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<<Bear Sandosen>>

I woke up to a weight on my chest and a wet feeling around my groin. Blinking the sleep from my eyes, I was greeted by the very arousing sight of a mostly bare pussy. I say mostly bare because what hair there was had been shaped into a capital ‘B’. And given both the color of the hair and the size of the breasts pressing into my abs, it seems that Lisa was wanting to go further than the kissing and finger play we’ve done until this point.

It would be rude to leave Lisa wanting, so my hands came up, gripping her ass through the pleated skirt she was wearing. Pulling her down even as I was lifting my head up, I buried my face into her lovely pink slit. As I went to town on her, I felt Lisa’s mouth leave my tool with a surprised gasp.

“Give a girl, ooooh, some warning, ah, would you?” Lisa teased as I happily ate her out.

Pulling my head back so I could answer, I returned, “Well what can you expect when I have such a wonderful view when I wake up?”

I didn’t bother waiting for her to respond, instead returning where I’d left off in my efforts to turn the normally smug vixen into a limp puddle of pleasured goo. From the way she was moaning, it seems my efforts were working. Working enough that she seemed to have forgotten about my soldier standing at attention, but that was alright. Now then, one little, two little, three little clit flicks; and from the guttural moan coming from Lisa that was coming close to pushing her over the edge. Just a little bit more, and…

Lisa didn’t make a lot of noise when she came, a quiet keening sound while her body locked up. She did release a lot of juices that quickly turned foamy and I happily lapped up. Her body twitched with aftershocks before she collapsed like a puppet with its strings cut, panting and (based on past experience) with a vacant expression while her brain rebooted. Given that her head had been above my cock, that meant that it was pressed up against her cheek, her chin against its base.

With her out of commission, I gently lifted her off my head and started to turn her around. Seeing that in addition to the skirt she had on a pair of tennis shoes and nothing else made my dick twitch, but now wasn’t the time for that. If she was interested, we’d move on after she recovered. For now, I got her situated so that her head was resting on my chest and ran my fingers through her hair.

She lay there panting for another minute or two, before she started blinking and turned to look at me. Her mouth opened to say something but before she could I leaned in and gave her a soft kiss on her lips. After a few seconds, she pulled back and gave me a half hearted glare.

“This was supposed to be a treat for you, not you doing all the work and not getting a reward,” she said with what, realistically, could only be called a pout.

Chuckling, I tucked her hair behind her ear while saying, “Couldn’t help it, but really what did you expect with that blonde B down there?”

The fact that Lisa blushed was far more satisfying than it should be. Smiling, I placed a kiss on her forehead before pulling her into a hug. Of course, it was at that moment that she asked a question that necessitated pulling back so I could properly look at her.

“Bear… do you… do you want to make love?” she asked, her voice hesitant and trying to hide her nervousness.

Looking at her, I returned her question, “Do you?”


I kept meeting her gaze, not saying anything. Finally, she dropped her head onto my chest with a frustrated groan, “I want you to turn me into a blissed out puddle until I can’t think for the rest of the day. But… I’m not ready for it yet.”

“Then we’ll wait. There’s no rush, Lisa,” I told her, kissing the top of her head and gently rubbing her back.

“But you didn’t-”

“It’s okay. It’s not a big deal.”

Before Lisa could respond, Cameron’s voice came over the ship’s intercom, “Breaching the dimensional barrier in t-minus ten minutes.”

“Goddamn cockblock sexbot,” Lisa muttered with a groan of frustration, prompting me to laugh.

“We should probably get up,” I told Lisa, giving her a gentle nudge.

“Fine,” she said with exaggerated reluctance, smoothing her skirt as she stood up, before a wicked gleam filled her eye and her trademark grin spread across her face. “We should probably save on water. Join me in the shower?”

“Any time you want,” I told her with a smile, not bothering to hide my reaction at the sight of her, naked sans skirt and shoes, hands on her hips and chest on full display.


