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A few days later saw me back at the hospital, ignoring the weird brunette girl who bumped into me as I was entering on my way to drop another Cure Wounds spell on Taylor. She was doing really well, in the original story it took like two weeks before she was discharged, but from what I’d overheard the docs thought she’d be waking up soon. Hence continued visits, I want to make sure that she knows I’m the one who saved her and helped her recover.

Entering Taylor’s room, I looked over the girl in the hospital bed. Admittedly, I hadn’t seen her dressed up at all, really just at her worst, but I could see the good looks buried there. Still, that’ll be for later. Now it’s time for her treatment.

L¯æst ymbsêon.” I intoned, holding her hand and gently rubbing the back of it with my thumb. There was a soft glow, invisible with the bright, fluorescent lighting, before the healing energies sank into her form.

The hand I was holding tightened, drawing my gaze to her face as her eyebrows bunched and a soft groan left her. Huh, seems my spells had worked far better than I’d anticipated if she was waking up already. Patiently, I let her wake up and collect her bearings. A task easier said than done with how she was getting sensory data from every bug in two blocks.

Still, eventually her head lolled in my direction, her gaze unfocused but determination visible in her features. I admit, the odd combination was kinda hot, at least until the slurring started.

“Sss… ssshune…” she slurred, my brow furrowing in confusion before everything happened at once.

The door to the room was slammed open by a beanpole of a man, a black cloud of smoke burst through the window, from which came a pair of bolts. One, which would have hit Taylor’s head, I took in the forearm. The other slammed into my left eye. Snarling, I pushed my spores out of my body before leaping out of the chair I’d been sitting in. Charging the shadow bitch just as she solidified, my arms slammed into her ribcage in a textbook tackle, knocking the wind out of her and driving her back into the window.

Either the hospital was cheaper than I expected, or I used a lot more force than I’d thought, because the glass shattered, sending both the bitch that tried to kill me and myself out into the open air five stories up. With the arm that didn’t have a crossbow bolt sticking out of it (I’m just glad it missed the bones), I reached out to the hospital wall to slow my fall. As we started to separate, I delivered another kick to the bitch, sending her crashing back first into the ground.

By the time I landed, knees bending to absorb the remaining impact (though aching in protest), she’d taken off running into the alleys. I don’t think so bitch. Snarling as my bestial features grew more prominent, I loped after her.

And dodged another bolt almost immediately after I entered the alleyway. Catching sight of her as she reloaded her crossbow, I snapped out, “Wyrman îsen!”

Immediately, all the metal on her person started to heat up. Barely noticeable at first, but by the time she tried to take aim at me, she let out a scream of pain before she dropped her crossbow, as well as her hip quiver, her belt holding a knife, her clasp for her cloak, even her mask. Her eyes looked at me with a mix of hatred and terror before she took off running again.

A vicious chuckle rumbled out of my chest as she kicked off her boots. Such a simple spell, but when all of the metal on your person turns red hot, in the modern day? By this point, I didn’t need any special skills to track her. Just follow the piles of clothes smoldering around hot metal as she tries to lose me.

The unfortunate news for her: this block had busy open roads on all sides. And judging from the bra I just walked past, she wasn’t going to risk running out into the 5 o’clock rush hour. Pulling out my cell phone, I sent a text to Ass. I had some preparations I wanted to be taken care of for when I finally caught this shadow.

In the meantime, I snapped the bolt in my arm just below the fletches. Gritting my teeth, I gripped above the head and pulled it all the way through. Before reaching up and pulling the bolt in my eye out. That one, I couldn't hold back the bellow of pain. Hissing at the pain, I burned a stronger Cure Wounds, causing the blood flow to stop. I still held onto the bolts, I wasn’t in so much pain I was going to give her potential weapons.

This is the bitch that gangsters feared?” I called out, “A mouse would have been a better hunter!”

There was no response, but I knew I’d gotten to her with that comment. The soft, almost inaudible sounds of bare feet on asphalt behind me told me she’d picked up speed, my taunting hitting her button in a way that threw her off her game just enough.

