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Chapter Five: Christening the House~!

“Bye, thanks for everything,” I called out to Mystique as she walked to the rental car. Almost as soon as the disguised woman had shut the car door, I was pulled back into the house by Kori’s firm grip on my shirt. All but slamming the door behind me, Kori’s lips were on mine, as my hands reached down and picked her up by the spankable globes of her ass. Making my way over to the couch, I started leaving a trail of kisses down her jawline, to her neck, to her collarbone, leaving hickeys the entire way. As I pulled back to meet her mischievous gaze, I gave her a smirk of my own, before letting go and letting her drop onto the couch.

“I think you’re overdressed, wife dearest,” I joked as I pulled my shirt off.

“I might say the same about you, Husband,” she purred, her voice going straight to my dick, as she untied the knot under her breasts.

Kicking off my shoes in the same motion as I undid my belt, I shoved my pants and boxers to the floor just in time to catch the short shorts that Kori threw my way. By catch, I mean with my face. Pulling them off, and ignoring the wet patch, I was treated to one of the most beautiful sights I’d ever seen: Kori, bent over the back of the couch, her glistening slit on full display, as she looked over her shoulder at me.

“Well Husband, I do believe it is time to perform your kingly duties and plant an heir into your Queen,” she said with a saucy wink.

“Mind the way you speak to your King,” I said with a spank to her ass, before rubbing the head of my dick along her slit.

“Then show me you’re a worthy King,” she cooed while pushing back, trying to take me into her.

I backed up, just enough that my head still touched her slit without entering, “I don’t know, you sound pained, do you have a headache? We could spend the night just sleeping in our marital bed.”

“I swear to X’Hal…”

“But if you want this, want me, beg for it,” I whispered to her, sincerely hoping that she went for it because I didn’t think I’d be able to resist if she pushed back with her hips again.

“Felix,” Kori said, her voice perfectly level. “Stop playing around, and fuck me. Pound me into the floor, fuck me so hard you knock an egg loose for your seed to fertilize. Ravash me until I’m pregnant. Just stop toying with me!”

With that, I pushed with my hips while my hands on hers pulled her back into me, my thighs meeting her ass with the clap of flesh on flesh. Much like against the tree earlier, I began to pound Kori, taking advantage of the lighting to enjoy the sight of her ass bouncing as our hips met.

Taking my right hand off her hip, I brought it down on her ass again. Cupped slightly to make more noise, I couldn’t help but grin at the moan that left Kori’s lips as I did.

“You like that?” I teased.

“Ye-ee-essssssss,” she moaned out, her voice bouncing as I thrust into her.

That prompted more spanks from me, on both cheeks. Right, left, right, left, both, each time my hand met the skin of her ass, her passage tightened around my cock. Despite all the fooling around we’d done, and having cum in her once already on the drive over here, I wasn’t going to last long. Kori was just too beautiful, too enthusiastic, too tight, too perfect.

Driving my hips flush against her ass, I bury myself as deep into Kori as I can, before my dick erupted, spraying her insides, dumping my seed in her womb. Kori let out a guttural moan as I did so, and from the way her walls fluttered around my cock I’d say I made her cum in time with me.

As we savored our orgasms, I turned us around so I could plant my ass on the couch before my legs could give out on me. Sitting in my lap, my dick still inside her, Kori reached back and pulled me into a tender kiss. We made out for a good five, ten minutes, my length having softened to half mast, before Kori slid off my lap and stretched out across the couch like a cat.

“I have something I want to try,” she said with a naught grin, her fingers wrapping around my dick and pumping me back to full hardness.

“I’m sure I’ll enjoy it, my wife,” I answered with a bit of husk to my voice, causing her to giggle.

With my shaft fully erect again, she floated up into the air, giving me a wink before leaning her head back. Hovering over my cock, she drifted down, taking the head into her mouth, her tongue swirling, tasting, teasing. I’d gotten blowjobs before, but nothing could have prepared me for the sheer eroticism of Kori taking me into her mouth, with all the motion being provided by precise use of flight.

I admit, knowing that Kori’s species were descended from alien cats, I was a touch concerned about her using her tongue. Fortunately for me, while there was a slightly rougher texture, it was just enough to provide a novel sensation. Besides, I didn’t have time to consider that when she kept going.

I grit my teeth, not just at the sensation of slipping down her throat. All my past girlfriends that went this far were horrible at it, so I just hoped that this time with Kori lived up to the fantasy. I kept waiting for her to choke or gag, but eventually her nose was buried in my balls, her lips around my base, and her chest on full display before my eyes. Then, she started swallowing.

