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We're talking about the 1965 film adaptation of Lovecraft's Colour Out of Space - it's Die, Monster, Die!



A shame this one was a bore. Luckily the next time you want to delve into Lovecraftian film coverage, you have at least one option that's rather good and fairly obscure: Cast a Deadly Spell, starring (the appropriately hardboiled/Lovecraftian-named) Fred Ward. I'd love to hear you guys talk about that one.


I'm actually hoping you can now review the uncredited adaptation of Color Out of Space...from 1987: The Curse. Starring Wil Wheaton and Claude Akins. <a href="https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092809/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_111" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0092809/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_111</a> It's pretty true to the source material, as well as ridiculous. And with Die, Monster, Die so fresh in your memories it will be easy to compare and contrast. AND THE BEST NEWS? It's currently free on Amazon Prime.


Corman is a sort of a Derleth to Poe (and to a lesser extent, Lovecraft) only with Poe, he mostly kept the titles alive rather than the stories. I think the creatures in the barn (?) were Shoggoths and we should be sincerely thankful they weren't ponies in body paint. Although this movie is hella bad, it's got a great aesthetic. Maybe when you are a kid, you assume you just aren't getting what's going on so the confusion adds rather than detracts. You are more willing to create a story in your head to explain it to yourself. As an adult your head hurts and you want to demand an apology. BTW, look at this picture of Karloff as The Mummy for some excellent visual storytelling: <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mummy_(1932_film)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Mummy_(1932_film)</a>#/media/File:The_Mummy,_Boris_Karloff_(1932).jpg He suggested taking out his bridgework in order to give himself those cheekbones. But Lordy, You definitely take your moments where you can with Corman's stuff. The TV versions were often actually better, because, ya' know, editing. A fun Corman movie is "The Raven," a comedy made with the extra time, props and sets they had left over after a regular Corman movie. It has Price, Karloff and Lorre and it's a hoot!

Jeff C. Carter

At what Patreon level will you make a Manimal Podcast? I need me some more hot Manimal talk!


seconded for The Curse, cheesily terrible and heavy on the cheese.


and don't forget Witch Hunt (the sequel) with Dennis Hopper as HP! Both are 90's HBO when they were really starting to invest in original content. It shows, but Dennis Hopper as HP Lovecraft!


Having axes lying around is clearly an axethetic choice.

Darth Pseudonym

Y'all killing me with that pronunciation. Nahum is said like "NAY-hum" (almost like "mayhem" with an N), or possibly "NAY-um", but not "NOM". It's two syllables, long A.


I do so need to have scientificky explications for stuff.


True Ryan, down South we'd even be able to squeeze in an additional syllable (or two). I thought the guys were just being Downton Abbeyish.


Another great show guys! Can I suggest you expand out to reviewing other genres? Maybe that Bruce Willis action classic "The Hard"?

Jason Thompson

This was really fun. You should do more like these, working your way through the various marginally Lovecrafty movies.


Catching up on shows during Golden Week. (Been real busy in rehearsals, but I've been missing me some extra content.) Hope you get to Annihilation as a take on Colour Out of Space.


I would be so happy if you guys eventually covered The Haunted Palace—my favorite Vincent Price movie—even if you hate it! (Incidentally, this is also my exact pitch for you someday covering my favorite M.R. James story, "A View from a Hill.")


I assumed that Steve’s reference to ‘being in science class’ was his ingenious way of not telling his girlfriend’s dad that they had a fling in college. As for the weird multi-generational meteorite plot, I think this was a deliberate attempt to sell the story as a Poe-esque gothic tale of a tragic family secret, in what could otherwise have been seen as a standard mad scientist film.


LOVED this!


So, I watched the film before listening. Apparently the black magic dungeon is fully wheelchair accessible, since there are several scenes where we see the elderly Dad race the hero up. We see him go up steep forbidding stairs, but I guess Dad just took the elevator! Also, there are scenes where they hero is sneaking around, and also has to race the dad back to his bed to pretend to be asleep. Asking seriously: did I miss the scene where they show an elevator in this house? It has to go everywhere, if it exists.

Andrew M. Reichart

I'm re-listening to your HPL episodes &amp; in ep. 60, where you finish up The Colour Out of Space with Paul Maclean, he brings up this movie. 😀

Ben Gilbert

You should cover Black Cat with Lugosi and Karloff.


I cannot listen to or download this :(