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Wand, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This item is a magic incense holder sculpted in the design of a smoldering dragon. Its base is wrapped in leather and doubles as the handle of a wand. A stick of special, magic incense appears in the holder daily at dawn, which is held in place by the dragon's mouth and can't be removed until it's burned away. The special incense smells like heady brimstone and fills you with a sense of confidence. While a stick of incense is in the holder, it doubles as a wand.

The wand has 3 charges for the following properties. When the special incense reappears at dawn, so too do the wand's 3 charges; the incense only burns down when you expend the wand's charges, doing so proportionally to the number it has remaining. If any of the special incense is remaining when the new stick appears, it's replaced by the new one.

Spells. While holding the wand, you can use an action to expend 1 of its charges to cast one of the following spells from it, using a spell attack bonus of +7: find familiar (form of a pseudodragon), fog cloud (the cloud is made of smoke), misty step, or scorching ray. If your attunement to the wand ends, the familiar is lost. When you cast misty step in this way, you leave behind and reappear in a cloud of smoke that heavily obscures both spaces until the start of your next turn.

Draconic Ward. While you can smell the burning incense, you can't be frightened by dragons. In addition, a dragon that smells the incense has disadvantage on any attack roll it makes against you.

If you have a normal stick of incense, you can use an action to place it in the empty holder. Normal incense burned in the holder never loses any of its total burn time, but is expelled from the holder when the special incense appears each dawn. Incense burned from the holder can be smelled by any creature within 60 feet of it. While holding the wand, you can choose whether or not the incense is burning (no action required).

Breathe deep—feel the warmth in your belly? The pride in your heart? May this incense ignite embers of your soul, and protect you from the wild flames of dragonkind.




This has such unique and quirky flavour. Adore this.