as much of his cock into my mouth as I could, only for his hands on my hips to push me down faster than I’d been planning, his cockhead pushing past the back of my mouth and down my throat. My hands flew to my neck, feeling the bulge his dick was making as it slid deeper and deeper into my throat until it disappeared past my collarbone.

Let me tell you, I’d never cum so hard in my life, and he wasn’t doing anything particularly crazy to my pussy. It wasn’t something I’d been particularly into, yet somehow being used as a living fleshlight had gotten me off faster and harder than anyone or anything else ever had. I admit, I might have blacked out for a little bit, but when I came to I was flat on my back on the dining table, each of my legs held in one of Danny’s massive hands as he slid his cock along my slit.

As soon as he noticed that I was awake, Danny asked me, “Ready for the main course?”

I don’t think I’d ever been so eager for anything in my life until that point.


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