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We've put together a very special variety show to honor our milestone podcast, featuring guests Kenneth Hite, Grieg Johnson, Heather Klinke, Rachel Lackey, and... Andrew Leman?

Featuring the voice talents of Levi Nunez and Chris Sarandon!

And for the first time in 25 years, a world premiere performance by the greatest goth band of all time, PITCH BLACK MANOR!! For early access to their upcoming album MONSTER CLASSICS - email us at PitchBlackManor@gmail.com!




Awesome! And on my birthday, no less. Keep it up guys, looking forward to 500 more.


This is hilarious! You guys are such dorks! Love you guys!!!


Wow! Great show guys! Long time listener, first time commenter here. This was the first podcast I ever listened to in middle school. Now, nearly finishing college, this show has really put me on to so many great stories and other things that I love. This show has been able to make me laugh consistently for nearly a decade and has always been a beacon of joy no matter the rough times. So here’s to 500 and can wait for the next one!


So delightful, thank you for this!


I’ve been listening to you adorable idiots since episode 9 and you and your guests have reinforced my love for Lovecraft and weird fiction 100-fold. You’ve done HPL’s memory justice and I think he’d honestly be proud of what you’ve accomplished. Also, I’ll never ever EVER stop stalking you.


There are many items and milestones that involve 500–the Fortune 500, the Indy 500, hitting 500 home runs—but none compare to this one. What a fun way to celebrate! It’s been a joyous, weird ride to listen to you two since I found you around Polaris, and I can’t wait to hear where you go next. (And since you covered Who Goes There? at my request years ago, you may want to check out the release of its original draft, Frozen Hell: https://books.google.com/books/about/Frozen_Hell.html?id=xjySDwAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&source=kp_read_button. Don’t worry, the life smell and underwear are still in there.) Also, I too always enjoy hearing Ken Hite when he’s a guest. Equally as much as hearing your many other guests and the dozens of readers over the years. Here’s to 500 more!


Feel the same way man I started listening in high school and I'll be graduating by the end of the year. Looking forward to untold and unnamable new episodes


Congratulations on 500 episodes! I think that I discovered the podcast about 1/3 of the way through Lovecraft, and I’ve been unable to quit you guys ever since. Thanks to both of you - and your lovely wives (my favorite readers aside from the incomparable Mr. Leman, who also got me hooked on the HPLHS), and your other frequent guests and readers.


...Is the hot cocoa a reference to the drugged thermos in "Whisperer?"


500!!!! Congratulations!!! Best podcast ever!!! Thank you so much for years of wonderful content! When you finished Lovecraft’s works I was bummed and didn’t know if I wanted to switch to your new pay model and I did and it was the best choice I have ever made. You’ve gotten me through so many rough spots in my life I really owe you more than you will ever know. Thank you so much and here is to five hundred more!


Amazing! Congratulations on ten years of excellence.


I'm with Greig. You are good company. Although perhaps not "Lair of the White Worm," there are many episodes that are my favorites and that I have listened to more than once. I love the podcast, and I love Dean.


Hearing you say that you regarded Andrew as the third member of your team reminded me that on a earlier episode, you said the same, and added that he was your Larry Fine. Which raises two questions: 1) Who's Moe? and 2) Is the other Curly or Shemp?


Amazing. Congrats on 500! It’s a testament to your skills as hosts and content creators. Almost got me with the tears when Andrew Leman was on! Love this podcast—it’s the only one I listen to immediately when the notification pops up. Cheers to the next 500 and more.

The Cheese and The Worms

Congratulations guys. I’ve only been listening for a few months, but this podcast has been one of the most important things to me in that time. I moved hours away from any family or friends, started a new job, and of course the on going world events. In a time of so much change it’s been nice to have familiar voices to listen to every day, talking about interesting things in funny and thoughtful ways. Thanks. On to the next 500!


I feel like the real journey was the Lying Vincent Prices we met along the way.


Seriously, happy 500 and many happy iteration stars coming right . I hope you learn new ways to shout and kill and revel and enjoy themselves, and all the earth would flame with a holocaust of ecstasy and freedom.