Just as the makeshift garrote was thrown over my head, my left hand caught it while my right went back, driving my elbow into her gut. At the same time, I turned around and cast yet another spell, “Hæbbe hwæðre.”

Sophia Hess, her face a rictus of indignant, outrageous, fury, locked in place. The only part of her that she could still move were her eyes, which danced back and forth as she tried to resume her effort in killing me.

Phone back out, I sent one last text before taking the time to inspect the prize I’d captured. Her skin was the darkest I’d ever seen in person, to the point that I was having a hell of a time telling where her areola began against her breast. She was very athletic and toned, to the point that it seemed like the only fat on her was in her chest. Grabbing one of her legs, I admired the feel of her muscle under my hands as I lifted it up, and up, and up until it was flush with her torso and her foot was pointing to the sky. Well, that would make what I had planned easier.

Right on time, an asian goon came up from the direction of the hospital with an empty duffle bag, “Ophioc. This the bitch?”

“Yup. Help me fold her up,” I answered as he unzipped the bag.

Within a few moments, we had her zipped up in the duffle bag and were off before the cops even showed up. A few minutes after that, and we were at the safehouse that Ass had prepared for me. Taking my captive in, I made my way over to the mattress with a plugged in extension cord next to it. As soon as she was out of the bag, the cord was tied around her wrists and her neck.

“Yes, I know about that,” I whispered in her ear before maneuvering her so that she was face down on her knees, wrists tied just above her ass. Several of the guys were watching, curious about the effort put into the one black girl, and since I didn’t want any of them to do something stupid like untie her, I spoke up.

“Gentlemen: earlier this week, the daughter of the head of the Dockworkers was shoved into a locker full of filth after a prolonged and targeted campaign to torture and socially isolate her. Two days ago, two of the three primary actors in said campaign were placed under investigation, however the third disappeared. Curiously, despite the fact that none of the girls in question were capes, the PRT has taken over the investigation.

“As of half an hour ago, the targeted girl was subjected to an attempted assassination, and had I not been there it would have succeeded. The would be assassin: Shadow Stalker!”

By this point, they’d already pieced together the important details, so I pushed on, “I learned from a trusted source that Shadow Stalker can’t phase through electrical currents, so no matter what you do, this extension cord stays on!”

Turning back to Sophia, ignoring the mutters and quiet conversation, I took in the delectable sight of the bitch presented before me. I honestly hadn’t been giving it much thought when I tied her up, but I was still pissed about her shooting me.

Smirk on my face, I unzipped my jeans. If she were able to move, I don’t doubt she’d be trying to kick my ass. As it was, I spread her legs apart so I knelt down between them, my free hand feeling her toned ass.

Placing the head of my dick at her entrance, I leaned over her, looking into her fear-filled eye and growled, “This is for shooting me twice, you delusional cunt.”

With that, I buried myself into her. It wasn’t particularly enjoyable, she was far too dry for that and the Hold Person spell meant that she couldn’t respond, but it wasn’t about either of our enjoyment, it was about showing her where she belonged. It was about breaking her.

Despite the fact that I was raping her, her body still reacted: producing lube and thus making it more enjoyable for both of us. Chuckling, I slapped her ass with my left hand as I taunted her, “What’s this? Seems someone’s enjoying herself, maybe you should have called yourself Shadow Slut.”

I knew the idea that ‘wet equals wants it’ was complete bullshit, same as men and erections, but if it helped in breaking her I was more than willing to take advantage of the myth. Bitch shot me in the eye with a crossbow, and until I get access to a restoration spell my depth perception has been completely shot (pun not intended). So even without the aid in manipulating Taylor I’d originally planned when I dropped her name to Armsy, I was going to break this girl.

I could tell the moment the spell wore off, as her pussy immediately clamped down on me, trying to force me out, before her body started thrashing and she became… vocal, “YOU FUCKING BASTARD! TAKE IT OUT SO I CAN CUT YOUR DICK OFF AND SHOVE IT UP YOUR ASS!”

“Quite the lungs on her,” I managed to hear one goon mutter behind me.

