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“I can’t believe you actually went through with it,” said Coley when I met up with him about 45 minutes later.

“What?” I said. “Why not?”

“Genetic manipulation? That could kill you.”

“So could a head on collision on route 39,” I said. “I’ll risk it.”

“The Adonis Sequence, what does that even mean?” said Coley.

“You read the ad,” I said. “Apparently they think they’ve found the gene sequence for male beauty.”

“You want to be beautiful?” grinned Coley.

“I want the two hours a day I spend commuting back,’ I said, “not to mention your meals are covered and there’s even a clothing allowance.”

“What did your parents say?” asked Coley

“I didn’t want to worry them,” I said.

“You didn’t tell them? What if they don’t recognize you?”

“I doubt I’ll change that much.”

“Oh, you think you’re beautiful already?” he chuckled.

“Shut up, Coley,” I said.

“Well, I don’t care what it’s supposed to do,” said Coley. “I wouldn’t be the first to try it out.”

“You’re not alone. I was the only guy who showed up,” I said. “Anyway, I’m not the first. Some guy did it last year. He’s going to be my roommate, supposed to mentor me through it, or something.”

“Really? What’s he like?” asked Coley.

“Don’t know. Haven’t met him yet. I’m going over there after we finish here… if we ever finish here.”

“Okay, okay,” said Coley. “Back to Circuit Theory.” And I finally got Coley to concentrate on our studies.

Of course, about a half hour later my stomach started growing so loudly I thought the librarian was going to come over and shush me.

“Coley,” I said, “mind if we finish this at the canteen, I’m starving!”

“Yeah, I guess we could,” he said, showing his usual decisiveness. 



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