Your show is the first podcast I listened to, and I'm glad you have kept going and finding new stories, content, and readers to share. I agree with Greig Johnson - there are episodes I go back to and listen to when I'm driving or working on projects, or sharing stories with others. Over the years there are some fantastic new stories and authors I've discovered that I might have never come across without your podcast. Thanks so much to all of you involved!


Oh my goodness, I'm only 2 minutes in and already absolutely delighted. Thank you for this episode and all the others. ❤️


First-rate podcasting. The only thing missing was Peter Criss singing "Beth."

Avlin Starfall

Absolutely loved this episode. It gave me extremely strong Halloween episode vibes like they would do in TV shows. It was amazing, I have been listening for at least seven years and loved every minute of it. You all, Chad and Chris along with every guest and every narrator have introduced me to so many stories and have meant so much to me through the years by just talking about amazing fiction. I am looking forward to another 500 episodes and hopefully many more after that.


I started listening around Carmilla, and lo these many draculas/ae/podes later here we are.


Roller skates! I. Knew. It!




Congrats on 500, Wonderful episode. So much nostalgia. Great to hear Pitch Black Manor again.


How time flies... Great, now you made me nostalgic and old at the same time - well done fellas. Congratulations for 500 amazing episodes. You really brighten my weeks with your show.


Congrats guys!! Glad to be here with you


Congratulations guys! Here's to 500 more!

Andrew M. Reichart



These are the voices that have accompanied me on commutes and long walks and giggling at my desk and into meeting rooms and theaters and and and... Thank you for your excellent company, my boon companions. For assembling such wonderful collaborators (you were so very wise to marry two of them); for your wise (and wise acre) commentary; for the time you spend editing and sound designing. Long story short, you're pretty nifty. Thanks.


Congratulations, happy 500 episodes.


Unlike the S&P500, THIS 500 has given me the best return I've ever invested in.


Chad is Moe, and Chris is Curly. I would think it's rather obvious.


Toot toot! Congrats, Chad and Chris! Even though my home in Pennsylvania was destroyed as a result of this episode, I still really enjoyed it greatly. Grieg covered so much of what I was feeling listening in this week -- you are such good company! No rush, but I'm still waiting patiently for your feedback on 500 hours of me talking. You guys have been listening to me talking, too, right?


Thanks guys, it has been a fun ride.


Also - well done getting the band back together in time for World Goth Day 2020.


It's been a joy and an honor to listen for most of your first decade. Can't wait for the next 500!


Love the show. Been listening for 8 years. Looking forward to the next 500!


Hard agree with so many others - you guys are such great company. I think if I had had to quarantine alone I'd probably be re-listening to a ton of episodes. Congrats on your 500th! Thanks for such consistent great work!


Congrats on 500 episodes my friends 😜👍 I’ve been with you since day one. We’ve been through a lot together and I wouldn’t change a thing. You guys keep up the good work and I’ll keep listening to the voices and digging holes in my basement 🎃

Mark Brett

Congratulations on your 500th, gentlemen! And, yeah. I agree with Grieg: the show has great re-listenability. Your discussions are fun to hear, and I revisit the Lovecraft episodes on a fairly regular basis. You've enhanced my enjoyment of his work immensely.


Congratulations on 500 episodes guys! I’ve been listening and learning from you for eight years now and I only regret some of that time. 💜


I mean, I was disappointed Paul Lynde didn't say anything while he was there, but congratulations!


Congratulations! I have been listening since episode 10 or so, and it has been a delight throughout.


“The ghost of a werewolf was inside you all along” Is great senior quote material. I just wish had had heard it a little earlier, it could have been my senior quote...


Disappointed that you didn’t jump the shark and add an additional character to the show ,an Oscar or that series killer Ted McGinley...that curse needs to be broken one day.


Great episode, thanks for making this one special. I was lucky enough to stumble upon the podcast around episode 3 and I've been on board ever since. I missed a bunch and just caught up on about 2 years worth so it's weird having to wait for new ones again, but now I can join in with the comments again! Others have said it and I agree, you two are great company and after ten years it's like listening to old friends. And at last Chris is aware of his catchphrase "Ohhhh golly", that only comes out when Chad has said something especially risqué. Keep up the good work guys. Here's to the next 500!


