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Chapter Four: Getting Set Up.

Mystique, disguised as a stern faced brunette, took Kori and I to a library to meet with a contact. Why a library, I could only guess that it was because it was a public place. Inside the library, she led us over to the computers and sat down at an empty one seemingly at random. When she opened the web-browser, the computer started acting on its own to my immense surprise. A stylized, purple skull design took over the entire screen, before a spanish-accented woman’s voice came through the speakers.

“Raven, good to see you amiga. And your dashing heroes too. They look even better than I remember.”

“Sombra,” Mystique greeted. Wait, Sombra? Just how many franchises were stuffed into this hellhole?

“Let me guess, you need some new IDs for the shapeshifting hunk and the orange princess?”

“Indeed,” Mystique agreed, a hint of frustration in her voice.

“I figured, tell the old man that I’ll have them ready by the time the lovebirds are finished christening the house he picked. By the way you two: do tell your soon to be neighbor to lighten up.”

I got the distinct impression that she knew more than we did, but given how she was one of if not the best hackers in the world I’d be disappointed if she didn’t. The computer returned to normal, and Mystique rolled her eyes before getting up from the chair.

After we left the building, Kori asked, “Who was that?”

“That was Sombra, a street urchin from Mexico City that is now the best hacker in the world. Her fees are exorbitant, but she owes Erik some favors. Making IDs for you is him calling in one of them,” was the answer, making Kori and I glance at each other.

It was obvious what he was doing: investing a lot of resources into us with the hopes that we’d feel obligated to help him in return. The problem was that, in my case at least, it was working. The fact that our next stop was a store to get us a few outfits of our own didn’t make continued refusal any easier. The fact that Kori ended up choosing a plaid shirt that exposed her midriff and tied under her breasts along with even more short shorts had absolutely nothing to do with my discomfort, no siree.

After a bit of clothes shopping, Mystique took us to a small airport. Apparently we were going to fly to wherever we were going? But all the planes here were dinky, like, crop duster type planes. Coming to a stop by a white plane with red accents, our guide/hostess motioned for us to get in. Giving Kori a shrug, I climbed up a ramp into one of the seats. One of the two seats. With a saucy smirk on her face, Kori floated up into the plane and onto my lap. This flight was going to be torturous.

As the orange minx all but gave me a lap dance, Mystique climbed up into the cockpit, before hitting a few buttons or switches and causing the canopy to close.

“Try not to make a mess back there, it’s a pain to clean up,” Mystique, back in her natural form, called back to us as she started the plane.

“If we make a mess it’ll be your fault for not using a plane with more than two seats,” I shot back as I wrapped my arms around Kori’s waist.

I could hear the eyeroll in Mystique’s voice, “We’ll be landing in Boston in a little under six hours, from there we’ll meet with Sombra for your new IDs, and then to the house that Erik has established for you. Think you can keep it in your pants for that long?”

There was a lot of kissing and petting, but nothing came out of our clothes for the duration of the flight (even if my ass was getting uncomfortable, this plane was not meant for six hour flights). Finally, Mystique brought us down for landing, and after disembarking led us to a… it looked like a Starbucks, but the name of the window was Stampeders. Eh, still probably the same overpriced coffee with ten billion more options than needed.

Kori got a lot of looks, from both men and women. Some of the looks turned towards me with jealousy in their eyes as Kori and I locked hands. Most of the female gazes aimed at Kori were full of hostility, as if just by being there she was lowering their score on a 10 point scale. They weren’t wrong.

Still following the once again disguised Mystique, the three of us joined the smirking latina woman at a corner table. Before anyone said a word, Sombra placed a small device, smaller than her thumb with a red light, in the center of the table.

“Amiga, it’s been too long since we met in person,” Sombra greeted as she slid a steaming mug to the scowling Mystique.

Olivia, do try to remain professional,” Mystique chided, but accepted the drink.

“Where’s the fun in that, chica?” was the response, before her gaze turned towards Kori and I and turned… hungry, “and these must be the ones I made fresh IDs for. Going against el Nueve like that, I think you were in over your heads.”

“In our defense, it wasn’t exactly planned,” I quipped.

“Oh that much was obvious, Stud. The video quality I was able to get was mierda but even then I could tell that you and Hotstuff weren’t expecting them. But you managed to survive, without letting them get in your heads. That’s more than many can say.”

