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Potion, rare

This potion is effervescent and constantly swirls on its own. When you use an action to drink this potion, a tempest of wind stirs around you. For the next 10 minutes, ranged weapon attack rolls against you are made with disadvantage, and you can use a bonus action on each of your turns to cause the wind to strengthen. When you do, the wind whips into an instantaneous vortex that extends out from you in a 10-foot radius. Any other creature within the vortex when it appears must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be thrown up to 20 feet away from you and knocked prone. If a thrown target strikes an object, such as a wall or floor, the target takes 1d6 bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet it was thrown. If the target is thrown at another creature, that creature must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and be knocked prone.

Immediately after using this bonus action, you can fly up to 10 feet without provoking opportunity attacks. If you are underwater, the vortex is water, instead of wind, but its effects remain the same.

Do you dare fight the wind? To fight what stands between us? How reckless must you be to challenge me, when I can make the air you breathe bow to my will. You have ignored the howling winds, and now you will feel the storm in full.



Giant Tom Hanks

The potions are some of my favorite items💙🔥🌪


I always love the potions, those and the arrows are my favorites