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It had been six days since we’d had fun with the two cuties, Missy and Dinah, and Trevor was finally taking me on his little surprise. The smug son of a bitch even had me wear a blindfold and earplugs so it “wouldn’t spoil it too soon”. I felt us leave the city, based on the lack of emotions I was feeling besides his, but beyond that I didn’t know where we were going.

Trevor’s emotions were interesting, normally reading a person’s emotions was like sitting at a computer reading a text editor and if I wanted to make changes I’d just type in something new. With Trevor, it was more like reading a book that someone was holding upside down. It was possible, but it took focus and I couldn’t change anything.

So, with nothing else to do, I focused and read Trevor’s emotions. He was eager and a bit nervous (understandable), but there was a hint of something else… if he were a regular person I’d know for sure, but it seemed to be nostalgia? Well, whatever it was, he had a sudden surge of excitement, and his car came to a stop so we’d probably arrived.

Much as I wanted to take the earplugs out and the blindfold off, I’d promised that I wouldn’t until he’d given me the okay. Still, I was able to tell that he was getting out of the car, so I unbuckled my seatbelt and got out myself. Almost immediately, my nose was filled with the smell of loam and pine trees. It was a smell I’d become familiar with after… My trip down memory lane was interrupted as a pair of increasingly familiar arms picked me up in a bridal carry.

“Trevor!” I squawked and slapped him on the chest.

I could feel his chuckle in his chest, and he replied (still audible, if muffled by the earplugs), “I know a spot ahead, and don’t want you to trip.”

I pouted and crossed my arms, not wanting to admit that him carrying me like this was kinda nice. Eventually, I felt a sense of old, serene pleasure fill him and he set me down. As I got my footing on the sandy ground, he pulled the earplugs out. Immediately the sounds of bird song, the wind in pine needles, frogs and splashing water filled my ears. Reaching up, I pulled the blindfold off.

My eyes widened as I took in the area that Trevor had brought me to. It was a small lake, with some ducks swimming in the distance, a fish jumping after a dragonfly, and a short ways away there was even a log cabin.

“Growing up, my family’d take these nature getaways and I’d remembered about this place not long after I moved to Brockton Bay,” Trevor said, as he sat down by the lakeshore before pulling me down to sit next to him, wrapping an arm over my shoulder. I reached up and laced my fingers with his as he continued, “I figured it would be a good place for a normal date. No crazy debauchery, just the two of us spending time together and enjoying each other’s company.”

A normal date. Have I ever had one of those? I couldn’t think of one, every “date” I’d been on, at best, ended up with the guy eating out of the palm of my hand. Because even when I tried not to, and God knows I’ve tried so hard, when I was that close and focused on someone my power always acted up. That’s without touching on the closest thing to dates before I ran off.

“Hey,” Trevor whispered, pulling me from my melancholy.

Turning to look at him, he held a finger up to his lips before leaning close and pointing off to the other side of the lake. Following his finger, my eyes widened in surprise as two deer stepped out of the treeline. I hadn’t realized that deer could get that big!

“Those are elk,” Trevor whispered as the two animals came down to drink. “Forty years ago you wouldn’t have seen them here, but that cloning tinker, Dolly, made a bunch of them and set them wild about twenty years back.”

There was a loud, high pitched, almost whistling sound that echoed through the trees, and upon seeing me start, Trevor, the ass, chuckled, “That was a bull elk bugling. Basically their way of asking ‘Wanna fuck?’”

I reached over and smacked the back of his head, startling the elk on the other side of the lake and sending them back into the woods. Trevor just laughed harder. Reaching over, I pushed his shoulder, sending him rolling down to splash in the lake. Seeing his affronted face as he stood up from his impromptu bath, I couldn’t help but laugh at his expression.

“You realize that dis means war!” Trevor shouted in a bad Bugs Bunny impression, making me laugh harder.

That laughter meant I couldn’t get away as he ran up to me and picked me up by my waist and threw me in. I fell into the lake with a shriek, and immediately stood up and glared at the smug bastard.

The smug bastard that wore a white, now transparent, shirt. Showing off all his glorious, yummy muscles. For the view, I’d let him live. Especially if he plans on ending this date with some fun in the woods.

“Purple lace? Nice choice,” he commented.

Wha? I glanced down, seeing that the water’d soaked through my blouse and was now showing the bra I had on underneath. Well, he’d seen me with less.

“Care for a frolic in the woods?” I asked as I got up and strutted up to him, the arousal practically shining off him.

Heh, he’d been less aroused when we fucked in the alley. This was going to be fu… what’s that surge of determination about?

“Cherie,” Trevor said, as he cupped my cheek in his hand, his thumb rubbing gentle circles. “I want so much to pick you up and take you against one of the trees. But when I planned this, I made myself a promise that there’d be no sex until we got back to the Bay.”

I… don’t understand. He says that he wants to fuck me, but he doesn’t? My confusion must have been plain on my face, because he continued, “I know that sex with you is great, in the time we’ve been together it’s been one hell of an adventure. But I want more from our relationship than just sex. I want to be able to spend time together and just be happy and content because you’re there. Not because I’m getting my rocks off.

