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Time to check in for another strange story: The Landlady by Roald Dahl!

Special thanks to our reader, Rachel Lackey.

Next up: The Sound Machine 



Mmm, Dahl is just a bit too tidy and dull for me. It seemed pretty obvious where he was going from the start. A poor man's Aickman. The Swords has a similar kind of set up, but completely blows this story out of the water. Great reading from what's her name though.


In the 80s we had Roald Dahl’s Tales of the Unexpected on the tv (worth checking out if you can if only for the intro and the accompanying music. Mention the show to a person of a certain age they’ll start doing that weird dance the bond-title refugee would do in the aforementioned intro). Dahl himself would intro each story and the dramatisation of the Landlady expands with a few more details.IIRC Billy starts feeling faint after drinking his tea and just before he passes out he has a flash of memory about the two names belonging to two young men who achieved a degree of infamy in the press by seemingly vanishing without a trace. After he passes out the landlady ascends the stairs to a room where we see the taxidermied remains of the two young men in bed (not together obviously; she’s not a weirdo!) and she informs them they’ll soon have company… The show ran for several seasons and included again iirc stories by other authors. I’m off to Wikipedia to remind myself of the details and then Yt to see if any are on there. Btw the series also included a dramatisation of Lamb to the Slaughter.