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Glad to see another one of these up. As per the Doc Manhatten thing, I have a question for Chad: "free will?" Granted, I'd LOVE to get into a discussion about how free will is logically incoherent as an idea, but that's not why I bring it up--as you'll recall, Doc experiences time nonlinearly. To him it's all simultaneous, like for Yog-Sothoth. Everyone--even him--has already made all their choices and performed all their actions, "past" and "future." Granted, it's certainly important to preserve people's FEELING of agency and self-determination, but that's all it is: a feeling. As long as they can't see their own strings, it's fine to make them dance as you see fit. Now excuse me while I go twirl my moustache and laugh into a thunderstorm.

William Rieder

"[K]nowledge of the future was incompatible with free will. What made it possible for me to exercise freedom of choice also made it impossible for me to know the future. Conversely, now that I know the future, I would never act contrary to that future, including telling others what I know: those who know the future don’t talk about it. " - Ted Chiang, "Story of Your Life"


A power-corrupted fickle Dr. Lackey would still be better than a lot of what passes for self-rule and self-determination even in these arguably more progressive times. I just see the inevitable outcome being that of the end of Watchmen, namely you get fed up and split for another galaxy. While I love Gaiman and Adams and virtually all stories about gods (even those toga loving "Don't cry for me Adonis" treks tales), I tend to think the more likely outcome of a deity (whether metaphysically/magically created a la American Gods or aliens as in Marvel or "true" gods as in Long Dark Tea Time of the Soul) is not needing to control or "help" humans but to get as far away from them as possible. I think, Chris, after the umpteenth time of you having to fix something on your Venusian paradise, you'll just throw your hands up and scream in exasperation 'How many times do I have to tell you guys or show you how to be a little frickin' decent to one another" Though of course since I'm revolting like Chad, we'll just be back on decaying mad max Earth watching the fireworks through the barely maintained cracked lens of Hubble.


I would like to see the creation of the boon companion dollar whisper club. It's exactly like the dollar whisper club but instead there are two people who whisper in unison and at the end of every whisper they say, for we are boon companions.


So glad to finally be caught up. I always appreciate the work you gents do. I think if you're going to create a good Venus, you're really just not willing to do the real work. I mean, leaving an Earth filled with shitty people is essentially condemning them to a horrible existence. So why not just kill them? Sure, it seems harsh - but in many ways it is more humane. Burn out the cancer and let's get going on a nice, healthy and solidly good body politic.


I'm proud you both posted this delightful episode in observance of hallowed Hexennacht. Cheers.


I'd still sign on to Omniscient Chris Lackey's Experimental Venutian Paradise. Chris seems so nice that even at his most evil he'd still be more good than the people running things on Earth these days. Evil Chris: "You still get a place to live and food and medicine and freedom from exploitation and suffering - but sometimes you have to circle the block a bit to find parking.... muahahahahaha!!!" *spins around in his chair and strokes a hairless cat in his lap*


So Chris is Santa Claus. I'm glad that's settled.


C'mon Chris, you're starting to say bum now. You'll be full Yorkshire by this time next year and those dulcet Quad Cities tones will be gone forever.


Also, I segued from this straight into Monster Talk. A whole two hours of the Chudster and Lackey!


I like to talk, I like to write realllly long, obnoxiously long, posts, I like to be strictly egalitarian and so I like to pretend it is the warm glow of camaraderie when Chad and Chris read my posts...::wanders off muttering to self and curtains.::


Speaking of feigned accents: I knew a guy in college who went to Paris for a semester and came back in the spring with a *London* rock-star accent that, I noticed, only manifested itself around attractive women. Some of our mutual friends were perfectly willing to believe it, though, which I found baffling.


While commuting I've been catching up with a lot of the podcast episodes that I missed from the early subscription-only years, so Fifer and Lackey's voices are basically the sound my car makes.


How about Gillian Anderson? I believe she has two legitimately different accents--British and American Lockjaw. Lived both places, so picked up both.


Yes! I loved the "I love Dean!" story and wanted to relisten to that episode but I had forgotten which one it was. Finally I can return to it.


Great show, as usual, I liked your points about the artificiality of the trolly problem. I think people try to read way too much into folk's responses to it. Of course, the only decision-making test that counts is the Kobayashi Maru.


Having spent the last 10 years working for a police force in Southern England, and seeing the stuff that goes on, it makes you rather cynical about humanity. Types of slavery might have gone away, but if you saw the vast numbers of cases being dealt with where people are being trafficked around the world and forcibly used for everything from basic manual labour to drug running to prostitution, you'd realise it's more prevalent than people like to consider. And that's also ignoring the growing economic inequalities and reduction in pay and conditions for workers that is seeing many shifting into corporate slavery situations where they are bound to certain work roles whether they like it or not, due to the massive restrictions in their options and social mobility. Then there are the simmering racism, sexism and other hate related matters that often seem as though they have receded, yet come bursting back out the moment people think they can reveal their true selves. After the Brexit vote, I had to deal with more such incidents that I ever had before, and they've still not gone away. And domestic violence that regularly still happens behind closed doors. Society may purport to not accept it but it still goes on. The world may look better on the surface, bit underneath it is still a seething mess of rancidness. People have just learned how to adapt and hide what goes on, to alter the patterns and ways they behave and conduct their activities. Venus would just end up the same way, or nuked by those you left behind. And you know the rich and powerful would do everything they could either to escape there themselves, or to ship away those they deem unworthy, leaving the Earth itself as their playground. And now I'd probably better stop, before I start sounding like Rorschach!


FYI, the ORIGINAL Dean anecdote was Episode 266 - The Man from Time. But there was no character in the story named Dean. #KickinAssLovinDean