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Time to climb out of The Moon Pool by Abraham Merritt - you didn't wait a half hour after eating!

Special thanks as always to reader Andrew Leman!

Next up: Nemo Me Impune Lacessit by Michael Shea!



Only the mooniest of pools can get me through my Friday work-night. :D ...Now that I think about it, the last moon pool I went to included a type of mooning that is not mentioned in this story... Though the experience could've easily fit into the weird/horror fiction genre.


Beam me up, Throcky.


You guys have given me so much pleasure over the years - thank you so much.


I love your intelligent, thoughtful, intimate commentary but sometimes it's comments like, 'boon companions - she was really more boon curious' that make my day.


I'm afraid someone got to it before you: <a href="http://kblog.lunchboxbunch.com/2015/01/avocado-toast-with-pineapple.html." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://kblog.lunchboxbunch.com/2015/01/avocado-toast-with-pineapple.html.</a>


I love you guys, but I'm considering giving this Patreon money to Dollar Whisper Club from now on.


If you are interested in obtaining a copy of “ Copping Squid and Other Mythos Tales “ by Michael Shea ,you can head over to Abe’s Books and get a copy for $1,500 or go to Amazon and order one for$32.95 and wait to see how many the publisher have sent over of the “long sold out hardcover book” to Amazon to sell.

Rick Hound

The moon pool is basically the call of Cthulhu but Cthulhu is a angry father in a bathrobe mad that people are throwing newspapers at his house.


Doc Throck and co.'s initial theory about a lunar-powered door is just ridiculous! Now, lunar-powered dwarf runes that tell you where to *find* the door: that's just science. Meanwhile, the comments about how Call of Cthulhu RPG players would react to a lame glowing tornado remind me, as I'm sure you've discussed in the past, about the differences between a session of the game and Lovecraft's actual stories. I mean, imagine the disappointment when the Keeper reveals the climax of the story: Keeper: "On the chair you see... *the face and hands of Henry Wentworth Akeley*!" (Dramatic pause, and then, as the Keeper starts to pack up the rulebooks...) PC: "Okay, cool. I'm going to use Investigate to see if it's a mask or an actual human face." PC2: 'Yeah, and meanwhile I'm assuming the thing that was wearing the mask is still around. Bob, let's you and me go check out the rest of the house." Keeper: "No, wait, you guys. It's his *face* and *hands*! You've been talking to an alien lobster fungus *this whole time*!" PC2: "Yeah, obviously. Let's go find it and see if it's immune to bullets."


Or you can go to Dark Regions Press and get all of Shea's Mythos stories for $24, like I did: <a href="https://darkregions.com/products/demiurge-the-complete-cthulhu-mythos-tales-of-michael-shea-edited-by-s-t-joshi" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://darkregions.com/products/demiurge-the-complete-cthulhu-mythos-tales-of-michael-shea-edited-by-s-t-joshi</a> ($9 on Kindle).


I found it for Kindle on Amazon for $2.99! On sale for one more day it looks like.


G’day from Oz. Love your show...I have been an avid listener for years. Great to hear Melbourne (pronounced Melborn btw) get a mention. You might enjoy a terrific novel called “Grimoire’ by Kim Wilkins, it is set in my marvellous Melbourne which is so gothic it was founded by a bloke called Batman.... Keep up the great work!

Jason Paul

The three of y'all (including Leman of course!) are true pros for making what sounds like a slog of a story into enjoyable listening for the rest of us. :)


Thier pronunciation is correct in American English. They would only say “Melb’n” if they were putting on an Australian or British English accent.


Even the whole "expression of pure rapture and utter horror" shtick turns to gold when Leman reads it. The man is a veritable Midas of the vocal chords.

Richard Horsman

I powered through the novel length version of this, and Chad, do not feel cheated. Imagine The Mound, but with a thousand times more interminable world building. Imagine Edgar Rice Burroughs on quaaludes. Imagine Rider Haggard's She, but the author isn't in on the joke that his "action hero" is a boorish idiot. It. Is. Terrible.


So, I'm not sure about anyone else, but this immediately made me think of "The Abyss", the James Cameron film. Honestly, before you read the synopsis of the novel at the very end of the episode, I found myself thinking along the lines that the figure in the moon pool might actually be an enlightened being. For all we know, the only thing its providing is the ecstasy, and the horror on the peoples' faces is either a result of them realizing how shitty human existence is or simply a gross misinterpretation by the witnesses due to it being a quite traumatic event, seeing people you care about turned into floating light balls. I'm wondering if perhaps this tale could be categorized more along the lines of "just weird" or "theological sci-fi" as opposed to the more "cosmic horror-y" stuff we're used to from Lovecraft. Because honestly, if you look at it, aside from the aforementioned expressions of horror, the people don't appear to be in any pain. They're not winding up dead like the dudes who fell to the siren-esque thing in "Bells". For all we know, they're just transcending our realm and the experience is so awe-some (hyphenated since awesome tends to have a much more simplified connotation these days) that the people witnessing it can't comprehend the knowledge/power/pure (sexual?) bliss or what have you that those being taken are experiencing. Just a thought, if anyone wants to argue with me I'd gladly take the distraction from prepping for finals week ;)


The Moon Poo


I just love hearing Chris say tinkle and not laugh. I know I did.


Not arguing at all — I was thinking along these lines too! You put into words what I was struggling to express. Thank you.


Haven't listened to your episodes yet (which I've no doubt are as great as always) because I just finished listening to the whole story on YouTube. Not sure why I loved this silly story so much, but I did. So much pulp. Action! Romance! SCIENCE! Booming Frog people. I mean, what is not to to love?


Man, for real. Leman's reading voice can make anything sound creepy and amazing.