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Roald Dahl is listening to YOU in this week's episode on The Sound Machine!

Special thanks to reader Ryan Fahey - check him out on Librivox!

Here's Roald Dahl in his writing studio.



There is, I suppose, an evolutionary advantage in never evolving (or devolving) the ability to hear plants screaming. Tree limbs dropping notwithstanding, plants don't fight back much. But we might hesitate to munch on them if the sounds of their terror and agony were audible. Of course, there would also be an evolutionary advantage in plants evolving a lower frequency scream...


The narrative of mycorrhizal fungi acting like conduits for nutrient transfer between trees and seedlings is everywhere! Sure, it makes a great story - but... The evidence is inconclusive at best. Some scientists have been very successful at popularizing their hypotheses, making life difficult for the rest of us (I also work in this field). So, if you don't mind being "that person", the next time you hear somebody mentioning " Mother trees" or "nursing trees", you can tell them that forests are just as full of wonder without benevolent human qualities. That kind of reasoning is scary to me as it seems to imply that human qualities are required in order for something to have value. If you would like more information about this, then I am happy to send it. Thank you for a great show!