Her screaming and threats were interrupted by a hand grabbing her hair and lifting her head up before a ring gag was forced into her mouth and secured behind her head. I paused my thrusting, didn’t want to cause Yao Ming any trouble in getting her in place after all.

“By the way Boss,” I opened with a conversational tone as he shoved his (admittedly bigger than my own) member into her locked open mouth, “I think I figured out that thing I’d mentioned about making our guys Brutes. Only catch is the finale before it kicks in involves what amounts to ritual suicide.”

“Hmm…” he mused as we went to town on our respective ends of the psychopathic former-Ward. “You are certain it will work?”

I slapped her ass, making her passage tighten down on me, “If they can go through with it, yes. I’ve also figured out some other tricks, but I’m not sure how they’ll work on Capes. I’ll go into more detail later when we’re not sharing a flight risk bitch.”

“Fair enough.” Yao Ming conceded as he used his grip on her hair to bury her face into his pubes, the sound of her gags and choking filling the air.

Having started first, I felt my end rapidly approaching. Shame, I’d have to let the other guys have a turn, otherwise I’d give her ass a try after I came. My grip on her hip tightened, undoubtedly leaving bruises, as my right hand came down on her ass, before I buried myself into her, shoving her face down onto Yao Ming, and I came.

Pulling out with a sigh, I admired the sight of my cum leaking out of Sophia for a moment. Just a moment, before getting up and letting someone else take my place. Yao Ming finished not long after me, holding her head down and cumming directly down her throat. He was soon replaced by another henchman, and we walked off to continue our conversation.

“What sort of tricks were you referring to?” he asked as we got ourselves glasses of water.

“Well for starters, you know the old bit about vampires turning into a cloud of mist? I can do that now, as well as my more ‘grab-baggy’ type abilities having a wider list to choose from. The one I’m unsure about how it’ll interact with capes… I can make zombies.” I said, the last bit making him pause.

Setting his glass down on the table, he leveled me with a steady, and every intimidating, gaze, “Will they be infectious?”

“You mean like a zombie apocalypse movie? No. They’ll be slow, stupid, and reek to high heaven, but they can’t make more of themselves. And they’ll be under my control.”

He gave a nod, before downing his glass and saying, “Prepare what you need to make a Brute. I will have a… volunteer.”

“Got it Boss.”


To my surprise, the first person I was going to be making into an undead was in fact Ass. I wasn’t sure he’d be able to go through with it, but if so that wasn’t on me.

“How much have you been told?” I asked as I finished drawing the ritual circle in chalk.

“That by doing this I’ll become a Brute,” he answered as I moved him to the correct spot.

“Was the fact that you will quite literally die first mentioned?” I couldn’t help but ask as I handed him the bone athame I’d made a week ago and took my spot.

“Die conducting an experiment that might make me a Brute, or die refusing. Such a hard choice.”

I snorted in amusement, before rubbing my hands together and taking a deep breath. Feeling the dark Ember within my fungal nerves, I stoked the power within in preparation for what was about to come.

Power flowed from me, visible not by any particular color or light, but by the noted absence of light. Directing it into the chalk drawn circle, it flowed through the provided channels, devouring the traces of ancient life that made the material. Even Ass could feel the ambient power in the air, his body moving to complete the ritual without his conscious mind guiding it. The athame plunged through his chest, into his heart. The dark power surrounding him flared, capturing his soul as it left his body.

Siknat napisti kasu lanu

The words of power flowed from my lips, resonating with the power of [DEATH] that was part of my very being. The captured soul was forcefully returned to the now deceased body it had once inhabited. The ruptured heart within the chest was transformed, housing the soul as it was bound in place.

There was no sharp intake of breath, Ass’s eyes merely opened before he stood. His gaze locked on his hands, clenching them into fists as he felt the power within. Barely visible under his now blood soaked shirt, the quartz soulgem replacing his heart pulsed with light. Turning his gaze to me, his eyes filled with rapturous realization, he whispered, “You’re not a Cape.”

“No,” I agreed, letting my power fade.

“You… you’re a god?”



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