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Wondrous item, common

This two-by-three-inch paper card somehow weighs 1 pound and feels like it's made of wood and metal. It looks like a wooden shop sign with a painted lantern on either side.

You can use an action to toss the card to a point on the ground within 10 feet of you and speak its command word. The card then magically unfolds to instantly reveal a wooden market stall. A lawful neutral goblin merchant stands behind the stall, who has at least one piece of each type of adventuring gear for sale, as listed in the Basic Rules. The goblin also has 1d4 − 1 potions of healing, and is unwilling to barter, haggle, or buy anything offered to it.

When the goblin senses that there's no more business to be done, it snaps its fingers and disappears in a puff of smoke, along with the stall. If the goblin is harmed, both it and the stall immediately disappear. In either case, the card is then destroyed.

"Heya! Welcome to my magically mundane adventuring shop! I'm Ind Fonts, nice to meet you! Can I interest you in—"

"Healing potions! Now! Hurry!"

"Oh, sure thing! Looks like you're in a bit of a pickle there. Well, I have two potions available at 50 gold apiece. If you can take a break from this little kerfuffle you seem to be in to check through your purse, I'd be happy to part with them."

"Here, take the whole thing! Just give the potions!"

"Well, hang on a second, I don't want to take more than my keep. Let me count through what you've got h—"

"Are you KIDDING?"



DM Dave

Can you make this in real life? It’d make doings cons way easier