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Where: Alastor’s Estate, Pentagram City, Pride Ring, Hell

When: 298 days to next Purge

Who: Niffty

It was nice seeing Jacques again. And Alastor was nice enough to send me with him after Charlie and Vaggie gave him some power. That power… I hadn’t realized just how powerful Charlie was, less than half a percent of her power made Jacques easily the most powerful Sinner in Hell.

Just watching him destroy the practice dummies in Alastor’s yard was making my collar uncomfortably warm. I’m glad I wasn’t wearing panties under my dress, they’d be so soaked that each step would make it sound like I was walking through a foot of mud. So much power… fuck if he were the committing type and it were possible I’d tackle him to the ground and ride him until I was bloated with triplets.

“I can smell you from here,” he said suddenly, pulling me from my fantasy.

“Huh?” I asked, still trying (unsuccessfully) to banish the mental image of Jacques using my cunt as a masturbation toy.

“My olfactory senses have been greatly enhanced, I can smell you from here. I can smell your Brimstone shampoo, the Victoria’s Slut brand perfume, the Dantalion’s Delightful Detergent you used for your dress, and the copious arousal you are leaking.”

I blinked in surprise. Apparently the increased lupine features weren’t just for show. My eye dropped down just below his belt and I couldn’t help licking my lips. If past experience was anything to go by, the stronger core of a Sinner’s power the better equipped they’ll be.

“Niffty,” Jacques’s voice, and the underlying growl within it, pulled me back out of my head. To realize that he’d stopped practicing and was standing looming over me. “If you do not stop leaking, I will lose control.”

“Go ahead,” I told him, causing him to blink. When he didn’t move, I continued, “Let loose. Pick me up and shove your dick so far down my throat I won’t have to swallow when you cum. Split my ass around your hard cock. Paint my womb so full of your cum I look like I’m twelve months pregnant.”

Jacques stared down at me. For a long moment, we just looked at each other. I was starting to feel afraid that he’d turn away, do his best to ignore me, when something wrapped around my throat. My hands flew up to whatever it was, feeling a thick, cold, and dry tendril coiling around my neck. I tried to look down, but could barely move my head.

That ended up being enough, as the end of the tendril came to a stop in front of my face, leering like a cobra. If cobras had long, pointed heads with a small hole just above the point and a big baseball sized knot a short ways down.

“Ja-” was all I got out before the tendril shot forwards, sliding into my mouth and down my throat. I nearly gagged, but it was the taste that shocked me the most as the bulge pushed past my teeth. But only for a moment, now that I realized it was made by Jacques (don’t know how it tastes like him, don’t care either) I started sucking and licking on the tendril as the knot pushed against the back of my throat.

If I were still alive, I’d be worried about the fact that the knot was choking me. But I don’t have to worry about that anymore, so instead I savored the sensation of the tip of Jacques’s tendril-dick was stretching down my throat all the way to my breasts.

More tendrils wrapped around my arms and legs, lifting me into the air as Jacques reached out and tore my dress to ribbons. Two more tendrils rose up, snaking and winding through the air, showing that one had three knots one after the other, before plunging down. One dove into my pussy, splitting it open with merciless roughness, while the other buried itself two knots deep into my ass, reshaping my bowels as it did.

I screamed past the tendril pumping back and forth in my throat, my ass burning from the sudden intrusion while my pussy was stuffed fuller than it had ever been. I’d never had more than one dick in me at a time, and never in my ass! Now I was getting my mouth, butt, and cunt crammed with the biggest… things I’d ever had. It hurt so much… I loved it!

I’d never felt so full, the size of the knots spreading my backdoor open burning with delicious pain. I gurgled around the tendril in my throat, barely able to do more than hang in the grip of his shadowy creations as his tendrils had their way with my body. My vision was going dark, my eye rolling back into my head as a large bulge passed through the tendrils and the knots swelled…


When I woke up, it was to my head continually bouncing up and down and a loud squelching noise. A massive hand around my waist, an empty feeling in my ass, a tangy aftertaste on my tongue, and a thick, hard, sinfully good cock fucking me. But… something was pushing at my entrance, despite the fact that I was already full…

My head lolled down, and I saw a black furred hand with sharp claws wrapped around me, lifting my whole body up and down. Below that, a thick red cock plunging in and out of me as I was treated like a mindless fucktoy. But at the base of the cock… my vision was blurry, but it looked like there was a red softball, or a grapefruit, there. That didn’t make any…

“Oooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh…” I moaned as my pussylips finally spread enough to take the big bulge. My head fell back, my tongue hanging loose as I tried to process the pleasure filling me as Jacques (because who else could it be?) came inside me.

