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[center]<<Bear Sandosen>>[/center]

I was in the study at Grimmauld Place, reading through some notes that Dumbledore had given me on his fellows at the ICW and making notes of my own. Voldemort was still the immediate threat, but afterwards we’d have to convince the different nations to aid us when the Anti-Monitor got going.

I’d just made some notes on the Russian representative, a man named Ivan “The Terrible Dresser” Pechkin who went to Durmstrang (and I have to note how odd it was for Dumbledore to criticise one’s taste in clothing), when a pair of arms wrapped themselves around my neck and shoulders.

“Bear, what are you working on?” Lana asked, her lips right next to my ear.

Swallowing the lump that formed in my throat and ignoring the way her accent sent shivers down my spine, I answered, “I’m trying to get a feel for the people we’ll need to convince to help us after this business with Voldemort’s over.”

“I see. If it wouldn’t be too much trouble, I have a favor to ask. I was hoping you would be willing to aid me in some training.”

I set the pen I’d been using down and turned to look Lana in the eye, “You do remember that I’m not exactly the best in a fight right? I’m not sure how much help I’d be.”

“True, but you are the only one who has a blaster on this entire planet, and I wish to work on my blaster deflection while also using telekinesis.”

So I’d primarily be there to serve as a distraction while she multitasked, that sounded more believable. I still suspected that she had something else in mind, but I had no objections. To my surprise, she didn’t lead me to some unused basement, but instead to Hogwarts.

“I already checked with both Headmaster Dumbledore and Mr. Black,” Lana explained as she led me through the empty corridors and hallways. “Grimmauld Place doesn’t have the space suitable for what I have in mind and the Headmaster gave permission for a staff room from when Hogwarts boasted a larger population.”

I nodded, it made sense after all, what with the population of Wizarding Britain being cut down by Voldemort’s insane crusade. Soon enough, we arrived at the room that Lana had chosen, it was filled with old, dusty desks and a four poster bed off in the back. I was beginning to get the suspicion that Lana just might have more than training in mind.

Still, pulling my blaster from its holster, I tweaked the settings to low before aiming at Lana and pulling the trigger. Without even turning around, her lightsaber flew into her hand and with the iconic snap-hiss that still made my inner child jump with joy sent the blaster bolt flying away.

“Shooting at me while my back was turned? Not very sporting of you, Bear,” Lana teased, putting an extra lilt to her voice. Turning to face me, Lana started to levitate a few of the desks while the door shut behind me.

“Our enemies, both here and in the future, won’t fight fair,” I pointed out. “Plus, you're a Sith, fighting dirty’s practically part of the Sith Code.”

Lana chuckled, and I snapped the blaster up again and sent off a barrage of bolts. Her lightsaber danced, moving fast enough through the air that it looked more like a red field than a single blade, parrying and deflecting the rapid fire yellow bolts as they came her way. All the while, she used the Force to move the old desks and chairs in the room, first four, then five, six, and so on.

I wasn’t standing idly by, just shooting away, during this. I did my best to find new angles to attack her from, and she sent most of the bolts back in my direction. So I had to think on my feet, try to predict where the bolts would be coming from, where they’d hit, and try to not be there before they reached me.

I’m not too proud to admit that I sucked at it. I managed to dodge maybe one out of every twelve. In short order my shirt was a lost cause, and my pants were just barely a step above being shorts. All of this wasn’t helped by the fact that Lana was using the Force to fondle me inside my pants. Then one of the reflected bolts hit my belt. Since I was in the midst of running to a new position, the loss of my belt making my pants drop resulted in me landing face first on the cold stone floor.

“Ow,” I groaned as I rolled onto my back and locked eyes with the amused Lana.

“Well, well, what shall I do with you?” she asked, her voice low and seductive. Even if she hadn’t been giving me a Force-based handjob, her tone and accent would have had me erect in an instant.

“Why do I have a hunch that you had this planned before you even came to me in Grimmauld Place?” I asked with an amused smirk as she stepped over me.

“Only a hunch? Perhaps you aren’t as smart as I thought you were,” Lana teased as she kneeled down, straddling my hips and met my lips in a soft kiss.

My hands went to her sides as we kissed, while one of hers went to the back of my head, pressing me deeper into our kiss, and her free hand tore my tattered shirt from my chest. A small part of my mind couldn’t help but wonder what her plan was for me getting back to Grimmauld Place without flashing everyone, but most of me was focused on her lips, the way she was grinding her hips against mine, and her muscles that I could feel even through her clothes.

Finally, the need for air called and our extended kiss broke. As she leaned back and started to pull her clothes off, I could only stare into her vibrant yellow/orange eyes. Something that in the movies seemed so sinister and evil, on her they were… warm and exotic, full of playfulness and passion.

“Well,” Lana said with a chuckle, breaking me from my trance. “This is the first time a man would say he was staring at my eyes and I’d believe him.”

Her joke made me turn my gaze downwards, and while her pale, pert breasts were quite the appealing sight, it was something else that drew my gaze. My fingers traced the long line of almost web-like scar tissue along her ribcage, while I couldn’t help but stare at the half-circle of smaller scars on her right bicep.

“Those? That one’s from the first time I fought a Jedi, the one on my arm’s from getting careless around an akk dog, but this one,” Lana paused as she twisted her back, letting me see a massive scar that covered most of her back. “This one’s from a Republic soldier, I never learned their name, but they were the head of one of the Republic’s best military units.”

