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Chapter 5: An Inevitable Dalliance

Drain Life, I intoned, finishing the last of the gremlin like monsters.

[Quote] You have reached level 6[/quote]

The smugglers the black market merchant had told me about had taken three days to get back to him. Then it was another day before they were willing to head out of the country. Leaving me with three days before I'd find out what would happen if I didn't fulfill the criteria of Draconian Instincts.

“Well done, Sigurd!” Hanabek, one of the smugglers, shouted from the relative safety of the covered wagon.

“Couldn't have done it without your help,” I quipped with a grin.

The amused and half guilty laughter brought a nostalgic smile to my face. It had been years since Eomer had died on a job gone bad, but the cowardly smuggler kept reminding me of the taur-modded man.

Shaking my head, I picked up the lightly mummified body and fed it into the shield.

[Quote][b]Goblin Shield unlocked [/b][/quote]

I was about to look it up when I felt something… off. Immediately I turned to see if Siniy and Milashka were okay. Milashka had gotten a cut along her arm, but Siniy was already healing it. If it wasn't them, then…

[Quote][B]Your Monster Egg is hatching[/B][quote]

“Hanabek, keep an eye on Siniy and Milashka, I need to check something!” I shouted as I hurriedly opened an apartrift and hopped through. Sure enough, on the table the monster egg I’d purchased at the same time as Jester and Raphtalia had several cracks running through it. Taking the glass lid off, I leaned in to carefully watch as tiny bits of shell were pushed out, before finally the creature within fell out of the shell and rolled onto the table.

I couldn’t help but blink at what had come out of the egg. It was… tiny. Barely the length of my palm, it looked like a snake with arms. White scales, a hood like a cobra, and black patches on the top of its head and down the spine.

“You look like a naga,” I mused as I picked up the baby snake monster. “What should I name you?”

Instead of answering, not that I expected one, the baby snake wrapped itself around one of my fingers and began trying to constrict. Realizing that it wasn’t working, it instead began trying to wrench the finger out of its socket. Trying in vain, I could barely even feel the pressure from it’s constriction.

I couldn’t help but chuckle, “Vicious little one, aren’t you? Hmm… Zmei’ll do. Well, let’s get you some food then I’ll take you to meet the girls.”

I quickly cut up some chicken and cooked it in a skillet before sticking it all in a bag to feed to Zmei later. Don’t get me wrong, I fed them (really need to figure out if they’re male or female) some as I was cooking, but they were so small that after three pieces they curled up in my hair and fell asleep.

Sigurd: Runner, Shield Hero, Accused Rapist, Panty Thief, Snake-thing Bed.


Siniy and Milashka both greatly took to Zmei. Unsurprisingly, they were adorable afterall. The rest of the smugglers, not so much. Regardless, I took the opportunity to read up on the perks I’d gotten from leveling up, and I had to say I was rather pleased for the most part.

The only thing of concern was the True Wyrm passive, since it made me vulnerable to things specifically designed to target dragons. But the Wyrm Form and Enfeebling Grasp would certainly be useful. But there was a different problem.

“You’re saying we’ve got five more days to go?” I asked, my frustration making my wyrmblut roil.

“If we want to avoid the Royal Guard, yup. These back roads take time, especially if we want to avoid the death worms,” Hanabek explained, hands raised in surrender.

I bit back a growl before running my hands through my hair. We were traveling through a wasteland, so there was nothing to steal. The smugglers weren’t being insulting enough to make my wyrmblut boil, so I couldn’t rely on pride. That only left one option if I didn’t want to see if Draconian Instincts was as bad as people back home who took full drachenblut mods.

“Master Sigurd? Is something wrong?” Milashka asked, pulling me from my thoughts.

Sighing, I turned to her and said, “I’ll explain tonight, in the apartment.”

True to my word, when the caravan stopped for the night I opened an apartrift and led both girls inside. I had no idea how I’d go about explaining sex to them before following up with the fact that I’d need to fuck one of them before the next three days were up. It would probably be best if I started with the Four Truths.

“So what’s wrong?” Jester asked as I got a pot of water set to boiling to make some rice.

“It’s long and a bit complicated,” I hedged as I sprinkled a little bit of salt and some olive oil into the pot. “I suppose I should start with my Harvest Mod. I’ve already explained how they work, but mine in particular came from a venomous swamp dragon.”

“So you’re part dragon! That’s awesome!”

Chuckling in amusement, I continued, “Most Harvest Mods have a slight impact on the recipient as they deal with the influence of the new instincts. The issue with dragon based Harvest Mods are related to what are called the Four Truths of Dragons. First: dragons are powerful. It takes a lot less material from a dragon to get the same bonuses and perks as even the next most powerful creature. But this means that the influences of the remaining truths are much, much stronger.

“Second: dragons are proud. If the Harvest Mod is strong enough, the person won’t be able to take anyone offering them any kind of insult. Third: dragons are greedy. Dragons and people with dragon based Harvest Mods need to collect wealth, though the kind of wealth sometimes varies. Fourth: dragons are lustful. The tales of dragons kidnapping maidens leave out what happens to the woman between the kidnapping and if she’s rescued.