“I… red… u wo… ind,” Jacques’s voice drifted in and out of focus.

I just gave a happy gurgle, enjoying the feel of his cum filling me just past what I could handle. The ache of being stuffed too full, the burning sting of my pussy stretching around his knot, the lingering pain in my throat from being used like a fapsock. It was easily the best sex I’d had in decades.

Eventually, he pulled me off his wonderful dick with a pop. I moaned in disappointment, but I was still too tired from the sex to do more than that. Even if I’d accepted that Jacques wasn’t interested in a relationship, I couldn’t prevent the warm fuzzy feelings that bubbled up as he tucked me into a bed.

“I have something else I need to test,” he said before he turned around and left.

I bit back a sigh of frustration. If only he was interested in relationships, he’d be a perfect husband. Sure his brain wasn’t all there, but in every other respect he was everything I’d ever wanted in a man. Oh well, even if times like this were the closest I got, it wasn’t like he was out looking for other women. And if he were, who else down here would be willing to put up with his quirks long enough to get to know him?


Where: Pride/Greed Offramp, Pride Ring, Hell

When: 298 days to next Purge

Who: Jacques

I stared at The Barrier. Test Subject was cowering at feet. No reason to think Experiment will succeed. Need to try regardless. Question will remain if untested. Grab Test Subject, canary phenotype Sinner, by neck. Lift up in front of self.

“Dude, are you crazy?! You kill us both, again!

Test Subject protesting. Irrelevant. Needed to test. Charlotte Mange’s power opened new possibilities. Body changed more than increase in lupine and cervine features. Can feel changes. Suspect changes make self more like native Hell denizens instead of mutated human soul. Simplest test: Traverse Rings. The Barrier is five paces forwards. Stop stalling. Five paces forward, Test Subject is seven point two three millimeters from contact with The Barrier.

“Please! No, don’t do it! I’m begging you don-aaar…”

Test Subject combusts upon contact with The Barrier. Auditory protest of a… painful frequency. Protest cease as percentage of Test Subject’s skull immolated by The Barrier exceeds thirty four point five nine percent. Control established: contact with The Barrier causes composition of mutated human soul to combust, bypassing innate durability otherwise present in all Sinners.

With control established, experiment can proceed. Test Subject’s body discarded, purpose served. No blood, remnants of brain ooze out in cooked slurry. Procrastinating, delaying. Why?

Anticipation of pain, reaction to possible threat despite earlier planning. Focus, utilize concentration exercises. Breathe deep. Hold. Release. Reach out, pinky extended. Push digit through The Barrier. No pain, no combustion. Uncomfortable sensation, digit tingling where The Barrier connects, no undue sensations from either side.

Step through. Tingling throughout body as pass through The Barrier. Air breathable. Sky color changed. Absence of moon or Pentagram. Ambient scent subtly different. Blitz’s scent core, Blitz native to Greed Ring? More data required.

Millie, Moxxie’s scent cores unknown. Uncle Alastor, Paimon, every Sinner’s scent core of Pride Ring. Self’s? Unknown. Would require additional tester. Loona? Unknown if Loona able to notice differing scents of specific Rings. Inquire upon return.

Power affected by travel to Greed Ring? Shadows answer, tendrils picking up rocks. Familial power unaffected. Need additional Test Subject to determine if dice power altered. No sense of difference. Inconclusive. Unsure if self could sense alteration from travel to Greed Ring. Test now?

Negative. Too many unknowns in Greed Ring. Inquire Blitz et al about additional presences on future visit. Rotate facing one hundred eighty degrees. Pass through The Barrier. Tingling sensation, lessened. Repeated exposure result in acclimation? Inconclusive: requires additional data. Unimportant at moment. Experiment for future.

Results conclusive: can enter Rings beyond Pride Ring. Know of no prior Sinner with capability. Inquire upon return to office location of library. Probability of being first low. Liable to be records of previous Sinners to achieve capability.

Arrival during celebration. Cake. Moxxie distressed. Unacceptable.

Why does Moxxie's distress cause anger? No prior experience. Distress in non-self never caused anger. Actions against self anger, not actions against non-self. Self-analysis required. Ask Blitz et al about travel to other Rings in morning.


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