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We're talking Sacnoth and Pratchett, and SO ARE YOU!



I always thought that right before JH arrived, Drac went out on a balcony and Lugosied "Children of the hearth, get thy peasant asses here and whip something up for this British twit! And go easy on the garlic."


I've got to say I agree whole heartedly with all of the Pratchett comments.. It has been an absolute pleasure to hear your Pratchett coverage, and I hope you'll be able to cover him again one day! Oh, apart from Pagurus.. I have to respectfully disagree there. For me, what is extraordinary about Pratchett's writing is, despite the huge number of novels he produced, the quality is so consistently good.. And although he has a distinctive voice throughout his work, there's still so much variety in tone and style between the different books. Also, I've got to say.. Rachel and Greig both did a wonderful job with the readings (as they always do, of course!). Thanks so much guys!