“My own Harvest Mod was extremely weak, intentionally so. The urges and influences from the blood were weak enough that I could push them down. But I’ve seen people who had stronger dragon mods and how they struggled to balance the instincts. Eventually, they’d satisfy one more than the others, the instincts would become unbalanced, and their bodies would tear itself apart.

“Unfortunately, the leveling magic of this world is making the dragon blood within me stronger. Shortly before your sleepover with the Smith, I received a drawback. It requires me to satisfy at least one of the draconic vices at least once a week. While stealing from the castle worked, I’m going to run out of time bef…”

My explanation was paused as Jester walked around the island and unzipped my pants. I stood there in shock as her soft, dainty hands reached into my boxers and began to stroke at my dick.

“Jester, wha?” I asked, as she looked up at me, her face a mixture of disappointment and determination.

“You’re the only thing protecting us from being sold to some really nasty masters, and with you we’ve gotten stronger in a week than we would have in seven years otherwise. So if it means making sure you stay alive, well,” her voice took a distinctly bitter tone, “I guess it’s in my blood.”

Before either Raphtalia or I could say anything, Jester pulled my dick out and licked from my base to my tip. My head leaned back as I groaned, one hand idly turning off the stove as Jester licked all along my length. It had been… far too long since I’d been able to take care of myself, so despite Jester’s inexperience I wasn’t going to last long. As she took my cockhead into her mouth, and swirled her tongue around, my hand came down on her head, gripping one of her horns to hold her in place as I erupted, flooding her mouth with my seed.


Jester hated herself for what she was doing. But like she told Sigurd or Naofumi or whatever he called himself, he was her and Raphtalia’s best option as far as masters were concerned. She’d heard a lot of horror stories about slaves in Melromarc and from what Raphtalia had said about her previous owner those horror stories had undersold how bad a fate she’d nearly avoided.

So yes, if it meant keeping her current owner from dying, she’d strip and let him do to her what countless men had paid her mother’s owner to do to her. If he focused on her, then he wouldn’t have to do it to Raphtalia who had no clue what he was talking about.

So, after he finished spewing into her mouth (a part of her brain noted that the taste wasn’t actually that bad, the rest of her brain told that part to shut up), she carefully swallowed down all of it and stood up. Doing her best to keep from shaking, she slipped off the armored dress she was wearing and stood in front of him, completely bared to his gaze. She was only ten, but the recent leveling had given her a body just entering into puberty, maybe what she’d be like at fourteen.

He didn’t seem to mind, his eyes had a faint green glow to them as he pulled off his clothes, revealing his slim, muscular body, a faint hint of scales visible on his chest and arms. Reaching down, his hands picked her up by her hips and he easily lifted her into the air. Turning her around, he placed her against the kitchen island, her arms and chest coming to rest against the cool tile.

Swallowing nervously, Jester looked back over her shoulder as he held her up, her feet not touching the floor. One hand on her hip, the other guiding himself to her, Jester bit her cheek as she felt his dick against her lips and did her best to prepare herself. Then, with one quick thrust, he buried himself inside her, his hips flush against her pubescent ass.

“Guh,” Jester’s eyes widened at the sudden sense of fullness, nowhere near as prepared as she thought she was. So full, it felt like she was about to split in two… and her mother did this all the time? Then he pulled out, and Jester couldn’t prevent the whine at the sudden sense of emptiness, of longing.


Jester’s ass rippled as I thrust back into her tight cunt. My left hand continued to hold her up, while my right roamed across her back and bottom, feeling her smooth, perfect skin. The way her muscles moved as she flexed her core to lift her hips up and down, the best she could do in her current position to pushing back against me. My blood rumbled approvingly, glad the Hoard knew its place.

Satisfied she’d adjusted, I picked up the pace, driving my dick into her tight, underage pussy with a greater portion of my strength, making her gasp and mewl as the pleasure coursed through her. My gaze drifted now to her winking rosebud, and I briefly considered pulling out to take it, before deciding against it. It was her first time fucking after all, there’d be time for that later.

With a growl, deep within my chest, I buried myself into her, cockhead pressed against the spongy surface of her cervix, and let go. My seed shot out, flooding the entrance to her womb, the sensation making Jester’s back curl as she came. Her mouth dropped open in a silent scream, as her mind went blank. I lost track of time as I came, but however long it was, I finally stopped cumming. Slowly, I pulled out of the thoroughly fucked girl, a needy whimper escaping from her mouth.

Chuckling in amusement, I cleaned myself with a clean dishrag and told the blushing Raphtalia, "Take Jester to the shower, help her get cleaned up. I'll finish dinner."

"Y-Yes Master Sigurd, right away," Raphtalia stammered before dragging Jester to the bathroom.

Satisfied, my wyrmblut settled, reaching a state of calmness I couldn’t remember feeling since the day I had the initial injection.


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