That was it. With a groan, I reached out and grabbed hold of the first part of her I could reach (her glorious, perfect tits) before lifting her up and down while my hips went wild. She moaned and hummed as I fucked her throat and pinched and groped her breasts. The way her hands came up (down?) and gripped my own, making me squeeze harder than I already was, told me that Kori was loving it.

Far faster than I cared to admit, I felt my orgasm approaching. With a roar, I pushed her down, mashing her face into my crotch, my dick as far down her throat as humanly possible, before I exploded. One shot, two, three, every burst went down Kori’s throat, her continued swallowing ensuring that not a drop slipped out.

Finally, after I stopped cumming and fell back against the couch, Kori gently floated up and off my dick with a loud ‘pop’. Looking back at me, her hair falling over my lap like a fiery waterfall, she smiled at me and said, “Thank you for dessert.”

“Kori,” I whispered as I tried to catch my breath, “Thank you for that.”

She blinked in surprise, my earnest thanks pulling her out of the back and forth play we’d been doing, “Is that something not commonly done among humans?”

“I don’t know about common but it’s not something that’s easy for human women to do. The few girlfriends I’ve had that were willing to try it couldn’t stop gagging long enough to make it enjoyable. One girl threw up trying to force it.”

She shared my look of distaste at the memory, both of us glad that she didn’t do that. Still, now that I had my breath back, I got up from the couch and pulled Kori into a half-hug. Making our way to the kitchen, the next few minutes were quiet as we started fixing something to eat and guzzling down glass after glass of water.


I loved how flexible Kori was, my orange-skinned goddess doing a perfect split with her right leg over my shoulder and standing on the ball of her left foot. Her arms were stretched out against the table, her fingers clawing at the polished wood. Her soaked canal gripped and squeezed at me as I fucked her hard and fast, my hand not holding her upright leg furiously dancing across her button.

From the corner of my eye, I thought I saw something in the window, but Kori speaking up pulled my attention back to her, “Oh Felix, yes, fuck my pussy. You’re soo-ooooo big! Ahh! Yes! Fuck me!”

It wasn’t the best dirty talk, but the fact that she was speaking up after all of her previous noises had been wordless sounds of appreciation somehow made it hotter. So, I tightened my grip on her leg, and started putting my all into our christening of our kitchen table.

“Yes, use me! I love it! Fuck my slutty pussy! I’m yours! Use me as a cumdump, a fuckpet, I don’t care!”

I don’t know what prompted this surge of dirty talk, but I certainly wasn’t going to complain, especially when she said the next bit, “Breed me!”

My free hand left her clit, reaching up to grab her by the hair before pulling her up. Kissing her forcefully, I came inside her, our tongues dancing, her fingers clawing at my back and hair. Our furious, frantic, passionate make out session lasted a good minute, her leg pinned between us. Finally, we broke apart, foreheads pressed together as I let go of her leg.

“We should get cleaned up and presentable,” Kori whispered to me.

“Oh? You don’t want to christen the rest of the house?” I asked, my voice just as soft as hers.

“Later, after we properly greet our guest.”

I blinked in surprise, before fighting back an amused smile. So that’s why she started with the dirty talk. “Someone’s a kinky girl.” I told her.

We didn’t do much in the way of cleaning up, I used a washcloth to clean Kori’s juices off me but it was more than Kori did, who simply pulled her short shorts over her still soaked pussy. I didn’t bother with putting my shirt back on as Kori went to the front door. She opened the door to reveal a blonde girl in her late teens, early twenties, a blush covering her face and going down past the collar of her shirt.

“Hello, are you our neighbor?” Kori asked, smiling at how the girl absolutely refused to look at either of us.

I was having a hard time keeping myself from laughing at the sheer embarrassment radiating off the girl as she said, “Yes, I… um, Crystal. I’m Crystal. My mom asked me to bring over a dick-gift! Asked me to bring over a gift basket to-to welcome you to the neighborhood.”

I glanced down at the repurposed easter basket in her hands, filled with a couple bottles of booze and some other goodies. Taking the basket from her, and not bothering to keep the amusement from my voice as her gaze became locked onto my chest, I told her, “Thank you, it’s always nice to have friendly neighbors.”

Kori took the opportunity to pull Crystal into a hug that ‘accidentally’ resulted in the shorter girl’s head being pressed against Kori’s shirt clad pillows. I’d almost swear I could hear the whistling of a teapot from how brightly Crystal was blushing, it was adorable.

“You and your family should come over this weekend, as thanks for the basket,” Kori told her as she pet Crystal’s hair, seemingly unnoticing of the fact that doing so pushed her into Kori’s still sweaty cleavage.

“I’llpassthatalonggottagobye!” Crystal said before slipping from Kori’s grip and flew off.

“That was mean,” I told Kori, not bothering to hide my amusement.

