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I lay back with a satisfied smile on my face, while Kaede tried to regain her breath from the rather… enthusiastic bout of roleplay. Letting my gaze roam over my live-in maid/personal slut, I took in her sweat soaked skin, her heaving bust, the trail of white seeping out of her thoroughly fucked slit, the tattered remnants of the french maid costume (only the headpiece was still intact). All I needed now was a cigarette to complete the post sex cliche.

“Got any plans for tomorrow?” I joked while giving her ass a light swat, making her squeak.

“I… I have school tomorrow,” she answered hesitantly.

Right, college girl. “Should I see about getting you a commuter vehicle?”

The look she gave me was full of confusion, before a measure of nervousness entered her frame, “Ophioc-sama… where do you think I go to school?”

I blinked, before the realization hit me. For fuck’s sake, I made Wisdom the primary stat! “I’m guessing from your question that you’re not going to the local college. Which highschool and which grade?”

“Winslow. Freshman,” she said while cringing back.

… I’d been fucking a high school freshman with the explicit intention of getting her pregnant. Either a fourteen or fifteen year old girl. Eh, like the saying goes: in for a penny, in for a pounding.

“When’s your birthday?” I asked.

She still seemed nervous, but answered nonetheless, “Thirtieth of January, Ophioc-sama.”

“So you’re currently fourteen?”


I gave a nod then, to make sure she knew that nothing had changed, rolled over, grabbed her legs and pushed them up to mating press her.


“Now remember: anything unusual, let me know about. If it looks like it might be a possible Trigger, send me a text immediately,” I told Kaede as she made her way to the bus, alongside the other ABB kids in the building.

“Yes, Master,” she told me with a bow and a smile.

I’d made sure to explain the basics of Trigger events to her before she left, and given the reasoning of keeping an eye open for possible recruit/subversion targets while she was at school. Unless the timeline was vastly different from what I expected, miss ‘Queen of Escalation’ should Trigger today and I wanted to know the minute that happened.

If all went well, then I’d be in a prime position to fill the same role that the Undersiders had in canon: unrepentant sleezeball manipulating a girl desperate for affection into leveraging her power for my own purposes (and despite their myriad of fans, that’s exactly what they were in the original story). Why none of the gangs seemed to be doing this same thing, I have no clue. Oh well, their loss, my gain. Now what should I do to kill time before I get my bug queen?

In the end, I went to Wok and Roll. Had some more nachos, hung out with the Viet-Scott barkeep, basically shot the breeze. This early in the day, there were a few patrons, but mostly assholes that didn’t have a day job like me.

Finally, just before one in the afternoon, when my phone started shouting at me, “Osoweic then, and again.”

Grabbing it from the counter, I checked the caller ID and upon seeing that it was Kaede I immediately answered, “You’ve reached Sugar Daddy, what’s up?”

“… nani?”

“Why are you calling, Kaede?” I tried again.

“Oh! You wanted me to tell you if I saw or heard anything major. Well, I only found out in the lunchroom and just confirmed, but there was a girl shoved into her locker at the beginning of the day, and she’s still in there.”

“What do you know about the girl?” I asked as I dropped some bills on the bar counter and made my way outside.

“Um… not much? She’s the primary target of the bitch queens a year above me, her dad works in the docks, and she’s something of a loner.”

“Her name?” I needed to be sure, and an alibi for when she was eventually questioned to figure out why I put so much on the line to rescue Taylor.

“I’m not sure… He… Her…”


“That’s it! Why?”

“Her father’s head of hiring for the only legit organization in the Docks. Which locker is she in?” I kept the phone to my ear as I started running. Cathartes, the vulture I’d healed and turned into a living fungal hybrid like myself, was still at the apartment and needed to stay there, out of costume I could take advantage of the Unwritten Rules.

Kaede gave me the locker number, and I did my best to keep from grinning. Within minutes, I was at Winslow. Ignoring the stares, I walked with slow, determined steps to Taylor’s locker and ripped the cheap lock off the door. Opening the locker, I lifted the shivering, pale, far too thin girl into my arms and ran out. Time to hit the hospital.

While running, I hit Taylor with a small cure wounds spell, to make sure she didn’t go into shock. As expected, by the time I was halfway to the hospital I had someone following me on a silver and blue totally-not-stolen-Tron-design bike. Really, you’d think I was speeding, but if I remember correctly there were allowances made when racing someone to the hospital.

Running up to the Emergency Department, I barely waited for the sliding doors to finish opening before running through. Running up to the front desk I concisely stated, “Girl was in a locker filled with toxic waste for hours.”

Of course, while Taylor was hauled in immediately on a gurney, I was forced to wait in the waiting room, where Robo-Beard was free to question me. I thought torture was made illegal in this country?

“Ophioc, you’re under arrest.”

Geeze, Arnie in the first Terminator was less robotic than this guy. “The fuck is that? You have a habit of approaching random civilians and placing them under arrest? Thought this was America not Reich Germany or Soviet Russia.”

“You match the physical features of the ABB cape Ophioc, and were seen exhibiting Brute strength and running at speeds beyond human capabilities, both of which match Ophioc’s known powers.”

