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Happy New Year! We're back with the Roald Dahl crime classic Lamb to the Slaughter!

Special thanks to our reader: Heather Klinke!

Next up - Another creepy Dahl: The Landlady 



I think that keeping the reason for him leaving her also works to avoid any sympathy for him that might ruin the enjoyment of her getting away with it. If the reason was more along the lines of "I'm gay and I can't live a lie anymore" or "I found your diary and can't believe you wanted the Nazis to win!", you wouldn't be as readily on her side. Even the probable insinuation of an affair can be sympathised with on a 'is it crueler to leave now or live with someone you don't love for another twenty years' basis. By making it unsaid, it negates all that and doesn't get in the way of watching her revenge unfold.


I studied this while at secondary school in the 90s, in the UK. Always remembered it.