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Valdis stepped through the wound in the wreck's hull, kicking up silt as the last sunlight glinted off the vital helm he wore on his shoulders. It was easy to reach the unquiet dead on land, but at sea, it was far more treacherous.

It was a grim honor to be here. None had walked these halls in decades—even those that tried to claim it never walked its timber planks as its specters once had. He picked through the vessel before coming to the galley. It was there that the ship's sickly, risen dead stood, swaying in the sea's gentle undercurrents like the seaweed outside.

And as the dead's heads creaked and groaned to look at the newcomer, the medium rested his violin against the helm and let the music flow through him and out to soothe the sea around him: the eerie tones of his music carrying through the water like a whale's song for the dead.



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