“I’m very athletic. I go to the gym and ran track and field in high school. Now unless you got a warrant, I’ve got a luncheon with the President in half an hour over in London then at two I’m scheduled for an orgy at the LA PRT with the first shot at Alexandria’s back door.”

Armsmaster stood there, his posture visibly poleaxed while a few people around us were watching the back and forth with extreme caution and some amusement.

“You deny being the cape aligned with the ABB known as Ophioc?” he finally asked.

“Maybe you should make some tinkertech eyes since yours clearly’re shit. Do I look Asian you autistic douchenozzle?”

I couldn’t see it through the visor, but I was certain that his eyebrow was twitching up a storm. Regardless, this was fun. Deciding to wind him up some more, I ‘threw him a bone’, “Now unless ya want to harass a civvie s’more, the birdy that told me about the girl I brought to a hospital said that two bitches named Barnes and Hess were responsible. You wanna get a hold of me, name’s Öuf. First name Phük.”

“… that’s a lie.”

“Alright, alright. Name’s Shit-Sherlock, first name No.”

I could tell that Armsmaster had been repeatedly knocked off balance by my words and antics, which made my opinion of him drop even lower than it already was. If I could throw him off with some shitty wordplay, how the fuck had he gotten as high up as he was? Regardless, he walked out the doors without another word. If that made problems for Hess and Barnes, well all the better for getting Taylor onto my side. If there was no change, that’d be even better.



I wasn’t sure if Yao Ming was pissed, but I decided to err on the side of caution. “I’d told Kaede, the girl you gifted to me, to keep an eye open for anything at her school that could constitute a potential Trigger Event. I didn’t expect it to pay off so soon, but when she told me the victim in question, I couldn’t pass up the opportunity. The Dockworkers Union is the last semi legitimate organization still operating in the Docks, and the one in charge of finding jobs for them is one Daniel Hebert, the father of Taylor Hebert whom I pulled out of a roach and maggot filled locker.

“I figured that even if she didn’t Trigger, rescuing his daughter would give us an in with the Dockworkers Union. If she did, then she’ll most likely feel she owes me. Plus, from what I’ve managed to gather, her entire time in high school has seen her socially isolated, in a way that humans aren’t meant to handle. She’ll be starved for positive social contact, which can be utilized to, at the very least, gain an additional informant if not another cape.”

“And the fact that she isn’t Asian?” one of the goons to Yao Ming’s left asked with a sneer.

In answer, I simply stared at him. It took him far too long to get the point I was making, at which point he snarled and took a step towards me, hand going to the pistol the idiot had shoved into his pants. A sharp whistle had Cathartes dive down from the rafters and bodily drive him into the floor, where his gun promptly went off and a pool of red started to spread from his groin.

“Dumbass,” I muttered as I walked over to the screaming man and put my boot on his shoulder to hold him still. “L¯æst ymbsêon.”

Stepping back, I let two more goons come over and pick the idiot up. He’d need to see Panacea if he wanted it to be reattached, but he wouldn’t be bleeding out on the carpet anymore. Turning back to face Yao Ming, I tried to get a read for what he was thinking. No luck.

Still, I met his gaze as he stood from his chair. “I will expect regular reports of your progress. Is there anything else before you continue this endeavor?”

Should I? “I’m not positive yet, but I might be able to turn our men into low level Brutes.”

That got a lot of attention as the various goons whispered to each other. Yao Ming simply raised an eyebrow, prompting me to explain, “I’m sure you’ve noticed that my powers don’t fit the same mold as other parahumans, I’m getting a sense that they’re more like a wizard from a fantasy game. I think I’m close to figuring out a way to permanently enhance people, similar to but different from what I did with Cathartes.”

Hearing his name, my vulture leapt up into the air and landed on my shoulder, talons digging into the thick leather I wore for that exact reason. Yao Ming stared me down, and I met his gaze with my own.

“Determine what you need to turn our soldiers into Brutes. Work on the manipulation of the Hebert girl. For now, these are to be your primary concerns. The success or failure, as well as the consequences, of both are on your head. Am I clear?”



“Welcome home, Master,” Kaede greeted me as I entered the apartment.

“Thanks Kaede, and good work today,” I said moments before grabbing her by her ass and pulling her into a heated kiss. My jailbait waifu moaned into my mouth, before I broke the kiss to share my little surprise with her. “You did such a good job, I’ve made arrangements for a reward that I’m certain you’ll enjoy.”

She looked at me, confusion, happiness, and a small measure of nervousness in her eyes, before the front door opens and the surprise walks in. It was relatively minor, but the steps it would go to keeping the woman who slept in my bed (and knew where all the knives were) happy was more than worth it.


As mother and daughter hugged and cried, I stood back and watched. It was easy to see that Kaede took after her mother, both in face and the rest of her body. Really she could pass as Kaede’s sister, rather than her mother. Must have had her young. I was only able to secure Kaede’s mother exclusively for the next two days, but now that I’d established it as a reward for doing a good job, she’d do everything in her power to do so again in the future.

Yes, I’m a Stockholm inducing scumbag, one with a hot asian teen who will do anything I say and working towards the girl that killed a God. As a nascent god myself, I want to make sure I have that on my side.


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