“So, what say we head over to that cabin, I start the barbecue, and we have some burgers while we get to know each other better?”

I stared up into his beautiful blue eyes, confused but also happy for some reason? I… I had so many questions running through my head, but in the end only one came out.

“You brought burgers?”

He chuckled and scratched the back of his neck, “I actually brought them up here yesterday. I didn’t want to spoil the moment by juggling an ice chest, charcoal, and you all at once.”

“How romantic,” I drawled, before heading towards the cabin.

Even if there wasn’t going to be any sex until we got back, I put a bit of sway in my step. He was going to tease me, I’d tease him back!


I’ll say this for Trevor: he knew how to make some damn good burgers. I was expecting the typical store bought frozen burger patties, instead there were some lumpy hunks of ground meat.

“Mom taught me how to make burgers by hand, so I have a hard time eating the store bought ones,” he explained as he loaded up a small chimney looking thing with lumps of charcoal and lit a handful of rumpled newspaper underneath.

“Your mother taught you to cook?” I asked as he pulled what must have been homemade buns out of the cabin’s fridge.

“Yeah, she worked as the head chef at a big hotel in Boston, but she always made sure to be home in time to fix dinner. Then she continued a family ‘tradition’ in my dad’s family. Every summer, once a week she’d have me decide what was going to be for dinner. She’d do the shopping and help, but I did the majority of the cooking.”

“So she taught you to be a proper househusband, huh?” I teased, making him snort.

“Hardy har har. Plus, speaking from experience, cooking’s a good way in high school and college to get laid.”

As he spread out the piping hot charcoal, I took a peek at the contents of the fridge. Ooh, he had my favorite brand of beer. Yoink!

“So your mom was a chef, what did your dad do?” I asked as I popped the top off the bottle.

“Well, his answer would depend on who was asking. If it was a person in fancy duds, he’d say he was a biologist. If it was someone in jeans and a shirt, he’d say he was a park ranger,” Trevor answered as he dabbed a piece of cloth with some olive oil and started to brush the grill grates. “Basically, he was a biologist that worked for the National Park Service. His main focus was on wildlife populations and how they affected the overall health of the various parks across the country.”

“Was that how you knew about Dolly and the elk?”

“Yup, hell elk are only this far east because of Dolly. Their historical range was west of the Appalacians. Anyway, we weren’t a perfect family, but I imagine that we were better than some.”

He looked up from the grill as he said that, and I had to look away. He didn’t know the half of it. My family made even the worst dysfunctional families look well put together. If he knew the truth… best case scenario he’d leave me here and go back without me. Worst case he’d try to kill me again, and I couldn’t help but wonder if it would be completely unjustified.

I took another drink from the beer as he spoke up again, “Doesn’t matter to me. It’s not my job to determine if I need to know. Do you want cheese on your burger?”

“What do you have?” I asked, glad for the change of subject.

“There’s cheddar, mozzarella, and pepperjack.”

“Mozzarella on a burger? You’ve piqued my curiosity.”

“Motz it is! Burgers will be ready in about ten minutes. Do you mind cutting the buns in half? There’s a bread knife, the one with ‘m’ shapes on the edge, in the block.”

I nodded and headed into the cabin, easily finding the knife in question and doing my best to cut the buns down the middle. The results weren’t particularly pretty, I’d never cut bread by hand before, but he took them from me and spread a little bit of butter on them before placing them down on the grill.

“What else would you like on your burger? Also have some potato salad as well as an angel food cake for dessert, both from family recipes,” he said as he led me back into the kitchen.

“Just the usual, thanks,” I told him, watching with surprise at just how smoothly he moved through the kitchen. He was completely comfortable with the knives, he didn’t tear up while cutting an onion (something I’d never managed), each move smoothly transitioned to the next, it was almost like watching a dance.

I admit, when I ran away I wasn’t expecting to find myself jealous of a guy in the kitchen. Plus he had good taste in beer, I didn’t have to wonder how much of him was from my power, and goddamn was he a beast in the sack. Cherie, he’s definitely a keeper. Of course, that’s when the beer decided things were too perfect at the moment.

“Does this cabin have a bathroom?” I asked.

“Nah, but there’s an outhouse out back. You can’t miss it,” Trevor said as he pulled out some paper plates.

Following him outside, I looked out past the cabin and saw it. Making my way over, I thought about how to thank Trevor for today. There were some really hot capes in Brockton Bay, maybe I’d be able to “convince” one of them to reward him.

My plotting was interrupted as a hand clamped over my mouth, making my eyes shoot open. How’d… no, nononononononono! Not here, not now!

“Sleepy time, sister dear,” a familiar voice whispered.

I knew I couldn’t affect him, but I reached out with my power to Trevor. He needed to get out of here, so I pushed as hard as I could as the scent of chloroform filled my nose. Leave, leave, leave!

The last thing I heard as my vision went black as another voice, one equally familiar and equally unwelcome, “What’s that? Got yourself a new boytoy? Huh, his mind’s pretty tight, good thing we brought some insurance…”

No… don’t… hurt him…


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