Been listening since Two Black Bottles. I've listened to every single episode multiple times. An annual HPLLP Listen always helps with practically any problem. A little extra anxious today? Time to listen to you two walk me through Shadow Over Innsmouth for the who knows how many-th time. Work just being a bit of a slog? Time to nearly cry while laughing to myself. And ever since you've transitioned away from HPL you've introduced me to so many excellent stories and also Lair of the White Worm! So... thanks?


Very funny show guys. Thanks so much for all your excellent work over the years. You've been a tremendous source of information, insight, and entertainment. Love ya!


Greig is right, you guys are great company! I'm so glad I stumbled across this podcast a decade (!!!??) ago. You're always a bright spot in my week.


I really can't believe it has been 10 years. I found you I think around episode 6 or so. I was waiting for an appointment to begin sitting on a bench and just browsing through possible podcasts. The algorithm hadn't figured me out yet. mostly Rogan and Jordan Peterson recommends (what????????) when I just got the idea to type in lovecraft and lo and behold there you two were. It has been a delightful ride, made even more cherished when you disappeared behind a paywall I couldn't breech being credit cardless at the time, and so, treasuring even more those once a month freebies (and lots or relistenings and rereadings of the classic HP) Ironically, the day I finally got a debt card was when you joined patreon. So smooth sailing since then and here's to many more decades of wonderful weirdness, lying Vincent Price and everything else you two can come up with. Looking forward to it all!!


I work, rest and wander with you guys on my mp3 player, often. Top banana! Here's to 500 more!


As a listener for two years and a young one (a spry 19) you guys have meant so much for my development as a reader of Lovecraft and literature overall. I have so many memorable moments laughing about your dad jokes and your incites, I really love you guys. Congratulations!


Also I have no concept of what Kate and Leopold is. Missing out I’m sure.


Congrats guys, been following you since the early days you're doing a marvellous job!


Congratulations guys! You just keep getting better all the time. Love your work and am looking forward to the next 500! Cheers from the land down under!

Joseph Fredona

Congratulations on 500 episodes, I have loved every one of them, and recently start again at the first episode. An interesting question though regarding Pitch Black Manor, way back in the good old days of the 90’s it would be somewhere between 92 and 95 I was a regular at a underage Goth/Industrial club names Alcatrazz, one year I want to say for New Year’s Eve maybe they had a couple of goth bands play live. I want to say that Pitch Black Manor was one of them, as I remember it there was a hand painted background of the titular “manor” behind you and a large full moon. I think I may have purchase a CD or something from you after the show....it is a long time ago so memories are a little foggy....so it could have been some other band like “Inky Black Mansion” or something like that....who knows


I lost it with the "All I care about is that you don't have the right to vote."


Congratulations guys! I have listened to your podcast straight through at least 7 or 8 times. Yours is the gold standard that so many other podcasts fail to live up to for me. Your production is top notch as far as I'm concerned. And Grieg is correct--you guys are fantastic company. You've gotten me through so many difficult times and tough projects and you always make me crack up, even jokes I've heard a million times. Thank you so much for all the love and labor you all put into each episode. Also, I have MASSSIVE Ghoul Fever! What a slapping' track! How do I get in on that release? The link above takes me to Gmail but I'm not sure who to email. Anyways thanks again for everything guys and keep it putting them out please--you are my crack cocaine ❤️


Your anniversary merch is sold out?!?!? Let us poor, lazy, incompetent, yet oh so loyal, listeners know if you'll be doing more.


Still loving the show. Just listened to 501 and laughed out loud like the first time we met. Here’s to show 1,000 - and beyond!


I loved the ludicrousness of this episode. Every bit of it. And Rachel has a beautiful ability to deliver the most intentionally stilted lines with slick comedic timing. It's a gift.


Congrats. My favorite podcast for 10 years running!


You guys should time capsule something for your 1000th episode. Great show! Congratulations! And Thank you!


