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We're putting our eyes on The Monstrosity by George W. Crane, a story that appeared in Weird Tales 100 years ago this month!

Special thanks to reader Levi Nunez of Loot the Body!

Learn more about Crane's computer dating program and his marital rating charts!

And here's more information about the Organ Autonomy trope!

Up next: The Spirit Fakers of Hermannstadt by HOUDINI!!



Chad hit it with calling the author a 'popularizer' of someone else's great fiction: this is a reboot of Moreau's juicy bits and a hint of Grimm with the kidnapping and torture. If you couldn't get enough of the phonetics, the same issue of WT debuted HPLs 'picture in the house' -> "Ketched in the rain, be ye?"


I wonder how many merits or demerits you get for being "an adequately excellent lover."

The Lonely Sand Person

I thought it was fairly clear that the Viennese visitor at the end was the boy's father, come to take his body home to Austria.


A villain in the short-lived Marvel Shadowline Saga made a real impression on me such that this sort of story always brings him to mind. On the one hand, he was rotting and falling to pieces. On the other hand, he could swap out body parts if there were any, er, at hand. Often he chose parts from professional athletes - suggesting that these parts would provide a bit of skill as well as fine muscle tone. In one issue, at least, he'd acquired some marksman eyes. A fine trope if a bit squicky.