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Ring, legendary (requires attunement by a spellcaster)

This pair of purple rings are linked by a magical force. Each ring displays an outstretched hand. One ring's hand looks to be casting a spell from a gemstone, while the other ring's hand levitates a larger gem above it; the former is a Siphoning ring, and the latter is a Channeling ring. Only the Channeling ring can be attuned to.

The ring has 4 charges and regains 1d3 + 1 expended charges daily at dawn. If you're wearing the Channeling ring while the other ring is being worn by another willing spellcaster on the same plane of existence as you, you can use an action to expend 1 of the ring's charges to cast a spell from the other creature's known or prepared spells, using your own spell slot, spell save DC, spell attack bonus, and spellcasting ability to do so. The spell must have a casting time of one action or bonus action, and you must provide any material components required by the spell. If the creature wearing the Siphoning ring is willing, you are magically aware of its known or prepared spells while wearing the Channeling ring.

If the rings have been more than 1 mile away from one another for 24 hours, the Siphoning ring magically appears next to the Channeling ring again.

The wizard was alone now. Their party had been decimated by the hellish fiend they'd come for. The friends that came on this journey now lay dying before them. The cleric, the holy light of the group, had been the first to go, and with it their hope of success.

From within the clawed hand of the fiend, the tiefling wizard scratched desperately for freedom. It couldn’t end like this, not after everything that they'd been through to get there. They couldn't breathe. Speak. Cast.

They were helpless. And alone.

”Hard to wish for anything when you have no voice, little horn…” taunted the fiend, mere inches from the wizard's face. As it spoke, spittle flew from its cracked and bloodied lips.

As the tiefling felt the darkness creep into their mind, the glow of their ring caught their attention. With sight fading, they could just make out the outstretched, shaking hand of the cleric. From the cleric's hand, a similar ring was worn, and glowing in kind.

Feeble words rang out from the cleric's dying lips as consciousness slipped away from the wizard.

“I wish…”



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