“Havoc Squad?” I couldn’t help but ask as she stood up to finish stripping.

“Perhaps, it was in the middle of a rather chaotic battle. But enough about that,” she said, moments before her pants covered my face.

Pulling them off my face, and ignoring the fact that they were filled with her scent, I was treated to the sight of Lana looming over me in her naked glory. Her body was toned, showing the muscles underneath her skin, but in a way that seemed only to enhance her femininity. The only word that could even come close to describing her was Amazon.

“Beautiful,” I whispered in awe, bringing an amused smile to Lana’s face.

No more words were shared, instead she knelt back down, straddling my legs as she fished my rock hard cock from my boxers. Her warm hands gave my length a few strokes, before she moved up a bit and placed the head of my shaft at her entrance.

“Are you ready?” she asked, one hand holding me in place while the other supported her against my chest.

Without waiting for my answer, my tip slipped in. She was wet, tight, and so warm. Smoothly, she slid down, until our hips were flush against each other’s. Her walls, like wet silk, squeezed down around my length, massaging and milking me.

“Lana… thank you,” I groaned as she lifted herself up.

I wasn’t going to last long. Lana was too beautiful, and the things she was doing with her tunnel… she was easily the most skilled woman I’d ever been with (not that it was a particularly long list, but considering it included Nikhol and Harley…).

“You’ve… done this before,” I managed to get out, while mentally reciting sports figures in an attempt to stave off my rapidly impending orgasm.

“Of course… mmm… but only… yes, right there… dalliances. Nothing… serious,” Lana answered, her reply broken up with moans and other pleasured noises as she picked up speed.

“Lana… I’m not going to…”

“It’s alright… do it, cum for me…”

I groaned as I erupted inside of Lana, who for her part didn’t stop. Even as I shot burst after burst of seed into her, she kept riding me. Finally, my cock sensitive from cumming, my orgasm stopped and I remained hard.

“Now that that’s out of the way,” Lana teased with a sultry grin. “Let’s see if you can keep up with me.”

[center]<<Nymphadora “Call me that and die” Tonks>>[/center]

I did my best to avoid staring, but my gaze kept drifting to Taylor and Harley. I wasn’t normally one to stare, but… well, both of them were beautiful women. Harley was what some of my coworkers would call “sex on legs” and Taylor, in addition to an ass that was to die for, had an aura about her that was indescribable. Anyone that either deigned to be with were incredibly lucky.

Lisa entering the dining room talking on what looked like a tiny brick or slate distracted me from my horny thoughts. I managed to catch her saying goodbye to someone named Cameron before she put her slate away. Turning to face the room, Lisa grinned and asked, “So a bit sudden, but since we need to go pick up Cameron anyway, who wants to see our ship?”

Hyacinth, Rhonda, and Hermione all immediately perked up, as did Professor Dumbledore and Arthur Weasley. Arthur asked, “A chance to see a muggle ship? How could I resist?”

“It’s not precisely what you’d consider to be ‘muggle’,” Taylor said. “It’s a lot more advanced than anything the nonmagical populations of your Earth has.”

“Does it fall under that Clark fellow’s rulings?”

Who? I wasn’t the only one confused, as nearly everyone else gave him baffled looks, before Lisa chuckled, “Ah, Arthur C. Clark wasn’t a politician, he was an author. He penned a few rules about writing for his particular genre, one of which said…”

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic,” Hermione finished.

“Now that you mention it, considering that it is capable of tearing apart the very fabric of reality to travel to an entirely different universe, which has its own distinct laws of reality, I guess you could call it magic,” Taylor mused aloud with an amused smile.

“I’m going,” Arthur declared, practically vibrating in his seat.


In the end, it was myself, Arthur, Professor Dumbledore, Hyacinth, Rhonda, and Hermione that accepted the invitation. Taylor and Harley decided to stay behind, Lisa would be coming, Kara said she had a few things she wanted to pick up from her room on the ship, and Nikhol would be needed to get to the ship. I may not be the most in touch with my muggle heritage, but I still knew enough to know that there was no way it was on the ocean, not after everything that had happened during WWII and the Cold War.

So when the invite was given, a chance to be one of the first witches to go into space (even if it wasn’t explicitly stated as such), there was no way I could refuse. I don’t think Rhonda, Arthur, or the Professor knew just what they’d accepted, so the looks on their faces were sure to be a treat.

A quick Floo to Hogwarts where the shuttle was later, and we were off. Everyone except for Kara, Lisa, and Nikhol were pressed against the windows, watching as the Scottish Highlands grew smaller and smaller, then Scotland, then Great Britain, Europe, until the shuttle seemed to stop. There, handing in the black expanse Earth sat, an orb of blue, green, and white. There, there was the planet that gave birth to everything I’d ever known. An errant thought passed through my mind, if heaven was real, how could it compare to this?

“Consider again, that pale blue dot,” someone said, but my brain couldn’t place who it was. “That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every ‘superstar,’ every ‘supreme leader,’ every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there-on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

“The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.”

Another voice picked up the speech, this one I think was Hermione, “Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

“The Earth is the only world known so far to harbor life. There is nowhere else, at least in the near future, to which our species could migrate. Visit, yes. Settle, not yet. Like it or not, for the moment the Earth is where we make our stand.

“It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. There is perhaps no better demonstration of the folly of human conceits than this distant image of our tiny world. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we've ever known.”

In the end, there was only one word that even approached adequately describing both the view and speech, “Beautiful.”


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