“You would be more believable if you weren’t smiling,” she said in response before taking the basket from me and taking it to the kitchen.

I admired the glorious globes of her ass as she sashayed in front of me, as well as the way she bent over while putting the contents in the fridge. Well, I’d had the other two in the last hour, might as well complete the set right? Kori closing the fridge pulled me from my musing slash fantasizing, holding one of the two bottles from the basket as she looked for some glasses.

To my surprise I recognized the label on the bottle. I wasn’t much of a drinker, plus it was more traditional to put wine rather than irish whiskey in gift baskets, but I wasn’t going to complain about some Jameson. Finally, Kori found a couple of coffee mugs and poured enough to half fill them.

Handing me a mug, she recorked the bottle and picked up her own. Tapping my mug with hers, she gave a toast that I was all too happy to drink to, “To the first of many happy times. Together.”

“Together,” I agreed before taking a drink.


At some point we’re going to have to stop getting frisky at the drop of a hat, I thought to myself as our tongues dueled, our hands ripping the clothes off each other. That was Future Me’s problem. Present Me’s problem was getting hard after all the sex we’d had in the last twenty four hours. So, a minor problem, almost not worth mentioning.

Stumbling onto the bed, we kicked off the last of our clothes as Kori sucked on my collarbone and my hands palmed her perfect ass. I was going to fuck that tonight if it killed me. Reluctantly, I pulled away from Kori, taking in her features, a feast for the eyes, as I did so.

“There’s something I want to try before we go to sleep,” I told her.

“Oh? What is it?” she asked, her eyes lighting up in excitement and curiosity.

“Your ass. I want to fuck it. I want to bury my dick in your bowels and flood them with my cum.”

Kori blinked in surprise, before tilting her head as she considered it. I really hoped that she agreed. I’d asked girlfriends in the past (whose asses weren’t half as good as Kori’s) and they’d always said no. So when her lips turned upwards in a smile, my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest.

“Sounds interesting. How do you want me?”

Within moments, Kori’s head rested on one of the pillows, her knees under her lifting her ass up into the air, her hands pulling her ass open and exposing her rosebud to my hungry gaze, the melody of her amused giggles filling the bedroom. I couldn’t resist planting a kiss on each full, perfect cheek before moving up behind her. Slapping my dick in the valley between her cheeks, I opened the bottle of baby oil that had “conveniently” been sitting on the nightstand.

Much as I wanted to pound her ass until kingdom come, I wanted her to enjoy it too. So I made sure that my cock was nice and lubed before drizzling some on her pucker. Gently, I circled her star with a finger before pushing in. Better to start slow, and the deep intake of breath from the head of the bed told me that she was certainly feeling it. Gently sawing back and forth, I added another finger. Then a third. Her ass easily took them, making me smile in relief. Pulling my fingers out, I placed the head of my shaft at her entrance.

“Ready?” I asked as I leaned over her.

“Do it Felix, claim my last hole,” was her reply.

“As my lady desires,” I quipped before slowly pushing in.

We both groaned as my dick slowly speared into her ass. Her passage clamped down on me, so tight that even if I wanted to go fast I didn’t have a choice. Slowly, ever so slowly, inch by inch, I felt her ass give way.

“Fuck,” Kori swore as I reached the halfway point, “you’re so big.”

“Still got half to go,” I responded with a groan.

With an almost feral growl, Kori’s hands let go of her ass before reaching back and grabbing me by my hips. I barely had time to look down before she forcefully pulled me the rest of the way, my hips colliding with her ass and sending visible shockwaves through those bountiful cheeks.

“Now.” Kori said, still growling and leveling me with an almost crazed look in her eye. “Fuck. My. Ass.”

I needed no more incentive or instructions. Hands on her hips, I pulled back, her ass clinging to me, before driving back in with as much force as I could manage. I knew, after having cum at least four times today (depends on how long I was out after the Nine) I wasn’t going to last. No matter what I wanted, I just didn’t have enough in me to make this a marathon fuck.

Kori wasn’t making it easy on me either, with the way her ass rippled and her passage massaged my cock, milking me as I poured all my energy into giving her the rough assfuck she asked me for. Still, despite my thoughts on anything but Kori, I could feel my end rapidly approaching.

Bellowing at the top of my lungs, I started to flood her bowels with my seed, leaning over her back as my hands slid up her body to cup her breasts. After a much shorter climax than the previous ones, I collapsed onto my side, pulling Kori against me as I did so so we were spooning.

“That was fun,” Kori panted.

“I’m glad… you enjoyed that,” I said between pants of my own.

“If you’re up for it…”

“Kori, I’m sure I would love whatever you suggest. But I’m barely staying awake as it is.”

“Tomorrow then. Good night.”

“Good night, my Starfire.”


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