The nicknames were a little surprising, but a glance showed that Kori didn’t seem bothered so I let it slide. With a little flourish, Sombra slid a few folders across the table, “Anyway, everything’s there. Birth certificates, school records, passports, driver’s licenses, employment records; oh, and can’t forget: the marriage certificate.”

Taking the folders, Kori and I flipped through them, but there was something bugging me, “How’d you get our pictures for the photo IDs?”

“A girl’s got to have some secrets,” was all she said, a smug smirk on her face.

“These are impressive, but why did you provide school records for me? I will be unfamiliar with a great many subjects,” Kori asked.

“Yours is from a private school that has a… how should I put this… questionable academic record.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean that the school is known for lousy grades, so if anyone asks you came from a bad school. I’ll be back leaking some stuff online, you got out of being a ghetto girl with a lucky break with some modeling gigs that were specifically looking for some ‘exotic’ models.

“As for you Stud, you were interesting. Normally when I’m making fake IDs, I need to figure out who they are so I know what to avoid. Hotstuff I didn’t have to because she’d already mentioned being from another planet before I was contacted. You on the other hand, you don’t exist.”

That made both Kori and Mystique turn to look at me, Kori with curiosity and Mystique with suspicion, and I answered the unasked question, “Different Earth, I was minding my own business when a very powerful jackass appeared and dropped me off in the middle of nowhere after giving me powers. Shortly after I met Kori, then we encountered the circus of murderhobos.”

“I believe you, if someone other than me were to try to completely erase a person’s record, they’d still leave signs I’d recognize. With you, there’s not even that. So either you’re some biotinker’s construct and happen to look more human than anything ever made by a biotinker, you’re a modern day Adam with an orange Eve, or you’re from another Earth. In any case, I took that into account. You grew up in a country town in the middle of nowhere that hasn’t had a population increase that wasn’t born there in over forty years. It was a real town, but el Nueve came through about a year ago.

“Anyway, the two of you were just married and pooled your funds to buy a house in a coastal town about a mile north of here. Pretty high population of folks with powers, and once you’re settled in I think I can arrange for a job you’ll very much enjoy.”

I raised an eyebrow, but didn’t say anything as I took the folder with all the documents for me, Kori doing the same with hers. Sombra took the doohickey that she’d placed in the center of the table and all four of us stood up. Kori handed me her folder, before taking my arm in hers and resting her head on my shoulder; while Mystique handed a business card to Sombra.

“The usual amount,” she said, giving the hacker an annoyed glare, “If you take so much as a penny more…”

“Relax amiga, I remember what happened the last time,” Sombra said while rolling her eyes, before stepping around the table and pulling both Kori and I into a hug. Quietly, enough that I doubted Mystique could hear, she whispered, “Thank you for saving Raven. I’ll have a little surprise for you by the time you’re settled.”

Before we could process what she might meant by that, she gave both of us a sharp pinch on our rears. Mystique, clearly past the point of tolerance, pulled her away from us with a growl, “Show a little self-respect, would you?”

“Calm down, amiga. What’s wrong with a little fun between friends?”

Apparently a lot, because Mystique dragged Kori and I out of the coffee shop, but not before we caught sight of her blowing a kiss our way. It was a little flattering, but I wasn’t going to touch anyone that way without Kori’s permission first. Regardless, we soon lost sight of Sombra as Mystique hauled us to a car rental place.

I’m not exactly the most familiar with cars, all I could tell you was that it was blue and wasn’t a mini, pickup truck, or convertible. As I was preparing to get into the back with Kori, Mystique stopped me.

“I’m not going to have you lovebirds necking in the back while I’m driving. Plus I need to figure out what I need to tell you about this Earth,” she explained as she shoved me to the front passenger’s seat.

“Fair enough. For starters,” I began.

“Wait until we’re out of Boston.”

I could tell that she wanted to use a rather mean word to describe my intelligence, but refrained herself. Much to my appreciation. Also appreciated was Kori leaning forward and wrapping her arms around me, with an occasional peck to my neck. The drive out of the city went quick, the evening rush hour over, and after ten minutes she gave me the okay to start speaking.

“Well for starters, no powers. Of any kind. The shit that I can do, or you, or those murderhobos? None of that or anything even remotely like it. We’ve got stuff in fiction, but nothing in the ‘real world.’ Beyond that… I honestly don’t know enough to say what is and isn’t different.”

