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We're having a look at the pilot for 80s action show Manimal, and it's pretty scary!!


Scott Morrison

A WHOLE EPISODE OF MANIMAL! I am validated yet again!


Hey I don’t know if you guys know about the show Night Man, the show where a saxophonist named Johnny Domino is struck by lightning, and therefore telepathically attuned to the frequency of evil, whatever that means, but there is an episode in the second season (it somehow lasted TWO seasons) in which Night Man and Manimal team up to fight a time traveling Jack the Ripper. I have no words to describe how beautiful it is.


Yeah, as Chris observes, Manimal’s transformation clearly seems to be supernatural—because where the hell do you carry a lock pick set if you’re a bird of prey?


Oh, Chris, you said you *remember* liking Killer Clowns from Outer Space. Well, you can see if you still like it because it's on YouTube for free! OFFICIALLY! https://youtu.be/Mq6h0hr82Zw (Note: I'm on US internet and don't actually know if it's free in the UK.)


I feel like Chris and Chad learned a little lesson about the piecing together of dissociated knowledge, and now their (and our) ignorance has been shattered.

Jason Thompson

Iiiiiiii thiiiiink we know what you’re covering in the next 7 bonus episodes~~~~~ 🎶🎶


It's a testament to your show that I was richly entertained by listening to you guys discuss what I can only assume is truly terrible TV. Thank you both for exposing the toxic Manimal underbelly of 1980's American cinema. I think this show would make a good companion piece to Tiger King.

Bryce Perry

Oh dang, this was an incredibly fun episode. Please do the other eps


So, not going to rewatch, 'cause don't want to spoil those childhood memories of a show I was obsessed with from the first promo. But I can attest to at least once somehow tricking my dad into thinking Dallas wasn't being shown one night, so I could Manimal out. I think I got through at least half the ep before he called my bluff. Also, gotta add that I was a teen by this time and I don't remember loving it ironically or seeing him as a predator. I am sure he was, but considering over on Southfork you weekly had J.R. (and practically all other men) being beyond Weinsteinian and being lauded for it, well, I was just so upset that Bobby Ewing had lost his gills and his swim trunks, so wasn't being as woke as I (and everyone else of course) should have been. But please do the whole season.


I can't believe you actually did this. The madness . . . it got to you, didn't it? Did you read from a tome of forbidden knowledge? Venture out into the mist? Sign up for the Columbia Record Club deal? Where did the shaggoth touch you? Point to the place on the doll. Not that doll. You look tense. Take off your shirt and I'll give you a massage. Here, drink this. I'm losing focus.


I gotta feel it in my blood, whoa oh I need your touch, don't need your love, whoa oh And I want, and I need And I lust, Manimal!


Hey, Melody Anderson from Flash Gordon. I've not seen her in anything else. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8dEmP1UQNLE


Melody Anderson does offer help in cases of trauma so I think she'd probably talk to you about Manimal. You've both clearly got some unresolved issues, and she offers free 20 minute phone consultations.


Also, Ursula Andress, who was 8 years younger than me in that episode.


Finally!!! You know we need a bonus episode on every other episode in the series! Manimalcast!


Way better than my 80's action show, "Homo Sapeinsect"


Manimation - my new favorite verb. But how to work it into casual conversation...?


But if waves of manimals start terrorizing the city, I blame you guys. And I do want to hear more, this was fun and saved me from watching it myself.


Yes please, I want more!!! I love it when you both are laughing so much!!!


Killer Klowns does not hold up. As a kid though, I loved it.


I suspect we may need to use “manimalady” more in the future, for the aftereffects of a Manimal binge. The toxic masculinity in the show was a “manimalidiction,” as separate from “Manimal Addiction,” a condition where people grow dependent on the brain chemistry altering properties of the show.


I love finding these so-bad -they're-good movies and shows. My friends and I have watched a bunch. One of our favorites is a movie called Embryo (1976) that starred Rock Hudson. It's so weird, dumb, and wrong. There's a super intelligent dog covering up murders in it, and that's not even scratching the surface of the insanity this film has to offer.


Cover all episodes please.


I initially read that as "manim'lady," and now live in terror of trilby-wearing libertarian panthers.


To be honest, this episode came at the right time!! I needed a good laugh to help me through this time - I work retail & with the virus, it’s getting more & more tense, so thanks so much! I love you guys!!


Manimal made a lasting impression on me all those years ago, because I remember the black panther and the Uzis like it was yesterday. Oddly enough, I can still remember Johnny Carson commenting on Manimal in his Tonight Show monologue. I can’t quote him exactly, but I seem to remember he told the audience that the smoke they saw coming from the NBC studios was due to the Manimal sets being burned after the programs cancellation. More Manimal guys. I need the laughs.


When this was out, I was a kid, and really wanted it to be a good show. The pilot didn't help. And the scene where he undresses her and scolds her for being irritated by it gave me the creeps, even as a lad.


Also the hero of Manimal actually was a guest on the show "Nightman." His shapechanging was much speedier and cheaper; he'd just transform with a flash of light into whatever critter.


"I want Manimal stopped at all costs!" Oh please, please cover the rest of the series! You also wondered what Manimal's motivation for crimefighting was, then described the opportunities he took while in the form of one cat or another to perv on some of the women in the episode, so I think the answer is obvious: the doctor clearly has a very particular kink.


Although contemporary to Manimal, I completely missed it - just watched it for the first time today....yikes!


Also, if you guys do decide to cover more Manimal (and please do), maybe write to Will Ferrell and see if he's willing to guest? That would be amazing.


I have a vague memory of watching a few episodes of this at the time--I was thirteen and watched every nerd-trope genre show that existed, however terrible. Now, of course, we live in a golden age of being able to pick and choose. Speaking of 1980s animal superheroes, last week I rewatched a childhood favorite from the year before, 1982's "Beastmaster." It didn't hold up so well, and while Marc Singer's Dar isn't quite so hashtag-me-too as Jonathan Chase, there are some uncomfortable moments when he has his ferrets hide Tanya Roberts' character's clothes and then threatens her with a black tiger in order to gropingly rescue her.

Jeremy Impson

Did the chorus for Def Leppard's Animal run through everyone else's head (with the obvious correction) for the entirety of this episode, or was it just me?