I just wanted to take the time to give you guys lots of love and appreciation. Yours was the first podcast I've ever listened to. Today my podcast Player holds over 200 podcasts, most of which are horror or weird fiction oriented in some way, and your podcast remains my number one favorite to this day. I've listened to every episode in order three times, and some episodes, like the color out of space or some of the fun post Lovecraft episodes I go back to frequently. You don't just convey the material in a way that helps us understand it, you make whatever day we are having better through your cheerful yet genuinely sincere interactions with eachother and us the listeners. You don't just make a podcast and give it to us, you make us feel like we are in the room with you discussing good fiction (usually good, here's looking at you Derleth) over a warm fire and a good drink. That's the feeling we the audiance walk away with. I've always said that art is "that which makes you feel ". By that definition your podcast is a work of art in that it makes the audience feel like we are part of a bigger community of people discussing the things we all love, and listening to you every week feels a lot like chatting with an old friend about the latest episode of insert tv show here. Don't be surprised by the feelings of nostalgia that brings up or why we often revisit old episodes. You do your job wonderfully well, that's why. Anyway, thank you for 500 great episodes, I'm looking forward to the next 500. Stay safe guys, and stay happy.


I'd like to point out how much I love Rachael and Chris being surprised anyone would relisten to the podcasts. Great works deserve a review. The irony that Chis's other podcast features him watching TNG for at least the third time through is a great example of that! I look forward to supporting you two in all your endeavors ointo the future!


Stopping by, late for the party (I did listen when it dropped though) to say I love the lot of you. I listen to a LOT of podcasts, but you are the first one I open, to make sure I can hear the new shows asap. Thank you for the years of fun, laughs, and info. And the occasional heartbreaking bits where Chad gets emotional. And thank you for introducing me to Andrew, Greig, Ken, your wives, etc.


Ken Hite is always great. Thanks for "500" episodes fellas, and to all the people who read and guest!


I couldn’t stop smiling the whole time I listened to this episode. Great job guys! And Kate and Leopold make another appearance!? Haha. I felt like a little kid, like the whole thing was just for me. It felt very special. Like how when you’re a kid and you dream that your real parent is a celebrity, and they’re coming to rescue you one day.

Jeremy Impson

Folks apologies for my tardiness, but this episode was very very good. The 70s/80s era guest star format is, well, it's still bad, but very good for parodying. Well done. Thank you for the great episode, and more importantly thank you for the delightful 10 years. I've been here for most of it, and am so happy that the show is better now than ever.


hey guys, Joel in Okahoma here. Just wanted to say that I've been with you since the very beginning, and will be here until you decide to stop. Since you're a few years older than me, I may outlive your ability to make episodes, but you're welcome to come haunt me as werewolf ghosts in my old age. Seriously, you've given me countless hours of enjoyment, I've been able to support many wonderful authors I wouldn't have known of if not for you, gotten to me some amazing human beings like Patton, all because of you. Listening to you guys makes one feel not just informed and entertained, but as if one were a part of the friendly conversation. The only other podcast that I would've listened to over so many years ended awhile back (caustic soda), and I hope you guys continue to feel passionate about and fulfilled by this project for many years to come.


Congratulations Chris and Chad on your 500th episode! The radio drama format was good fun. I started listening some time before the Two Black Bottles episode and like Greig I've relistened to your show many many times. I must say that Greig is right on the money when it comes to why your show is so appealing, at least to me. When I first started listening it was some magic combination of the sound design, Chad's melancholic and haunting music, Andrew Leman's voice, and the natural chemistry between two old friends that enthralled me. The appreciation of Lovecraft and weird fiction is often a solitary and lonely endeavour. Mental isolation to some degree is usually necessary in undergoing the mental journey to these strange, far-flung places. Stay too close to reality and the 'spell' is broken, drift too far and you are lost in the void. Your show strikes a good balance in being respectful enough to the story to allow one to bask in its atmosphere, while simultaneously keeping one tethered and grounded with your banter. Thanks for the making the journey a little less lonely. As others have said, here's to 500 more!