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We're taking a dive into The Moon Pool by Abraham Merritt - grab your water wings & join us!

Special thanks as always to reader Andrew Leman!

Next up: More Moon Pool!



Thora and the Swede in the Willows should really unionize.


Great stuff! I didn't read the story itself myself yet, but the way you guys are breaking it down and the excperts you chose to read out makes it sound really weird and fascinating. Looking forward to the next episode.


Nan Madol is always fascinating. The name of the dynasty that built it, the Saudeleur, always sounds incongruously French to me.

Andrew M. Reichart

Nice li'l in-joke with the "Moon Bog" music, Chad -- except I kept expecting that mad piping jig to start...!

Richard Horsman

I'm trying to power through the novel length version of this and it's ludicrous going so far. Curious how it compares with the original story, but trying to hold off on listening to these until I've finished.


I’ve been listening to what I believe is the novel-length version of this story on the Librovox podcast uh... thing, which is broken up into many chapters, so I’m not sure how much more I have to listen to which will be covered by our boys here. I suppose I wouldn’t mind listening to it’s entirety, it’s just now about to branch off into some random floating Irishman’s story, and while the story has been decent so far, I can’t yet tell if I’ve lost the plot or not. Light tentacles and being mooned by the Moon and orbs and all this..


Really enjoyed this one! I haven’t read the story itself, and I appreciate y’all diverting me from the book. Creepy lost civilizations are my jam, man. I’m always very interested in the moon as portrayed in these weird fiction stories. It’s connection to madness is obvious, as is the duality with the sun. The moon is often associated with the female too, so I wonder if that’s why Edith is able to hear the strange music through the ground first and her nurse gets weird possession moments. Love the podcast as always, and glad I finally got around to moving over to your Patreon!