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Weapon (dagger and warhammer), rare (requires attunement)

This warhammer and nail-like dagger share a magical bond. Despite being a pair of weapons, they are considered to be a single item for the purposes of attuning to them. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with these magic weapons. While wielding only the warhammer or both it and the dagger in either hand, the warhammer also has the light property.

When you hit a target with Spiker (the dagger), you can choose to leave the weapon embedded in the target. The first time you hit that target using Striker (the warhammer) while the dagger is embedded in it, the target takes an extra 1d12 piercing damage from the attack. The dagger then magically returns to your hand. It returns early if you don't deal this extra damage before the end of your next turn or if a creature uses an action to remove it from the target. If you don't have a free hand when Spiker returns to you, it lands at your feet instead.

"Construction is pretty similar to deconstruction, really. One is just more violent than the other. Sometimes much more."

—Antronec League of Bricks and Mortar superintendent




Did things change and we don’t get cards anymore? All of the links are just the art for me


Art and cards have always been separate posts. The cards post for this one is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/cards-spiker-and-62383942


Damn this is cool!