<<Lana Beniko>>

Cameron, as the closest thing we had to a Chief Engineer, stayed behind on the ship to harvest raw materials from the system’s asteroid belt. While the rest of us took a shuttle to Earth. Nikhol was piloting, and guiding us towards the northern hemisphere. As I waited, I thought back to the quick briefing we’d had.

Bear and Lisa had shown up last, and he’d shared what he knew about the world we were heading to. From the sounds of it, our main focus would be on this world’s analog to Force-users. This Dark Lord sounded a great deal like some of the more unstable Sith Lords Nikhol and I had had to deal with when serving the Empire, but in some ways worse.

These… horcruxes, were the height of foolishness. Even Vitiate hadn’t been so stupid as to mutilate his own soul. It weakened one’s connection to life, to the Force. While the basic principle of horcruxes as a way of avoiding permanent death was sound, the side effects and consequences would leave the idiot attempting it far weaker. That’s without the thought of doing so multiple times. For Voldemort’s soul having been split into eight pieces… it’s a wonder he has enough of a soul to maintain conscious thought.

Cameron had stated that based on the planet’s position relative to its parent star, it would be midsummer in the northern hemisphere, which led Bear to immediately stating a destination, though none of the names meant anything to me. Or anyone else it looked like. Still, he did his best to describe what we might possibly expect.

The fact that the most likely time frame we’d have arrived in included a span of seven years was annoying, but manageable. Regardless, we knew roughly what to look for, which was better than some of the missions I’d been sent on since becoming a Lord. I’d been forced to send agents on missions with less information while Minister of Sith Intelligence.

Additionally, I’d be quite interested in procuring some of the animals that Bear had mentioned. The possibilities in regards to Sith Alchemy were… fascinating. The dementors sounded like a fascinating creature to study, emotivores were extremely rare, I’d only heard of two or three singular examples. Taylor as well seemed especially interested by these acromantulas that he’d mentioned being in the forest by the boarding school.

“Entering the upper atmosphere,” Nikhol called out, pulling me from my thoughts and making me double check my seat restraints.

“This is it,” I heard Bear mutter nervously.

I gave him a curious glance, before remembering that Nikhol and I were the only ones who had ever gone through atmospheric entry. I kept Bear, Taylor, Harley, and Lisa in my field of view, both so I could offer comfort if necessary, but also because their reactions were amusing. Fortunately, there weren’t any drastic reactions as the shuttle entered the lower atmosphere. The shuttle wasn’t quite as good at bleeding off the heat from entry as a Fury, but it did the job well enough.

Combined with the cloaking systems, and they should be invisible to any local tech. Nikhol kept a studious eye on the controls, but curiously, Taylor soon seemed to relax, as if a large weight had been lifted off her shoulders, or a great tension had been eased. I set it aside, figuring that if it were important, she’d say something. She had better, after all the effort Nikhol and I had done in making sure she knew that she could talk to us if there was something wrong.

“There’s a park over there, it’s close enough to our destination,” Nikhol said, before I fellt the subtle shifts of g-forces as she brought the shuttle down to land.

“Goody! ‘S been too long since solid ground!” Harley cheered, kicking out with her arms and legs.

I still suspected that she was taking some sort of energy supplement to be that hyper, but I’d yet to catch her in the act. I’d managed to secure a blood sample but we’d departed before it could finish being analized to figure out what she was taking.

“Amen to that,” Lisa muttered as the shuttle gave a slight jolt.

We all unhooked our restraints and stood up, Taylor practically bolting for the exit ramp and all but leaping out into a swarm of flying insects. I’m unsure as to the limits of her power, but from how the cloud moved over her like a liquid wave it seems that her control is far greater than I’d anticipated.

“Lana, Nikhol,” Bear’s voice drew my attention, “if you could please keep your Force senses peeled for any possible dementors. In one book around this time there was an assassination attempt with them.”

“Of course,” I agreed as Nikhol finished the shut down procedures.

“Um… Bear, what did you say Dementors look like again?” Taylor called out, confusion in her voice.

“Like a mix of Nazgul and bedsheet ghosts, do you see them?” Bear asked, his voice focused.