Partly I wanted to tempt Mystique into giving me some details, but another reason I stopped was because Kori’s fingers had undone my belt and was fishing around in my pants. Her warm fingers wrapped around my hardening length and stroked it as Mystique began to talk.

“Hmm… There are, generally speaking, three types of powered individuals: aliens like Koriand’r, mutants like myself and Erik, and parahumans like Sombra. Aliens are the rarest, maybe two dozen planetwide all together. Mutants have appeared intermittently throughout history, with some thinking that the gods of mythology were really mutants, but the frequency they’ve been appearing has skyrocketed in the last hundred or so years. The last group only started appearing in the 80s, and are close in number to mutants.”

Anything else was cut off by her slamming on the breaks and pulling off to the side of the road. Kori’s delightful hands quickly pulled out of my pants, leaving me with a tent and an open belt in the face of a thunderous Mystique. Is it wrong for me to think that she looked sexy when she was angry?

“Get. Out.” Mystique growled. Not wanting to anger her, I did so, soon followed by Kori. Mystique herself got out and walked around the car to stand before the two of us.

“Is there,” Kori began.

“Don’t. Talk. Since apparently asking for you to keep your hands off each other for one fucking hour is too much to ask. I’ll give you ten minutes to get it out of your systems, after that if you can’t stop pawing each other I’ll make you walk.”

Kori and I stood there confused, was she telling us?

“Tick tock.”

Right, question later. Picking Kori up by her hips (probably assisted by her flying), I led her into the trees off the road. Placing her down once we were out of easy viewing from the road, I knelt down behind her and pulled her short shorts down over the wonderful globes of her ass, and also revealing her choice in underwear. Nothing. If I hadn’t been hard already, that would have made me hard enough to pound nails.

An eager grin on her face, Kori leaned up against a tree and reached around with her left hand, pulling her cheek and presenting herself for my eyes. And what a presentation it was. She was already glistening with her arousal, her lips spreading open on their own. With such an offer, it would be rude to refuse, now wouldn’t it? Dropping my pants, I slapped my throbbing dick against her ass.

“Ready for it, Kori?” I teased as I rubbed my head along her slit.

“Do it Felix, fuck me!”

“As the lady demands,” I said before thrusting in.


They sure aren’t quiet, Raven thought to herself, suppressing the blush that wanted to form. If it hadn’t been obvious even when Erik rescued them that they were together she’d have considered offering a night with them as a thanks for distracting the Nine. She’d managed to incapacitate Bonesaw, but she didn’t favor her chances against the rest, and it would have only been a matter of time until they’d caught her.

She didn’t know if Hatchetface’s power would work on her, but even without that she’d quickly figured out that they’d done something to where they could spot her if she disguised herself as one of them. That had nearly done her in when she’d taken Bonesaw’s form and Crawler had recognized her. If she hadn’t kept her reflexes he’d have caught her, instead of crashing through a wall. Then Crawler had started a fight with two strangers that had shown up out of nowhere.

Grateful for the reprieve, Raven had taken the opportunity to call Erik, not expecting the pyrokinetic and orange flier to last against the Nine. To her surprise, the pyrokinetic actually managed to generate fire that was able to hurt Crawler, not for long but the fact that he’d managed it was a highly impressive feat.

Then the rest of the Nine were drawn to the battle, and forced the two to divide their attention. The flier had done surprisingly well against Shatterbird, while also keeping the rest from moving to assist Crawler. The pyrokinetic however, there was only one way the fight could have gone. Sure enough, Crawler caught him. In almost every instance, that would be the end of it. Instead, the pyrokinetic showed that they weren’t just that.

The form they’d changed into… it was unlike anything Raven had seen before. The only way she could think to describe it was someone combining a dinosaur with a knife store. The fight from that point showed that the now obvious Changer wasn’t as hopelessly outmatched as she’d thought. He still lost, even without the Siberian moving in. But he’d given Erik long enough for him to get to them.


I don’t think they heard you in Australia, Raven thought sardonically. She was self aware enough to admit that there was a bit of jealousy. Both Felix and Koriand’r were very attractive people, and it had been… some time since she’d had someone to scratch that particular itch. But while Raven was many things, a lot of them terrible, she wasn’t the kind of person to insert herself into an established relationship. That was a line she wouldn’t cross. No matter how arousing listening to them was.


Unconsciously, Raven’s hand drifted over her belly, just above her womb. Part of her, not that she would ever admit it even to herself, wished that it was her that he was cumming in.


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