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One hundred years ago a ripping yarn by celebrity illusionist Harry Houdini graced the pages of Weird Tales - it's The Spirit Fakers of Hermannstadt!!

Special thanks to reader Andrew Leman - grab up The Temple of Jupiter Ammon now!

Investigate this article on Houdini's ghost writers, as well as this one from Deep Cuts in a Lovecraftian Vein.

Check out the silent film Terror Island featuring a swimming Houdini.

And don't forget to pick up your copy of FHTAGN! which will be releasing February 2nd from Mayhem Lettuce!



I often listen while doing household chores. At times I’ll have to hit the back button a few times if there is some noise associated with the job I’m doing, or if I have to step out of the room briefly. With this episode I hit the back button more than I ever have, and I could hear it the whole time. I just needed plot points repeated to me, because I could not for the life of me keep them straight. No fault of Chris’s. He did a fine job. It was just so thickly convoluted.


Also: I'm really digging your pre-game discussion of of the authors, WT, and the 100 year perspective for the last couple episodes. Nearing the half century mark myself so historical context is on my mind lately!

Mike Nusbaum

A third character emerges, Violent Houdini. I can picture VH and Lying Vincent Price at a comedy club. Stand-Up Frankenstein is doing his set when suddenly VH shoots LVP in the leg. LVP says it doesn’t hurt at all, while SUF is cracking jokes trying to ease the tension. I need more Violent Houdini guys!


Wow, Houdini was swole, man!


It must have burned Houdini to have a Ghost writer, why didnt he public debunk this obvious fraud?!?