“Not… exactly? I’m feeling bugs getting knocked aside by something fabricky but they aren’t seeing or sensing anything.”

“Where?” he asked, his hand moving down to the holstered blaster pistol he’d taken from the ship’s armory.

Taylor pointed over some houses, and as I focused on the area, I could make out faint figures floating in the air… but they were indistinct, and my gaze kept trying to slip from them. Reaching out with the Force, I could just barely feel the strange void that made up their forms. It wasn’t like the Jedi reports of Nihlus or Surik that our spies had obtained, but, there was no other way I could describe it.

“Take us to them, now!” Bear ordered, his face going pale.

Nikhol and I, apparently the only ones able to really see them, took the lead, and as we drew closer, I started to feel the aura that Bear had warned us about. It was similar to old Sith Magics, specifically those that fell under the Spells of Madness umbrella. But… weaker. It only affected base happiness, not the emotions that properly fuel a Sith. How disappointing.

The dementors were descending into an alley just as we reached them, with a group of young men huddled at the far end against a large garbage receptacle. Ignoring the swarm sent towards the young men, Nikhol and I both unleashed a deluge of Force Lightning at the wraiths. The arcs of energy wreathed the ephemeral shrouds, the thin black cloth burning to ash as the grey, clammy skin underneath smoldered, the creatures shrieking in a mix of pain and surprise. A yellow energy beam from Bear’s pistol hit one center mass, before a second hit the other moments before the two creatures crumbled to a smoldering pile of ash.

The young men were all on the ground, screaming and swatting as a small swarm of bugs covered each of them. In the middle… sympathetic rage filled my being as the black haired girl stood up and held the two halves of her shirt closed.

“Who are you?” the girl, roughly the same age as Taylor and Lisa, asked nervously, as she knelt down and grabbed a stick from a particularly obese boy.

“First let’s get out of this alleyway,” Bear said as he stepped back, putting his blaster back in its holster and holding his hands up. The girl glanced down at the boys before hopping over one (and stopping to give him a vicious kick) and following us into the street. “My name is Bear and…”

“Merlin’s wrinkled ballsack! Were those dementors?!” an elderly woman’s voice called out.

“Merlin’s wrinkled ballsack! Were those dementors?!” an elderly woman’s voice called out.

The eight of us turned to see an older woman, almost as old as Inquisitor Ragate who’d been sending acolytes to face the Rite of Blood and Bone for over seventy imperial years, hobbling over, shock and suspicion in her gaze. The girl we’d rescued seemed to recognize her, if the surprise and hint of betrayal she was all but projecting were anything to go by.

“Mrs. Figg? You’re…” she started.

“A squib. Now come on, out of the street, all of you! I don’t know who you lot are, but the street’s no place to have that conversation.”

We glanced to Bear, who gave a slight nod, so we followed the crone to a house filled with small quadrupeds, radiating a sense of superiority despite their lack of Force presence or sapience. The crone shoved a brown confection into the girl’s hand before turning to us with a glare.

“You lot stay put and stay quiet. I need to get a hold of someone and I’m not so old I can’t take you over my knee,” she snapped before walking over to a fireplace and throwing a pinch of powder from a vase into it. The fireplace lit up with green flames, and the crone knelt down and shoved her head into it.

Turning back to Bear for an explanation, he met our gazes with amusement and said, “Floo powder, think phone or holocomms through the fireplace. Also used to travel between different locations that are part of the network.”

After a few moments, the crone pulled her head out of the fireplace before an even older man stepped through. A wizened old man that had apparently never heard of beard care and with something I didn’t think was possible: even worse fashion taste than the Jedi.

“Albus Dumbledore, I presume,” Bear said, drawing attention to him.

“Indeed young man, and you are?” he asked.

“You know, you’re actually one of the few people I’ve met recently that can legitimately call me ‘young’. Bear Sandosen, and my companions are Lana Beniko, Nikhol Diomedes, Lisa Wilborn, Taylor Hebert, Kara Zor-El, and Dr. Harleen Quinzel. And I have quite a story to share with you.”


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